Raiden really doesn't know what foxes in other regions are like, but for Baichen foxes, the tail is crucial.

If you get touched once or twice, it's fine, but if you have too much, it's easy to estrus.

Moreover, for Baichen Fox, it is almost the same as a girl's thighs.

Fortunately, it is not in a society under the rule of law now, otherwise it will be Chong Muyang's current behavior, and the level will be accused, and it will be a silver bracelet~.

"Well, the fur on this tail is so soft. Mu Yang sighed with satisfaction: "I don't know how Yae Miko is." "

"The next time you see Miko, be sure to do the same. Fox-Sainomiya hurriedly said.

You can't just make yourself unlucky.

Fox Saigong doesn't want Yae Miko to laugh at him, since it is unlucky, it will be unlucky together, and only when they are touched by Muyang's tail together, this matter can end.

As for whether Yae Miko is willing, hehe, it's not her turn to decide whether she wants to or not.

"Uh-huh!" Mu Yang raised his eyebrows, and after a while, Lei Ying withdrew his weapon, glanced at Muyang's location, and then glanced at Ying and said, "Rest for half an hour, and then continue." "

Then he didn't care about Ying, who was already tired on the ground, and walked to Muyang's side and sat down.

"It seems that she is tired. Looking at Ying's appearance, Muyang's face was full of playfulness.

Mu Yang knows Ying's physical fitness very well, and can make Ying tired like this, Mu Yang can only say that Lei Movie is too powerful.

"She has a lot of potential, but she hasn't honed her martial arts well. After taking a bite of the three-color dumplings, Lei Movie said: "I came into contact with my sister's Seven Heavens Divine Statue before, which allowed her to gain thunder elemental power.

However, because of this sudden power, she has not yet controlled this power for a while.

Nor can it be used well in battle.

But now there is no problem, she has mastered the sudden surge in power, and I will help her continue to develop it later. "

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, and he also knew something about Ying's situation.

After unlocking an elemental power, Ying's strength did not suddenly skyrocket by one level, but needed to be continuously developed.

This was the case in Mondstadt and Liyue before.

This process takes a lot of time, but on Inazuma's side, Ying directly mastered it with the help of Lei Movie.

It should be said that Lei Movie is really a very good teacher.

It's just that compared to Mr. Kaido, there is still a mace missing.

"Well, her strength is still very good.

If I hadn't shown up, she would have been the savior of this world. Mu Yang glanced at Ying, who was sitting on the ground panting heavily, and said.

"Just her?" Lei looked at Ying with some dumbfounded, not that she looked down on Ying.

In fact, after a few days of contact, Lei Movie's eyes on Ying have also changed greatly, and she has to admit that this traveler is a genius who practices martial arts.

Under the battle and teaching with himself, Ying's strength has improved rapidly.

Lei Ying knows his own situation very well, ordinary people can't accept such torture as themselves, even if it is his friends, when they practice martial arts, they will avoid themselves.

But Ying can hold on in front of herself for so long, which is really rare.

Sometimes, talent is important, but so is will.

There are a lot of so-called geniuses, obviously very talented, but not in terms of will.

"Well, Ying is still very talented. As Muyang said this, he looked at Paimon, who was still feasting not far away.

Will Ying, who can be favored by Paimon and follow all the way, be an ordinary person?

"Honey, you haven't come to see me for so long. At this time, Ying's voice appeared in the castle tower.

My dear?

When Lei Movie heard this, his eyes became sharper when he looked at Ying.

So, is this woman here to be a strong man with herself?

It seems that this guy really has a leg with Muyang, and for these things, in fact, Lei Movie doesn't care very much.

After all, Muyang has other women besides himself, but if you call me a man dear in front of me, this is a bit too much!

"Twice as long as today's training. Lei said coldly.

"Eh?" Ying was dumbfounded: "Double, are you going to train me to death?"

The usual training time is long enough, and I have to be tired every day and can't walk.

If it weren't for my recovery speed fast enough, I'm afraid I would have died suddenly!!

"Hmph, your strength is still too poor, if you have my martial arts, even if you only have the current strength and physical fitness, it will not be difficult to defeat Oselle. Lei Ying snorted lightly and said, "If it weren't for Muyang's face, you would think you were qualified to be trained by me." "

Ying: "..."

