Today's Teyvat continent may not be as powerful as the Dragon King's era.

At the same time, it is not as good as during the Demon God War!

The dark disaster five hundred years ago caused too much damage to the Teyvat continent. Not only the demon gods, but also the seven gods died in large numbers, which also caused the power of the Teyvat continent to be greatly weakened.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Even Mu Yang will not pity those first-generation Seven Gods...

Well, well, at least Barbatos and Morax are still alive, and the Great Merciful Tree King and Thunderbolt Shin have also been resurrected.

As for Egolia, Mu Yang has no intention of resurrecting her.

Judging from Egolia's behavior of treating humans as experimental subjects, Egolia is definitely not an excellent god.

At least in Mu Yang's view, Egolia is definitely not an excellent god. Judging from Fukalos' behavior, Fukalos seems to have been cleaning up the mess for Egolia's behavior.

At first, Mu Yang thought that the god Fukalos was actually quite good, at least he had Villette as his"brother" to assist him.

In this regard, the treatment is much better than that of Nasida.

But now as time goes by, Mu Yang also knows that it is not easy for Water God Fukalos. Ever since he became the Water God, Fukalos has been paying for Egolia's affairs.

Admittedly, this is something that a god must do, and he will not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the country.

But Fukalos' fate was too miserable. If Mu Yang hadn't appeared, Fukalos would have been directly sent to the guillotine.

Of course, Mu Yang would not allow Fukalos to fall.

After all, Fukalos is a very important combat force for him, and Mu Yang also wants to train Fukalos in the future.

Moreover, as long as Fukalos is in Fontaine, plus Navilette, there will be no chaos in Fontaine in the future.

As long as there is no massive invasion of abyssal forces, most problems can be solved with the help of Fukalos and Navilet.

Funina may be a little unreliable, but Fukalos is still very reliable and trustworthy.

Originally, the Ice Queen and her group of fools were still a good group of workers.

This is indeed the most powerful organization in the Teyvat continent.

It's just that this guy, the Harlequin, is just a troublemaker, which makes fools no longer trust him.

And some of the few people who can be trusted have some problems. They either have hidden dangers or are disliked by Mu Yang.

A group of tool people who were originally so useful are now being shelved, and may even gradually withdraw from the stage of history in the future.

Of course, when the time comes, Mu Yang is still willing to bring in some Fools. The key is to see when the problems within the Fools can be resolved.

At this time, Mu Yang also deeply felt the serious shortage of high-level combat power in Teyvat Continent.

If there were more than a dozen combat forces like Lei Movie in the Teyvat continent, then Mu Yang wouldn't need such a headache.

Of course, if people like Morax Barbatos increase their strength without hesitation, they can reach this level in a short time.

In order to protect the continent of Teyvat, it’s not shabby.

Now Mu Yang is very suspicious. In fact, Barbatos and Morax have already saved enough points to break through to the Nascent Soul Chapter, but they are just suppressing their own levels.

When the last resort comes, Barbatos and the others will directly break through to the Nascent Soul Chapter to fight the strong.

It was precisely because of Silk's appearance that Mu Yang's originally relaxed heart was once again filled with a sense of urgency.

(*Д)o It’s really difficult for me. It’s obviously a management game, so I’m slowly developing the continent of Teyvat.

As a result, I now need to constantly worry about improving everyone's strength.

Alas, the realm after the Nascent Soul chapter also needs to be created, and there are also techniques to increase the strength of the physical body.

Mu Yang said that he was under too much pressure.

Is this the price they have to pay for being involved in Lei movies?

All gifts from fate have prices marked on them?

"Me~?"Hearing Mu Yang's words, Si Keke chuckled:"At least now, I don't have any ill intentions towards Teyvat Continent. On the contrary, I am interested in the future of Teyvat Continent.

Although my strength can already protect myself in the abyss, it is also difficult to continue to improve my strength. At least I have not improved my strength for hundreds of years.

If you show your own value, I won't mind cooperating with you."

At the end of the sentence, Silk's look at Mu Yang also became meaningful.

According to the fate of the Teyvat continent, it should not have been like this, but in the end, Mu Yang was ushered in. This is This makes Si Keke feel interesting.

