"It's okay, the current trial process is indeed a bit unreasonable. After thinking about it, Villette also nodded slightly and said, "However, the current law of Fontaine needs to be improved. "

"I can provide Fontaine with some knowledge of the law of the Blue Star. Muyang interjected, "By the way, Liyue has the best lawyer in the entire Teyvat continent, and you can consult with her." "

"Yanfei lawyer?" "Navillette instantly understood who Muyang was talking about, and asked in a gentle tone: "I heard that Yanfei is the most famous lawyer in the Teyvat continent.

But would she be willing to come over?

Changing the law doesn't happen overnight.

This can take a lot of time. "

"There's no problem in thinking about it, Yanfei's guardian, Grandma Ping, is also in the chat group, just talk to her yourself.

Moreover, what is better for a legal practitioner than to help a country re-establish a legal system, and I believe that every aspiring legal worker cannot refuse. Mu Yang chuckled: "But then again, you Fontaine don't have laws, isn't it a little too late?"

If none of them need to die, then the law is not binding. "Three-Six-Zero"

Moreover, it is a joke that you can make a comeback after going to that fort. "

"It's Merlot Petersburg!" Navillette quickly reminded.

Fcalus said helplessly: "About Merlot Petersburg, I did not build it.

It was established by the previous water god, and now it is somewhat too big to lose.

is an existence independent of the judicial system of Fontaine.

At the beginning, the water god wanted to separate the judicial power, the legislative power, and the law enforcement power.

Perhaps according to the original assumption, Merlot Petersburg should also be under the rule of the god of water, but since I became the god of water, the management of Merlot Petersburg has not been taken into my hands. "

Navillette nodded slightly and said, "Dividing the powers, this is indeed the right thing to do.

I've read the information about the world you were in, and I see that in those countries, there seems to be a separation of powers.

Although I can guarantee that I will not be corrupted by power, and I will not abuse it.

But if it weren't for me, if it weren't for the restraints, the judicial system in Fontaine would be in chaos. "

After all, when Fontaine established the judicial system, he Navillette had not yet joined Fontaine, and his Navillette recognized Fucarus, not the previous god of water.

Of course, in fact, Nevillette also knows something about Egria, and what Egria did for the dragon lizard at the beginning, so that Navilet still recognizes Egria.

"It is true that human beings are susceptible to being corrupted by power and time. Mu Yang said thoughtfully: "Just like the original Inazuma, the head of the family of the three commissions, in fact, at the beginning, they were also loyal to Lei Movie, but in the end, there were two who directly betrayed Lei Movie.

I'm not very familiar with Fontaine, but I do know that there are already a lot of problems within Fontaine.

This is based on the fact that Navillette is helping to run the country. "

Navillette was also silent when she heard this.

Naturally, he also knew what Muyang said, but it was just the simple appearance that Funina showed before, and it was not easy for Villette to say anything.

And sometimes, Navillette is also quite confused about some things, he feels that he may not know enough about human beings, and needs to observe it for a while.

Human beings have shining points, but there are also many human beings who are filthy.

"As for Fontaine, you can study it slowly.

If you have any problems in the future, you can always come to me. Mu Yang thought for a while and continued: "I'm still very optimistic about Fontaine. "

"I'm also optimistic about Fontaine!" said Fcarus proudly, "Next, I will go to the vicinity of the Abyss Node to purify the power of the Abyss, and then improve my strength, Frunina's words, I still ask you to take care of it."

I do not retain information about your identity. "

"Is this really good?" Mu Yang was directly shocked when he heard this.

You know, Funingna is also another personality of Fucarus.

Is it really okay for you to treat Funina as if she was mentally retarded, and you don't even keep her memories?

Proper tool man, no doubt!

"There's no way, Funina's words are too unreliable, if she remembers your identity, it's hard to guarantee that your identity won't be revealed. After a moment's hesitation, Fucarus said, "When I have enough points, I'll consider reshaping a body for myself."

