"Is it a case of a missing girl?" Mu Yang narrowed his eyes and said in a cold tone.

For the so-called Vasei, Muyang also has a lot of impressions.

Vachet: I have been betrayed three times, one is Vigner, my lover, who dissolves into water in front of me and forsokes me, the second is the court of law, who ignores me as a farce, and treats me as a clown, and the third is the pure water elves, who I help to become immortals, but pretend to be my lover and deceive me, and even more harm my life! My anger will never be quelled, Phokaros, I have ascended to God!

Dog's head to save his life!

However, in the game, Vasei's death made Muyang very satisfied, and Muyang sighed that Mi Yuyu had finally done such a thing, and if he continued to redeem himself, it would be a little too disgusting.

The plot of Inazuma has already made many people dissatisfied, there is nothing to do with collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, and the descendants are still high-ranking officials, this plot is really disgusting, of course, it may also be an insinuation of small days.

And then there's a redeeming straggler.

However, this may also be related to the fact that Vasie itself does not have any modeling, this kind of modeling character, Genshin Impact has not a thousand but eight hundred, and if he dies, he will die. There is no need to feel distressed at all.

"Mr. Muyang, do you also know about the girl's disappearance?" asked Clorinde, full of curiosity.

You know, Muyang is a heavenly reason, and it seems that he has never been to Fontaine before.

Under such circumstances, will Muyang know about the girl's disappearance?

This matter may be a big case in Fontaine, but for the entire Teyvat continent, I'm afraid it's nothing, right?

"Well, more or less understood. Mu Yang nodded slightly and said, "31 This matter seems to be related to the primordial fetal sea. "

Mu Yang glanced at Fucarus not far away and said softly.

Silly Fufu may not understand these things very well, and even Navilet may be puzzled by them.

After all, it had only been more than 400 years since Villette arrived at Fontaine.

There are a lot of secrets, and Villette actually doesn't know.

But Fucarus must have known.

"Primordial Fetal Sea?" said Fcalus, a thoughtful look.

"As long as you drink that kind of water, the people of Fontaine will naturally disappear directly. Mu Yang said meaningfully.

"Is that the truth?" Velette looked stunned when she heard this, and then her face was extremely serious: "It seems that Fontaine has a force that we don't know about in a place we can't see, and it's preparing to do something." "

Clolinde looked at Focaros and Navillette with a serious expression: "Two adults, what do you need me to do?"

Such forces must be eliminated. "

Fcalus looked at Clolinde and whispered, "This matter will be handled by you first, Navillette and I can give you the greatest help, and you need to be careful in the process."

The water of the primordial sea was a mortal danger to the people of Fontaine. Don't touch it!"

Muyang remembered the picture in the game at this time, and said with a thought: "Why don't I call Ying to help, if it's her, I can help you."

If it was Clorinde, it might be a bit dangerous to settle the matter. "

"Traveler, is this really good?" Mu Yang's words made Navillette stunned.

He joins the chat group a little earlier than Eve Carlos and Clorinde.

Naturally, I also know that Ying's special features, although it is a little funny, but the strength seems to be very good.

The other seven gods also seem to be very optimistic about her.

Those strong people are very face-saving, right?

Is it really a good thing to let Ying do things at will?

"She'd love to do something like that, but she's a little busy right now, and she even knows a little bit of information at the moment.

I'm afraid it's hard to find evidence as well. Mu Yang shook his head slightly, Mu Yang didn't remember the true identity of what Vasie was.

It's just that I know that the other party seems to be related to the Thorn Rose Society, and at the same time a damn rich man.

But Mu Yang can't remember the specific name.

Moreover, there is no evidence, and it is indeed difficult to arrest people.

Although Mu Yang is a heavenly reason, it seems that he doesn't need any evidence to arrest or kill a person, but Mu Yang still decided to let Navillette and Fukalos solve this matter.

If you can't even solve this one thing, then this water god and water dragon king will inevitably be a little too watery.

"After that, you can cultivate the Immortal Cultivation Method. According to my estimate, as long as you cultivate to a certain level, you will not be affected by the water of the primordial fetal sea. After thinking about it, Mu Yang reminded Clolynde again.

