"Ying's strength is very strong, and she has a lot of potential, in addition to her elemental power, her physical body is also very strong, and her learning ability is also quite good. Muyang said that he definitely knows more than others.

This woman definitely belongs to the vice, and her explosive power is also first-class, once, Mu Yang was caught off guard and almost broke her waist.

Ying's body has an incomparably terrifying energy, which can only burst out at a critical moment.

"Travelers are very powerful!" Paimon said with a sip of dango milk after hearing Muyang's evaluation of Ying.

Anyway, since they left Mondstadt, life has been getting better day by day.

When she first started traveling, she and Ying said that they were traveling, rather than wandering.

In Mondstadt, if it weren't for Jean and the Knights of Favonius to provide food and shelter, and for Jean and the Knights of Favonius, they would have been living on the streets.

But since they came to Liyue, they have made a lot of Mora from Keqing, and then they have become Seven Stars in Liyue, which is why Ying's Mora is also increasing.

After coming to Inazuma, I ate and drank at the castle tower.

Maybe Ying's life during this time was not very good, but Paimon almost always ate and drank during this time.

Raiden really takes care of himself, and before he wears out, he gives the other party a certain amount of care, and it is not in vain, and he is really his good sister.

"Ying's swordsmanship has indeed improved a lot. Mu Yang looked at it, nodded slightly, and said.

Then he also asked Raiden Zhen, "Where is Raiden Sakura?"

"Sakura has gone to improve her strength.

After she found out that her strength and Shadow had been pulled away, she was now also eager to become stronger, if it weren't for the fact that there was a Thunder Dragon King on the other side of the Dark Sea, she was not an opponent for the time being, at this time, 330 Sakura would probably have gone to the Dark Sea to slaughter the Demon God. Raiden said helplessly.

So where did the demon god mess with you?

"I can now control the False Heavens, and I can also expand the scope of the False Heavens.

If I wanted to, I could have shrouded the false sky in the dark sea. Mu Yang glanced at Raiden Zhen, and then at Paimon and said softly.

Muyang didn't know how much Raiden really knew.

After all, this sister-in-law seems to be a riddler, and there are many things that Thunder Movie doesn't know, but Raiden really seems to know.

I just don't want to say it.

As for Paimon's words, his brain is not working from time to time, but with the weakening of wear and tear, Paimon has now changed from 23 hours a day and 50 minutes of mentally retarded time to 2 and 3 minutes of mental time.

This is also progress, and Muyang believes that with the weakening of wear and tear, Paimon will become more and more wise in the future.

"The control of the false sky?" Hearing Mu Yang's words, Paimon also stopped eating and drinking, and looked at Mu Yang in surprise, "Is it so fast?"

"It seems that you little fellow knows a lot more than I thought. Muyang pinched Paimon's increasingly rounded little face and smiled.

"Actually, it's not that I know much, I just know that Fanes didn't think about shrouding the False Heaven in the dark sea, but it is very commendable that the False Heaven wants to maintain the current situation in the Teyvat Continent.

If you want to expand the false heaven beyond the false sky, this is even more difficult.

At least Fanes couldn't do it.

Moreover, even Fanes's control of the False Heaven is probably not as good as yours. Paimon said with a deep look at Muyang.

"Is that so?" Mu Yang groped his chin, but he didn't really take this sentence seriously.

False God, this is the protective layer of the Teyvat continent, how could Fanes not be able to control it?

However, since Paimon said so, he believed it.

"Are you going to let the False Sky envelop the Outer Sea?" Raiden asked.

"There's no rush yet. Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "At least wait until the shadow defeats the Thunder Dragon King."

With the Thunder Dragon King in the Dark Sea, I'm not very relieved to shroud the Dark Sea.

Moreover, you also know the situation of the Dark Outer Sea, and now there is a False Heaven to protect the Teyvat Continent, once the Dark Outer Sea is also shrouded under the False Sky, the abyssal aura over there and the pollution of the Demon God will cause damage to the Teyvat Continent.

Even one day, if you want to shroud the dark outer sea under the false sky, you need to first solve the demon gods, thunder dragon kings, demon god resentments, and abyss pollution over there. "

"It's a huge project. "Raiden really calculated a little, and his eyelids jumped, even if they have a lot of strong people on their Inazuma side, but if they want to clean up the dark sea, it is not something that can be done in a year and a half.