I've checked the situation in the chat group before, and the thunderbolt that fell before has really come back to life.

You should be able to resurrect the Demon God, right?"

Mu Yang nodded slightly when he heard this: "Well, it is true that the demon god can be resurrected, as long as there is a soul."

If you say it, it's not impossible to reshape the body of the demon god directly by relying on points.

is like Raiden Shogun, she was also another personality of Raiden movies before, relying on points, Raiden Shogun now also has a separate body. "

"It seems that I would better remake a body. Hearing this, Fucarus also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "If you have always been in the same body as Funingna, it will also be a trouble."

I don't want to fight with Funina for my body. "

"Does Lady Funina know of your existence?" asked Clorinde, curious. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She is loyal to the god of water, and at this time, she also knows that the person in front of her is the real god of water.

However, both Funina and Flekaros are water gods.

It's good to be loyal to both of you.

"Maybe she knows, she doesn't, but she's been deliberately avoiding my presence. Fucarus shook his head slightly, and said helplessly.

If he could, Flaccaros naturally didn't want Funina to be unbearable.

After all, when Funina walks outside, she also represents the god of water, Flcarus.

They are one, one and the same.

Funina is embarrassed outside, and Fucarus feels equally ashamed!!

Especially some time ago, he was scared by Arecchino, which made Fucarus not know what to say.

Although Funina's personality seems a little cowardly, there is one thing to be sure, whether it is the personality of Funina or Flekaros, they can use the power of this body....

In other words, Funina can also burst out with the strength of the water god.

Just an Arechino, can it really make a fuss?

As long as she wanted, even if Arechino had the protection of the ice god, Fucarus was confident that she would break Arechino's head.

Do you really think that she Fcalus is muddy?

Before, Fucarus still needed to have some scruples, but now...

Well, he still needs to put Arecino to the test, and if everything Arecino did was for Fontaine, then Fucarus said that he could not reluctantly accept it.

After all, not many people know about this kind of shameful thing...

Let's be a little embarrassed, it's Funingna, not Fucarus, who is embarrassed anyway.

"Okay. Clorinde sighed silently, and even she had to admit it.

The Fculculos in front of him is indeed more like a water god than the previous Frunina.

"You guys will improve your strength in the future, I look forward to your performance, and next, I will also pull some people into the chat group in Fontaine. Mu Yang said softly.

"Oh?" Velette's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Is there anyone else in Fontaine who can join?"

He knew that it would not be easy to join a chat group.

It's like Sumeru, so far, there are only four people.

Two of them were specially arranged by Nahida.

Other than that, there are only Nahida and the Great Tree King.

"I'm going to bring Navia in. Mu Yang said softly.

At this moment, whether it was Clolinde, Navillette, or Fcarus, they were all silent.

They're all strangers to Navia.

For example, Clolynde has been protecting Navia all these years, and when she heard that Navia could join the chat group, she would naturally be happy for Navia.

Although Clorinde has not experienced the function of the chat group, she believes that being able to enter the chat group is definitely a rare opportunity for them to get 4.8.

Even gods would want to get such an opportunity.

As for Navillette and Fcalos, both were saddened by the death of Navia's father.

They both know that Navia's father is innocent, but sometimes it's hard for them to change even if they want to.

This is their principle.

"At the original trial, I also found something strange, but both human and material evidence showed that there was something wrong with him. Navillette said softly: "I thought he would endure and slowly search for the truth, but I didn't expect that he chose to die." "

As she spoke, Navillette turned her gaze to Clolinde, the one who killed Navia's father was Clolinde.

Clorinde clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "He should have been forced by someone."

He told me to protect Navia, he may have some evidence, but he can't show it for Navia's sake. "

(The flu has been quite bad recently, according to the author's estimate, the author seems to have been tricked, since yesterday evening, he has been running nose constantly, and today his nose is the same as tap water, and his nose is completely blocked.) And the brain hurts!).

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