Now even he can't see through the future of the Teyvat continent. Such a potential world naturally makes Si Keke curious.

Of course, Si Keke also knows that Mu Yang It is impossible to directly let him enter the Teyvat continent.

Perhaps he has to wait until the other party is confident that he can suppress him.

But in the same way, Silkek does not like to put his life safety in the hands of others. If Mu Yang wants to If you are not in a good position, you will be in danger.

Although Mu Yang is a bit lustful, Silk believes that the other party will definitely be able to deal with the big issues.

If he is not good for the Teyvat continent, or shows a threat , Mu Yang will definitely kill himself.

Although he will not be able to trade himself for safety when the time comes, the arrogance of the female warrior will not allow Silk to do such a thing.

"Cooperate?"Mu Yang looked at Si Keke with a thoughtful expression.

"Okay, I won’t enter the Teyvat continent for the time being. Don’t worry about this. I don’t want to be surrounded by several people with similar strength to me after entering the Teyvat continent."Speaking of this, Silk's expression is also extremely subtle. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Logically speaking, at this time in the Teyvat continent, there should be almost no one who can compete with him. Yes.

As a result, many strong people have emerged now. As expected, this guy Mu Yang is really an extremely special person.

"I also don't want to have to kill you one day."Mu Yang nodded slightly, but still threatened Silk.

It is true that Silk is very beautiful, but the other party is still a threat.

Unless he makes the other party one of his own, or kills the other party, Mu Yang will It’s hard to trust the other person[]

Alas, in the final analysis it is still a matter of strength.

After this incident is over, I have to work hard to become stronger.

Not only for the continent of Teyvat to continue to exist, but also for Silk to become like him one day

"If you can do it."Si Keke took a deep look at Mu Yang and said,"I hope that when we meet next time, your speed of improvement can satisfy me."

After saying that, Silk's figure disappeared in front of Mu Yang in a flash.

"really……"Mu Yang looked at the original location of Silk and frowned slightly.

This Silk is indeed mysterious.

And if the other party dares to appear in front of him, he does have his own confidence.

If you want to keep the other person, it will be difficult, and you may even completely become grudges with the other person.

【Lei Movie:"Aren't you going to keep the other party?"

Mu Yang:"If you can't stay, the other party's strength is not inferior to yours, and she also has the ability to move instantly.

She has left the range of my perception ability. With such spatial ability, Maybe not inferior to Asmode."

Asmode:"If space power is integrated into the battle, I don't agree. At least I haven't fought in person. It's hard to tell who is stronger and who is weaker.

But if If it's transfer ability, the other party may indeed be as good as me."

Zhongli:"Well, I just don't know if Silk will become our enemy in the future. If such an existence becomes our enemy, we will also Encountered a lot of trouble."

Mu Yang:"It's hard for me to guarantee that at least the other party didn't directly fight me to the death.

I don't know whether the other party used all their strength.

One thing is certain, that is Silk is indeed quite tricky"

(Good, good) King Cishu:"In this case, the security of Teyvat Continent needs to be strengthened. If Silk is allowed to enter Teyvat Continent, it may cause us huge trouble."

Asmodeus :"The protection of False Sky and the border of Teyvat Continent may be insufficient, and I have no way to solve this problem for the time being."

Mu Yang:"Let me study the formation. There is no problem with the energy source of the formation. , the abyss can bring us a steady stream of power, but it also provides stronger protection to the continent of Teyvat.

However, this may take a while, and there are too many things that I need to deduce during this period, which is Lianyuan The techniques later in the Infant Chapter also need to be deduced, as well as the Heart of Vulcan.

I am confident that if I hold the Heart of Vulcan, the previous Silk Kirk will definitely not be my opponent, and I can even defeat Silk Catch him."

Mu Yang was indeed stronger than Silk Ke before, even much stronger, but he didn't want to completely break his face before completely retaining Silk Ke's confidence.

But if Mu Yang had absolute strength, there would be no need for such trouble.

It's a pity.

Mu Yang couldn't wait to arrest Silk and conduct various studies!! 】

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