"If it were a normal thing, Morax might not care, but if it was a history book, I don't think he would refuse. Mu Yang thought for a while and said, "After all, he himself is very helpless about these things.

After all, there are quite a few people in Liyue who are making up history.

I've heard of a man named Hanxue who claims to be the No. 1 archaeologist in Liyue.

He claimed that Morax, the first Morath he had made, had been used by him to strengthen a sword and a sword.

He also claimed that if he got the sword, he would become Liyuezun, and that if he drew his sword, he would be crowned King of Liyue. "

"This?" the corners of Ningguang's mouth twitched slightly.

It seems that she has really heard of this matter, but she doesn't pay much attention to it, after all, most people know that Hanxue is talking nonsense.

And the so-called archaeologists of Hanxue, in fact, not many people admit it.

It's just that Hanxue is just a fiction author.

But I didn't expect that even Muyang knew about this matter, which was really embarrassing.

I heard that Zhongli was next to him at the time, and refuted this matter, but he was refuted by his sentence Is it you understand Yan Wang Ye or I understand Yan Wang Ye. Muyang said with a playful look on his face.

"This?" Ningguang's eyes widened, she really didn't know about it.

There are still such bold and reckless people in Liyue who dare to say to the Emperor of the Rock that you know the Lord of the Rock or I understand the Lord of the Rock...

Fortunately, Emperor Rock has a good temper, otherwise, Hanxue would definitely be finished.

"I think we in Liyue need to take care of these people.

Even the story of the Emperor of the Rock King dares to make it up. Ning Guang sneered and said, "If you dare to write the story of the Rock King Emperor at will today, will you write the gossip of the Rock King Emperor in the future, or the scandal of the Rock King Emperor?"

"It's really possible!" Mu Yang nodded approvingly.

He doesn't have a good impression of this kind of person.

In fiction, you can exaggerate the story, but you can't distort historical events.

If one day, the novels of Teyvat Continent will also be in love at every turn, and if you don't fall in love, you can't write novels, this is a disaster.

It's like before Muyang crosses, I haven't watched TV for several years.

After all, those TVs, even if they are workplace dramas, military dramas, and anti-Japanese dramas, have to fall in love, to be honest, some TVs are really not suitable for falling in love.

"Looks like we have to write a history book for Liyue. Ningguang pondered for a moment and then said, "Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be hacked in the novel in the future?"

Moreover, when Liyue Academy is established in the future, Liyue's history books will become a subject that everyone will have to study. "

That's right, Liyue plans to build Liyue Academy, and given the situation in Teyvat, it is impossible to have nine years of compulsory education.

Even Muyang himself is not optimistic that he can popularize nine-year compulsory education.

If it is in a world where there are no special abilities, universal nine-year compulsory education has such value.

It's like a rabbit family, why can it rise quickly?

In addition to the efforts of generations, it is also inseparable from education, and perhaps in terms of higher education, it is not as good as those countries that have developed hundreds of years earlier.

But in terms of basic education, the rabbit family is definitely one of the best, which also allows them to quickly establish a perfect industrial system.

This is Teyvat, though!

It is too difficult to popularize education, or some of the gains outweigh the losses, even Sumeru, who advocates knowledge, has not achieved universal education.

Ningguang They want to build a school that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and if someone wants to study, they can go inside to study, there is no compulsory.

And this school will also be built on the Returning Origin!

After all, a college town or something can indeed drive the consumption and flow of people around.

"Well, seeing how busy you are, I'll talk to Morax about it. Seeing that Ningguang still had a lot of work, Muyang sighed silently.

Ningguang is a very good woman, and at that time, she is also obedient to Muyang, and there are many ways to play, no one else can do it, only Ningguang can.

Therefore, at this time, Muyang naturally wanted to help Ningguang one or two.

"Thank you. Ningguang looked at Muyang apologetically.

Muyang came to his side, and it stands to reason that he should accompany Muyang more.

But now he has no time to accompany him, and he has to let Muyang do things for himself.

Even Ningguang is a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I think it's funny too. Mu Yang waved his hand, opened the space passage, and entered it directly.

At this time, Zhongli was drinking tea and chatting with Zhong Kui and Tartaglia in the Hall of Death, so it was not difficult to find each other.

