This is an opponent worth fighting. If he can completely keep Silk, then he can go to fight Silk every day, and have at least one fight every day.

No, it takes two or even three fights.

Silk is a strong enemy and a hidden danger, but he can also use Silk as a sparring partner.

As long as it is used well, Silk is not an enemy and can even become a good tool.

Well, in Ray's mind, Silk can still become an excellent tool man.

If it can be used well, the enemy can also be used as a tool.

This seems to be what Mu Yang and the others have been doing all the time, just like that Kong, what he usually does is heinous for the continent of Teyvat.

Just like what Kanrea and the others did, even Lei's movies couldn't accept it.

But Mu Yang still made use of Kong's matter. Although Kong was destroying the stability of the Teyvat continent, it was also because of Kong that there was no movement on the other side of the abyss. Fighting against the abyss and Fighting against the Abyss Order, these two are completely different concepts.

To a certain extent, Kong"guards" the continent of Teyvat in his own way.

It's just that this kind of protection may not be recognized by many people.

In the eyes of Lei Movie, Si Keke is also a good tool man. If Si Keke can be captured, then he will also have a partner for his sparring partner.

Not only can 18 use Silk as a sparring partner, but others can do the same.

Just like the matter of fighting with Ying now, I can be the teacher, but for some battles, I can also arrange for Silk to do it.

At this time, Lei Movie also hoped that Mu Yang could be a little more forceful and catch Silk Ke directly.

Mu Yang didn't know what Lei Qian was thinking. If he did, he would still be dumbfounded and seize Silk?

How is this a simple thing?

At least with the strength he has shown now, it is not easy to win over Silk.

Even if he unleashes all his true strength, it will be very difficult to catch Silk.

The other party is indeed a very powerful and troublesome person

"Your strength is very good, especially your learning ability. You can quickly learn my swordsmanship without any teaching and integrate it into your own swordsmanship. It is hard to imagine that if you continue to develop, you will grow into What a monster."Si Keke said in a serious tone after putting some distance away from Mu Yang.

Si Keke admitted that he was also shocked. He originally thought that he was used to seeing big winds and waves, and it was not like he had never seen any geniuses.

After all, after so many years, She has been wandering in the abyss and has witnessed many powerful geniuses and strong men.

But she never thought that she would meet such a weirdo. Now Silk can almost tell that Mu Yang is very powerful. He is powerful, and may not be weaker than the original Fanes.

The most terrifying thing is that Mu Yang’s learning speed is definitely the most terrifying that he has ever seen.

If the other party is allowed to continue learning, I am afraid it won’t take long to become a master in swordsmanship. He will surpass himself.

No, just from such a competition, Si Keke can be sure that Mu Yang's swordsmanship is vaguely comparable to his own, or even surpasses his own. o(口)oThis guy is absolutely It's cheating.

The most important thing is that Mu Yang doesn't seem to be affected by the aura of the abyss. Silk has a feeling that if he wants to continue fighting, Mu Yang can even fight with him all day long, oh, no , for a whole year.

Even in the abyss, Silk has never seen such a cheating person.

He has the ability not to be afraid of the abyss, and has the unparalleled and terrifying learning ability.

Even in the abyss, he can take time to soak up the sun. He will also become a giant.

He can use the power of the abyss for his own use and is not affected by the abyss. As for Mu Yang, his immunity to the abyss seems to be even better than himself and the twins.

Silk Ke said that he has learned a lot

"You will be surprised, but now I am more curious about you. Who are you in the abyss, and what is your purpose?

Dadalia is your disciple, right?

I admit that his martial arts skills are pretty good among humans and his talent is pretty good, but compared to you, he has only learned a drop in the bucket. Mu Yang looked at Si Keke seriously and said in a deep voice:"So, what is your purpose?""