"Yes!" Seeing Mu Yang's serious appearance, Clolynde also hurriedly reassured.

"In this matter, you can also go to Navia and tell her the truth, just say that you have found part of the truth, and I believe that after that, she should forgive you. After thinking about it, Muyang continued again.

It seems that after knowing the truth, Navia did not hate Clolinde, after all, Lorinde did protect her for several years.

Even her father himself begged for death.

It seems that all this is Vasie's fault!

"Thank you!" Clorinde looked at Mu Yang deeply and said gratefully.

In fact, she had long wanted to explain this matter to Navia, but she didn't know how to explain it for a while.

At the same time, Clolynde is also worried that after learning about this, Navia will be in danger.

Let yourself accompany Navia to investigate later.

Oh, by the way, you need to be careful with the water, the so-called water of the primordial fetus, you have to be careful.

The case of the girl's disappearance should be related to the water of the primordial fetal sea, and if you accidentally drink the water of the primordial fetal sea, I am afraid that it will disappear directly.

I still need to protect Navia.

"I'll go to improve my strength first, and when I come back, I hope you and Navia have already negotiated. When the time comes, I'll pull Navia into the chat group as well. Mu Yang then said to Clorinde.

"You want to improve your strength?" Fucarus was also shocked when he heard this.

Today's Muyang's strength is powerful enough, if he improves his strength again, what level can he be upgraded to?

Soon, Fucarus was also relieved, Muyang's improvement in strength may also be related to his water god's heart.

Otherwise, Muyang, who is a heavenly principle, doesn't seem to need his own divine heart.

"Well, I'll go first. After Mu Yang nodded slightly to the three of them, he opened the space passage and walked into it.

After the space passage was closed, Fucarus told Clolinde: "Don't expose today's incident to anyone else, not even Funinga." "

"Yes—" The corners of Clorinde's mouth twitched when she heard this. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If she let Funina know about this, I'm afraid she would cry and make trouble.

As the goddess of water, many times, Funina doesn't act like a god.

I don't know if Funina will tell these things at that time, so she has to hide it from Funina.

If you think about it, Lord Fucarus, I'm really helpless.

Obviously, both personalities are water gods, and Fucarus has to fulfill the duties of the water god and clean up the situation for Funingna.

Fortunately, Mr. Navillette exists, otherwise, Lord Fukalus would have been busy to death.

At this time, Navillette also whispered to Clolinde: "Try to protect Navia." "

For the death of Navia's father, Navillette was still a little uncomfortable in his heart, he never thought that for human beings, there were things that were more important than his own life and death.

If I had paid more attention to it at the time, wouldn't things have turned out to be what 293 is now?


"You're here?" The King of Daci Tree, who had turned into a child again, saw Muyang, and his heart was also happy.

"Well, the Heart of the Water God has been obtained, and if I want to improve my strength in the future, I will come to the World Tree.

This is the safest place to be. Mu Yang explained softly.

"This is your home, and you can come at any time. The King of the Great Cishu said softly with love.

"However, how did you change back?" Mu Yang looked at the Great Cishu King with some confusion.

Hey guys, is this a constant switch between performance mode and eco mode directly?

Well, it's a true performance mode to become mature.

"This will allow me to recover my powers faster. The Great Mercy Tree King did not hide it and explained.

The usual appearance, the Great Cishu King didn't care very much, and besides, she felt very interesting, as if she had returned to her childhood.

However, then again, many people say that Morax is the oldest demon god, and in fact, the current Great Mercy Tree King is.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, the Great Cishu King has fallen, and when they calculated the oldest seven gods, the grass god on Sumeru's side was Nahida, not the Great Cishu King.

Naturally, it is believed that Nahida's age is not as good as Morax, but the Great Mercy Tree King is different, as the incarnation of the World Tree, theoretically the World Tree has existed for as long as the Great Mercy Tree King has existed.

No matter how strong the Great Cishu King is, her identity is enough to ensure her safety.

As long as you don't want the Teyvat Continent to destroy, you won't make a move on the Great Mercy Tree King.

Moreover, the most important thing is that with the improvement of the Teyvat Continent, the strength of the Great Mercy Tree King will also increase.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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