"Huh, Muyang, are you here?" The first time the space door opened, they noticed it, and the first time they saw Muyang, Tartaglia greeted him warmly.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang nodded slightly: "This time, I came here to run errands for Ningguang them." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He looked directly at Zhong Li and Zhong Kui, "Because there are many people in Liyue who have arbitrarily adapted history, fabricated history, and even advertised that the first Mora was used by the Emperor of the Rock to make a sword and a sword, and that if you get the sword, you can become Liyue Zun, and if you pull out the sword, you can be crowned the King of Liyue..."

"Does Liyue really have such a weapon?" Before Muyang could finish speaking, Tartaglia interjected.

He didn't want to be the King of Liyue, or the Lord of Liyue or anything.

He was just interested in that kind of weapon, and wanted to witness the weapons that could make him Lizuzun.

"Wait, Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka had a sword and a sword on their bodies before, could it be these two weapons?" seemed to think of something, and the clever Tartaglia asked again.

Tartaglia still remembers Kamisato Ayaka's weapon, and it is definitely the most powerful weapon he has ever seen.

Of course, Tartaglia doesn't go for it.

After all, weapons and everything are external forces, and now what he needs to learn is Ying.

The traveler, however, dared to fight against the demon god Othello with his bladeless sword.

Tartaglia felt like she was going to learn from Ying.

Relying on garbage weapons to fight strong enemies, one day, he can maintain his current strength with garbage weapons, so how powerful can his strength be under the blessing of the artifact!?

He just wanted to see it.

"Uh, no!" Mu Yang looked at Tartaglia a speechlessly: "That's just a weapon I built myself." "

"As far as I know, the first Mora was simply spent by the emperor as an ordinary coin.

The original intention of the birth of the so-called Mora, the so-called money, was just a bargaining chip to facilitate the signing of the contract, and it was the emperor's original intention to guide human beings to use Mora to trade. Zhongli sighed lightly and said helplessly.

For Han Xue, he was also helpless for a while, especially the sentence "Do you understand Lord Yan or I understand Lord Yan", it really made him lose his temper at all.

Okay, okay, you all know the Emperor of the Rocks, I don't understand, okay?

"Is that so?" Tartaglia snapped, "but you Liyue people are really good at arranging the Rock King Emperor like this.

Is it because the Rock King Emperor was eroded by the power of the Abyss, and he thought that he didn't have the energy to take care of this, so he wanted to use the Rock King Emperor to earn Mora?"

"Orchestrating Morax like this, the other party is indeed very bold. The Dragon King snorted coldly.

One thing to say, after hearing these stories for the first time, he also found them very interesting and interesting.

But when you think about it, it seems like a provocation to Morax.

The people of Liyue now!!

000 "So Ningguang wanted to write a history of Liyue, which was also a canonical history, and someone made it up in the future, and then someone really took it seriously. Muyang thought about it and continued: "

Before me, there were regular history books, as well as various encyclopedias.

Nowadays, mobile phones are about to become popular.

It is also possible to make an encyclopedia, and when the time comes, some information will be uploaded to the Internet, and the information that will be saved will be believed to be true. "

Muyang knows the dangers of the network.

A lot of rumors are circulating on the Internet, and they have come true.

For example, in a major earthquake, many people spread the rumor that a certain country donated 100 million Dao Le, but in fact, the country refused all international help at that time.

This kind of propaganda is just that some people who eat inside and outside want to gain more good names for their masters.

Another example is a certain Zhou Tianwang, who has been brain-dead for a long time to advertise that he did not donate money in the earthquake, and also said that he is not a countryman, and then sends a word that he is not a countryman.

In fact, people have donated several times in a row, and many of the income from concerts have been donated directly, and he is still one of the stars who donate the most.

Another example is a foreign star who plays basketball, relying on the domestic publicity team to say that he donated 30 million Dao Le, and then it was reported by various media, that is, even the official media touted it, and therefore gave him a special shot at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which made his fans brag for countless years.

But in fact, he didn't donate a penny, in fact, it was donated by a charitable foundation...

At that time, the foreign star who donated the most money was the one who was currently hacked...

Therefore, the rumors on the Internet are really unbelievable, Muyang knows the credibility of rumors, so he must establish some authority before the Internet is not popularized.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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