【Ying:"As for Lei Qianqiu and Zhongli's suggestions, they are indeed very reasonable. It is also very difficult to grow up mentally.

The battlefield and experience are actually the best way."

Nasida:"If you need it, I am actually I can help."

Keqing:"Is there any way to do this?"

Nasida:"As the God of Wisdom, I control the power of dreams. If you need it, I can help you enter your dreams. , you can do a lot of things in dreams.

Of course, this is not without its shortcomings. If your mind is not mature enough, you are likely to be immersed in dreams."

Zhongli:"This is indeed very dangerous. If you are not careful, If you do, it is very likely that you will lose yourself."

King Daci Shu:"You can't do anything in dreams, your spirit may collapse. Many people would rather live in dreams than live in reality.

Although for chat groups I also trust the people there.

But you have to know that you may have only lived for more than ten or twenty years, but if you live in a dream for thousands of years, then you will most likely not recognize it when the time comes. Be clear about whether it is a dream or reality.

Moreover, if you want to increase your realm, the best"270" method is to face the things that you are most afraid of and painful. This process may be a continuous cycle, and ordinary people can easily collapse."

Ningguang :"So can I spend a few months, or a year or two, in a dream every time?"

Nasida:"I can control this.

Moreover, it is not difficult, and now my The divine power has been restored a lot.

Although it is still impossible to let the existence of the Seven Gods enter the dream, even if you let go of your consciousness and let me pull the Seven Gods into the dream, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to do it.

But If I were a human being, I think I could do it.

For example, seeing the destruction of my country, or the death of my loved ones or friends, I can let you see these.

This can make you almost feel the same.

However, it is difficult for me Make sure you can come out safely."

Diluc:"When I come back, I will come to Xumi to visit you, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King."

Since he was asking for help, Diluc rarely said words of respect..

Nacida is not Barbatos, the other party is also a grass god after all, and Diluc is willing to give the other party some respect.

As for the usual disrespect towards Wendy, both from Diluc's point of view and from Wendy's point of view, now they both feel that this way of getting along is the best.

Others would care about the concerns Nasida and the others mentioned before, but Diluc would not care. How could they protect Teyvat and Mondstadt without the strength?

Diluc clearly remembered how powerless he was during that time. Now the doctor has been completely killed by Mu Yang.

But he still has Mondstadt and the continent of Teyvat to protect, and for this, he will give everything.

Moreover, haven’t the fools not been destroyed yet?

The doctor is dead, but the organization he belongs to has not been destroyed yet.

This matter may have nothing to do with the Ice Queen, but now the Fools are not in the hands of the Ice Queen, and she cannot control the Fools.

On his side, he can take advantage of this opportunity to attack the fools.

People of the Doctor's lineage must be eliminated.

It's obvious that the doctor and the Harlequin are together. In order to revenge and protect Mondstadt, Diluc can do anything, but he just practices in the dream.

Lei Movie:"Actually, it's a pity. It would be great if I could also enter the dream world, so that I can constantly fight against strong men like Thunder Dragon King."

Nasida:"This is a bit embarrassing for me. , although I can simulate the Thunder Dragon King in the dream, but even if I can let you enter the dream, Balzeb, just simulating the Thunder Dragon King to fight with you, it will consume a lot of money on me. I'm afraid

I won't be able to maintain it. Live in dreams."

Of course, there is one thing Nasida did not tell others, that is, if she helps many people dream, especially the strong ones.

Her control over her dream powers will also continue to improve.

There is no way, it is because Nasida didn't use her power much before.

And she couldn't possibly pull the entire Sumeru into the dream.

Moreover, even if the entire people of Sumeru were pulled into the dream, it would be a thankless task for Nasida.

Raiden Movie:"So it's a bit of a pity. If you can fight with another me in a dream, that would be a very wonderful thing.

What a pity!"

Raiden Sakura:"Don't worry, after my strength improves, I will definitely do well." I'm here to train with you."

After Diluc said those words, the others had no intention of going to Nasida for help.

They are still hesitating. If they really want to seek help, they will naturally go to Nasida. They are all in the chat group anyway.

There's no need to rush.

The key still depends on the battle on Muyang's side.

Silko is coming menacingly, and he doesn't seem to be a kind person. They need to know more information about the abyss.