Ying was also helpless at this time, originally she thought that her martial arts were good enough.

After all, she has also traveled through many worlds.

Martial arts are naturally not bad.

Also, when she was in Mondstadt and Liyue before, Ying had competed with many people.

She knew that her martial arts were definitely the best among human beings.

Even if it is Keqing, Kamisato Ayaka and Qin, who are considered to be the top in martial arts among human beings, Ying is confident that he can defeat them in martial arts.

Before, Ying thought she was already very good.

But compared with Ray movies, it seems that there is indeed a world of difference.

"She's rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so it's good to train hard.

As long as you don't die, you'll be fine. Seeing Ying like this, Mu Yang chuckled and said.

"Muyang you!" Ying heard Muyang's words, and instantly exploded.

This guy, how can he be like this?

I'm also your woman, right?

Although there are a little more beautiful girls on Inazuma's side, not only fox spirits, but also triplets, but my own side is not bad.

It's a big deal that I will make Paimon bigger, and I believe that she will look good in the future. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Can you just bear to let me be beaten by this crazy woman?

"It's for your good. Mu Yang stared at Ying and said, "Your progress has been very fast during this time.

But you still have room for improvement, and when you have made your way through other countries, I will arrange for you to enter the Dark Sea. "

"Outside the sea in the dark!" Ying Wenyan also hit a spirit, and now she is not a novice who doesn't understand anything.

0 begging for flowers

Although I don't know what the dark sea looks like, I also know that it is definitely a very dangerous place, and even the demon gods are walking all over the place, and the monsters are not as good as dogs.

If you send yourself to the dark sea, even Ying can't guarantee her safety.

Moreover, it was after gaining the seven elemental powers.

Of course, if it is himself in his heyday, if it is a demon god of the level of Oselle, it should not be a difficult task.

I'm afraid that there are too many demon gods in the dark sea, and besides, they don't talk about martial arts and directly beat themselves.

"It's really good, the dark sea is very suitable for travelers to sharpen.

Combat is the best place to hone your martial arts. Lei Ying said with deep understanding: "But it's better to find an evenly matched, or a stronger opponent than yourself."

If I'm a Traveler, after she's unlocked one or two more elemental powers, I'll go to the Dark Sea. "

"That is, don't I go to the dark sea with my complete body???" At this time, Ying felt that Lei Movie wanted to tender herself.

Although she wants to compete with Lei Movies to snatch men, she also wants to be the mother of the main palace, or to be big, but she feels that Lei Movies does not seem to need to kill herself at all.

They haven't reached this point at all.

"Well, if you are in a complete state, you should also have the strength of the Seven Gods, and in that state, you can't find a few opponents even in the dark outer sea. Lei Ying said with a serious expression.

She is very strict with Ying, and more hated that iron does not become steel, such a good opportunity, why doesn't Ying take advantage of this opportunity to work hard to become stronger, but instead thinks about traveling all day long, which is definitely a tyrannical thing.

If it were him, he would definitely take advantage of the time when his strength was sealed to work hard to exercise his martial arts, this is the weakest time, and it is also the easiest time to become stronger.

"Hmph!" Ying didn't know how to talk to Lei Ying at this time.

Say that Ray Movie is embarrassing himself, right?

The other party recognized the strength of his heyday!

Say that the other party is not embarrassed by himself, right?

He asked himself to go to the sea in the dark before he regained his strength.

Isn't that embarrassing yourself?

"But then again, when will your Yuan Infant chapter be put on the show. Immediately after, Lei Ying stared at Muyang with burning eyes and asked.

As one of the few existences who have cultivated to the Jindan chapter and have cultivated to the extreme, Lei Movie can't wait to see the appearance of the Yuanying chapter.

That was the key to growing up to the Four Concourses.

Although even if there is no Yuan Infant Chapter, he can grow to the level of the fourth ruler.

But that may take a long time, although he can speed up this speed by Muyang's side, if he has an in-depth communication with Muyang, this speed will continue to increase.

But this also takes time, in Lei Movie's opinion, he has not yet purified the abyss or the demon god pollution to obtain points, and then improved his cultivation quickly.

It's just a pity that the Yuan Infant chapter hasn't appeared yet, she thundered the movie, but she has prepared a lot of points for the Yuan Baby chapter.

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