The area of the entire Dark Sea is larger than any of the Seven Kingdoms.

Oh, by the way, Sumeru may be comparable to the Dark Sea, after all, the rainforest and desert in Sumeru, these two regions together are the largest in the Teyvat continent.

It is even the size of two mondstadts.

But the area of the dark sea is even larger, and no one knows how many demon gods there are in the dark outer sea, and it is a huge project to purify the sea water over there little by little.

Of course, no one really dislikes such a job, after all, every job has a lot of points.

Even Raiden is really interested in points, let alone others.

"It's a huge project, but we're also getting more and bigger.

Those problems of Inazuma before, I'm afraid you all thought you couldn't solve them before, right? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now, you can easily solve the (ACFA) decision, and I believe that in a few months, the problem of the demon god pollution inside Inazuma will be completely solved. Mu Yang chuckled: "When the time comes, even if it is the three of you Thunder God, plus the strong people such as the Fox Zhai Palace and the Eight Divine Sons, go to the dark outer sea together,

If you want to purify the dark outer sea, it will be the Year of the Monkey, even if you are in the process, you can continue to get stronger.

Therefore, I plan to clean up the Dark Outer Sea, and it is best to completely incorporate the Dark Outer Sea into the Teyvat continent in a very short time.

Before the forces of the abyss reacted.

After all, if they want to attack the Teyvat continent, those demon gods in the dark outer seas must be the ones they can use. "

"I agree with that. Paimon nodded approvingly.

At the same time, Paimon also has an idea that he may be able to dive to the dark outer sea for a while, as long as he hides himself, and then hides well, he can farm a wave of points first.

However, if you are seen by those demon gods, you are still very dangerous.

It's uncomfortable!

"Well, we'll be keeping an eye on the demon gods on this side of the dark sea. Raiden Zhen nodded slightly.

"But then again, you've been very free lately?" Immediately after, Mu Yang looked at the Fox Zhai Palace, who was lazily reading the novel, and asked.

This is the fox prime minister's generation, and it seems to be a bit salted!

"Not really, it's just a rare vacation.

Some time ago, I was exhausted, not only did I need to preside over the purification ceremony of the Narukami Shrine, but I also had to help Sangonomiya Kokomi solve some problems.

Some of the contradictions of the monsters also need me to reconcile.

The Sky Fox and Earth Fox belonging to my dependents have also been resurrected now, and I need to arrange them.

Even I'm tired during this time. Fox Zhai Gong said helplessly.

Now that her strength has almost all returned, it can be regarded as a demon god-level combat power, and next, it is time to cultivate immortals.

"If you're really tired, then turn into a fox, I still miss the way you were a fox. Mu Yang saw the fox palace where the royal sister Fan is full now, and he missed the white-haired fox at the beginning, and he had been in the fox palace at that time.

Looking at Muyang's eager appearance, Fox Zhai Palace was also speechless for a while, do you want to pet the fox?

If it's an ordinary person, the Fox Palace will definitely tell the other party that they want to be beautiful, and even let the other party know that there are some things that they can't even think about.

But this guy in front of him is Muyang!

Do you want to be masturbated by Muyang?

If this matter gets out, how will I mess up in the future? I will definitely be laughed to death by Yae Miko.

But can Muyang refuse by himself?

"Can you not become a fox? Fox Zhai Palace looked at Muyang with resentment.

This is the first time that Fox Saigong feels that it is not a good thing that he has been resurrected.

"Uh-huh, then let's just tail!" Mu Yang said and directly played with the tail of the Fox Palace.

This made the Fox Palace not know what to do for a while.

This guy did it on purpose, right?

Don't you know that the fox's tail can't be touched?

What should I do, I feel it!

Seeing that the Fox Palace was so embarrassed, a smile appeared on the corner of Lei Dian's mouth, others don't know the situation of the Fox Palace, can she still know?

After all, the tail of the Fox Palace, but she couldn't even touch herself, and she didn't think about touching the tail of the Fox Palace.

It's just that after knowing the truth, Raiden really gave up.

(As for Barbatos' appearance, I understand that it is the appearance of Barbatos's friend, that is, the boy who pursued freedom at the beginning, and the author means that Barbatos did not become a child, because his strength was not as weak as he imagined.) )。

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