If there are many strong men like Silk in the abyss, then they need to improve their strength as much as possible.

The strength and number of strong men are also very important to the continent of Teyvat. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For this reason, they can even slow down some promotions in Teyvat Continent.

Ice Queen:"I am about to take action here, and time is running out. I hope everyone can be prepared. Once I take action, the power of the abyss will most likely be the first to invade the Winter Kingdom. My side It will become a battlefield."

Wendy:"Don't worry, once the war starts, I will come to help and blow the cold wind back to the Winter Kingdom."

Ice Queen:"……"The Kingdom of Winter is just north of Mondstadt.

If it weren't for Barbatos' thousand-year-old music, the wind over Mondstadt would be the cold wind from the Solstice Kingdom.[]

It's just that these winds were blocked by Barbatos with his power.

But if Barbatos blows these winds back to the Solstice Kingdom, then the climate of the Solstice Kingdom will become even worse.

After all, when Barbatos changed the climate of Mondstadt, he also blew the cold winds that blew into Mondstadt to the ocean.

This makes the environment in Solstice Country less harsh.

Even the Ice Queen has to admit that at this point, the Winter Country does owe Barbatos a favor. This is why Barbatos even caused trouble in the Winter Country and even"provoked" the Ice God. There was no main reason for any dispute between them.........

Perhaps that was Barbatos using his own way to make the Ice God return the favor.

But if Barbatos really blows the cold wind back to the Solstice Kingdom, then the temperature in the Solstice Kingdom will drop by at least one level.

Then there will be no need for people to live in Solstice Kingdom.

The Ice Queen was very angry at the behavior of the Doctor and the others. How did the Doctor and the others gain the confidence to provoke Mondstadt like that?

Fortunately, Barbatos was easy to talk to, and Barbatos was asleep at that time, otherwise he would have done what the doctor did.It is possible for a divine war to break out.

Once the war between gods breaks out, the Ice Queen doesn't know who will lose and who will win. Anyway, by then, a large area of ​​the people in the Solstice Kingdom will definitely freeze to death... The

Ice Queen:"If it is really the last resort, there is no need to worry. That's all.

Sometimes necessary sacrifices are inevitable."

Lei Movie:"Although it's a little hard to accept, I have to admit, Ice God, you are a great god."

Lei Movie also knew about Ice God's behavior. , if it was when Fanes was still there, it might have been possible for Ray to hand over the Heart of God to the Ice Queen while turning a blind eye.

After all, Lei Movie still has opinions about Fanes. Even if his previous life was related to Fanes, and even if Fanes was to protect the continent of Teyvat, in the same way, his sister died indirectly in the hands of Fanes..

If he had gone to the battlefield of Kanria instead of Leiden, he would not necessarily have died, and neither would his sister.

Even the Fox Palace will not fall.

Rice Wife will not suffer such heavy losses.

But Lei Qianqian also knew that the laws of heaven were invincible, and that nothing could happen to her yet. If something happened to herself, Dao's wife would be finished. This was given to her by her sister, and she could never lose it.

Thunder Movie will not deny the greatness of Ice Queen.

She is going to the entire Teyvat 4.6 continent for humans, but they don’t seem to know the truth.

The power of the Abyss is their biggest enemy... and under the cover of Fanes, he also told the Seven Gods that he would solve the Abyss and would not affect them. This also allowed the Seven Gods to understand the previous situation. not much.

Maybe people like Morax and Barbatos had guessed something about the situation, but the other seven gods seemed not to be prepared at all.

Zhongli:"But this Silk's swordsmanship is really eye-opening. I have been fighting for such a long time, and I have never seen the opponent use the same swordsmanship. Moreover, looking at it now, Silk's sword skills are really eye-opening." Ke seems to be deliberately feeding Mu Yang with moves.

Mu Yang's swordsmanship is also improving rapidly."

Lei Movie:"……"

Although she really didn't want to admit it, this Silk's swordsmanship was indeed the most complicated and exquisite she had ever seen, and he was indeed an opponent she recognized.

She devoted her mind to Mu Yang's battle, and at the same time analyzed what she should do as Mu Yang.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lei Movie came to the conclusion that it would be difficult for him to defeat the opponent! 】

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