"Is the history written correctly?" Zhongli also showed a contemplative look when he heard this.

"Well, I believe that with the passage of time, there will be more and more people like Hanxue.

In the world before me, there was a group of people called Gongzhi, and for a long time, they held the right to speak for a long time.

Make a lot of people think that what they say is true.

Over time, their words became authority, and even if they said a lot of wrong topics, by the time everyone reacted, it was already too late, and too many people thought that those words were correct. Speaking of this, Muyang also remembered the matter of MSG.

The original good monosodium glutamate, which can even be said to be harmless monosodium glutamate, was said to be a harmful seasoning by a group of well-known and capitalists, but in fact it was to promote the essence of chicken, but in fact, the essence of chicken has nothing to do with chicken.

On the contrary, there are many more chemicals on chicken essence than MSG.

"Is that so?" Zhongli also fell into deep thought when he heard this, and he was indeed moved by this.

"Now that the people of Liyue dare to arrange stories about the first Mora of the Rock King, will anyone in the future publicize the romance of the Rock Emperor, such as the story of the end of the Rock King, and the story of the other immortals?

I don't think Emperor Yan wants other people to spread his gossip, right?" Mu Yang said meaningfully.

"Ahem, ahem!" Hearing Mu Yang's words, Zhongli also coughed again and again: "As far as I know, the Dust Demon God and the Rock King Emperor are not that kind of relationship, they are allies and good friends.

He is very compatible with the people of Liyue, and can be regarded as a like-minded comrade.

If there is a relationship, it is also a brother-sister relationship, and as far as I know, the relationship between the immortals and her in Liyue at that time was like this. "

He didn't want gossip about himself and his end up going around.

Now that he has found the possibility of resurrection, he will be resurrected when those problems are solved.

If they are resurrected and find out that there is an affair between them, the devil knows, how will they make trouble in the end.

That woman, like Hu Tao, couldn't cope with it on her own.

"There is no basis for words!" Muyang spread his hands, "I remember that Liyue also has a story about the three of them becoming tigers.

And I don't think heroes should be choreographed in all sorts of ways. "

Muyang's words made Zhongli's heart move instantly. He understood what Muyang meant, and that the main purpose of compiling the history book was not to truly determine history, but to ensure that the heroes who died for Liyue would not be forgotten by Liyue's descendants.

Ruotuo Dragon King also opened his mouth at this time and said: "I also agree with this sentence.

Heroes should not be forgotten, so many people died for Liyue's birth, they should be remembered~. "

"So it's really time to write this history book. Zhongli nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be necessary, even though most of the immortals don't need humans to commemorate them like this, otherwise, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch and they won't be in the Peerless Clouds for a long time.

The Immortals don't need humans to honor them, they do it all for Liyue.

But humans can't do anything at all, at least remember the heroes who fought for Liyue.

Well, the history books, they have to be written.

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Zhongli may be going to be busy for the next period of time. Tartaglia said helplessly.

During this time, I may not be able to find Mr. Zhongli to eat, drink tea and listen to books together.

But that's fine, some time ago, Mr. Zhongli taught him a lot of martial arts, especially the internal martial arts and mental methods, which are said to be a cut version of the Liyue Immortal Method, which can help him improve his strength.

During this time, Tartaglia was also cultivating internal strength, and found that this really helped him a lot.

This also made Tartaglia more and more grateful to Zhongli.

Even in Tartaglia's heart, Zhongli's status was no less than that of his teacher Sakirk.

Although Silk Kirk taught herself that she might have her scheme, Tartaglia also had great respect for Silk Kirk.

Tartaglia himself respects the strong, and even now, Tartaglia doesn't think he is Sirkrk's opponent, and even let Skirk do his best, he can't do it.

But Zhongli feels no less than Silk Kirk.

After all, Zhongli is also teaching himself, and he is also subtly teaching himself other knowledge besides fighting.

There is some knowledge that you may not need to know, but some knowledge is very important.

After following Zhongli for a few months, Tartaglia felt that he had grown a lot, not only in combat, but also in terms of his brain and how he behaved in the world.