"I just taught him martial arts for three months. As for why I wanted to teach him, it was mainly because it was interesting and because he was related to some of the things I care about. Silk's eyes flashed slightly and he said in a deep voice:"As for who I am, if you calculate it accurately.

I should be considered a wanderer in the abyss. The world I was in before collapsed due to the power of the abyss, and I have been wandering in the abyss ever since. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Wanderers in the abyss."For this answer, Mu Yang chose to believe 50%.

After all, there are indeed many such beings in the abyss.

No one knows how much of the world the abyss has eroded, which has caused many strong people to fall into the abyss, and many others. The few strong men become the nourishment of the abyss.

If you are lucky, they will become"forbidden knowledge", leaving some traces of the world's past.

This is also very sad.

The world is gone, leaving the world behind. The traces of it don’t seem to be that important anymore.

"The abyss is cruel and is the final destination of all worlds."Si Keke glanced at Mu Yang meaningfully and then continued to add:"There is no world that can escape this fact. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But there seems to be some special anomalies on the Teyvat continent.

The opposite of life is death, but the opposite of death is also life. I have never thought that there is a world that can survive in the face of the abyss, but your world is very special.

Moreover, the continent of Teyvat not only will not be destroyed, but also has a glimmer of hope.

It is possible to grow through the power of the abyss."

Speaking of this, Si Keke's words also became meaningful.[]

Mu Yang also narrowed his eyes when he heard this. It seemed that Si Keke had discovered something, so should he leave Si Keke here completely?

To be honest, even Mu Yang is not absolutely sure to do this now.

The opponent has a strength comparable to the current Thunder Movie. It is not difficult to defeat Silk, but if the opponent wants to escape, there is still a high chance of escaping.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mu Yang does not think that Si Keke will come to him unprepared.

If he really gets serious, it's hard to guarantee that Silk will do anything.

Or will he unleash his true strength and defeat himself?

"It is really a magical world. After discovering this, some people may try to destroy the continent of Teyvat. For those in the abyss, this world is too threatening.

They cannot allow a world to threaten the abyss, which would infringe on their own meaning.

Moreover, the world he is in has been eroded by the abyss, why does the continent of Teyvat not need to be destroyed?"After a pause, Silkok continued:"

Of course, that is the idea of ​​an existence whose will has been eroded by the abyss.

I don't know if the abyss has its own will, but it is certain that the abyss has instinct.

If someone is infected by the abyss, they will subconsciously want to destroy the continent of Teyvat."

"So what about people like you who don’t have the will to be infected by the abyss? Mu Yang agreed with Silk's analysis.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to think about people who have fallen into the abyss, no matter how evil they are. Moreover

, Silk's words are very good. It makes sense.

If he was also polluted by the abyss, he would probably think that way, right?

Silk's beautiful eyes looked at the world where the Teyvat continent was located not far away, and said softly:"Who knows?

You may find the continent of Teyvat interesting and interesting. Fighting against the erosion of the abyss is very tiring. It is not impossible to find a world where you can live in seclusion without being disturbed.

Or maybe you treat this world as an amusement park. After all, the continent of Teyvat is very interesting now, isn't it?

Of course, they may also want to explore the secrets of this world and protect this world before they discover the truth. After all, this world is special. If the continent of Teyvat is destroyed, where will they go to find new possibilities? ?"

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard the words. These possibilities are all possible.

No matter which one it is, it is actually quite troublesome. After all, these people who were once in the abyss are not very peaceful people.

Don't look at the thread Kirk seems to be easy to talk to as he is now, but Mu Yang doesn't think that the other party is really a law-abiding person.

This woman is chaotic neutral at best. As for asking the other party to be kind, it is almost impossible.

And if he easily If you believe in the other party and the other party knows the real secret of the Teyvat continent, you may encounter danger on your side. A large number of abyss monsters invade. This is something Mu Yang and the others can bear, but what if other strong men also invade?

Although the continent of Teyvat is getting stronger now, it still has not returned to its heyday.

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