Now that she's a fish in water in Liyue, if it weren't for the bad reputation of the Northland Bank and the Fatui, Tartaglia would not have had a hard time mixing up in Liyue to be called an honorary Liyue person.

"You can take advantage of this time to practice your martial arts, after all, martial arts practice is not an overnight time.

This may also help you improve your ability to fight consistently. Zhongli said meaningfully to Tartaglia.

The strength of the Demon King's armament is very strong, but the duration is too short.

Even if he has the authority of the Ice God to increase the duration of Tartaglia, Tartaglia's endurance is a little too short.

Zhongli had researched that if Tartaglia could cultivate a good internal force, it would also increase the duration of Tartaglia's battles.

"Yes!" Tartaglia's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart was also extremely moved, perhaps Mr. Zhongli had seen his battle before.

I feel that my duration is my own shortcoming, so I want to use this to help myself grow and get a longer duration.

Tartaglia felt that he was quite suitable for cultivating these things, perhaps because he was talented.

He was going to wait for Mr. Zhongli to surprise the other party the next time he left the customs.


After telling Zhongli about the history books, Muyang did not go back to the Jade Pavilion directly, although he wanted to have a special game with Ningguang at night, but Ningguang was very busy at this time, and Muyang would not disturb their work.

At this time, it seems that Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka are both working on the side of Guilihara, and now that Inazuma has tens of thousands of people in Liyue, these people need Kamisato Ayaka to watch.

Although Tong Qianli helped, there were some things that should be done by himself, and it was impossible for Kamisato Ayaka to neglect his duties.

She didn't want to make herself an Inazuma sinner.

Moreover, seeing that these rice wives could earn Mora in Liyue and then support their families, Kamisato Ayaka was still very happy in her heart.

After a while, the filth on the Narukami Island side is almost gone, and they can rebuild the Narukami Island.

At that time, it will also be necessary to work with a large number of rice wives and people, which can be regarded as adding some work experience.

Thinking that Inazuma in the future will be like Liyue, Kamisato Ayaka has been working very hard during this time, and even learning from Keqing.

After all, Keqing is a professional in architecture, and she is the first sister of pure Teyvat Civil Engineering!

After thinking about it, Muyang was directly teleported to the castle tower, and just came to Inazuma, when he saw that the thunder movie was being screened, and Raiden Zhen, Kitsune Palace, and Paimon were watching from the sidelines.

Mu Yang sat directly beside them and asked softly: "'The battle is not over yet?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, the Traveler's strength has improved a lot, so Shadow has to teach the Traveler for a while longer. Lei Dian really poured a cup of hot tea for Muyang and said softly.

Compared to before, the current thunderbolt really looks like she is eleven or twelve years old, and it is obvious that this is because her divine power has improved, and her body size has also increased.

This is different from Nahida's situation. But it's understandable.

After all, Raiden Zhen herself is not a child, but a mature woman like Thunder Movie, and as for the appearance of a child shown before, it is only because of the lack of divine power.

It is very similar to the situation of the previous Great Mercy Tree King.

Wait, why is Baba (good) Toth, this guy, has always been a teenager, could it be that Barbatos's own divine power consumption is also very large, but it is not as big as he imagined, right?

If the divine power is really consumed, that guy Barbatos will not be able to maintain the appearance of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, but a child.

Nahida, on the other hand, was a child through and through.

Although Nahida is already five hundred years old, but for the demon god, this is really not an old age, and now Nahida is showing a little smaller than the thunder and lightning, but it is very suitable for Nahida to be what she should be.

It seems that she is actually quite satisfied with Ying. Mu Yang nodded thoughtfully.

Mu Yang still knows a lot about Lei Movie, if the other party is a talent that can be created, then Lei Movie will definitely do his best to help the other party improve.

If the other party is unbearable, then Lei Movie will not care about the other party in any matter, no matter how good the relationship between the other party and his side is.

Looking at the current performance of Lei Movie, she should be quite satisfied with Ying.

She was happy with the traveler, but the traveler had been mistreated during this time. Paimon muttered as he ate his pastry.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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