Mu Yang's idea of ​​the Rice Wife Divine Kingdom was not groundless.

Before traveling through time, he seemed to have seen a Noble Phantasm with such a setting. As for the specific Noble Phantasm, Mu Yang could not remember clearly.

But this is enough for Mu Yang.

This world has no roots!

But this world has Muyang, the World Tree, and the earth veins. It is not a problem to create such a divine kingdom.

At least Mu Yang had planned everything in his mind. Mu Yang found that after he came to Teyvat Continent, as he unlocked more and more permissions, his mind was getting better and better.

Perhaps Mu Yang didn't make many achievements in terms of intrigues, but when it came to deductions, Mu Yang's brain was particularly useful.

You know, Mu Yang can now easily deduce even the cultivation techniques for immortality, let alone the possibility of deducing the Noble Phantasm.

He had already conceived the idea of ​​the true Noble Phantasm of Thunder and Lightning in his mind.

It's just that there are a lot of difficulties in making such a treasure. Even with a plan, Mu Yang feels that it can't be made in ten and a half months.

"Let's take down all the materials from this Thunder Dragon King first.

As for the corpse after that, just turn it into an island!

Although this island will have a lot of problems in the future and there will be more thunder elements on it, as long as Kamisato Ayato and the others work hard, they will become similar to ordinary islands in the future.

This can be regarded as a disguised expansion of the area of ​​Inazuma."After 18 thoughts, Mu Yang said to Lei Movie and Thunder Sakura again.

"There is still quite a distance between here and Narukami Island and Kaiji Island. If the body of the Thunder Dragon King is thrown away a little further, there won't be any problem."Ray Movie didn't refuse after hearing this.

Land has always been a huge problem that has troubled Inazuma. Now that it's better, we can add another island, which is simply wonderful.

Moreover, this island can also become Kamisato Ayato and the Coral Palace. This is a great place for Xinhai and the others to level up.

As the filth in the earth on Narukami Island has been purified, except for a few demons and gods on the Kannazuka side, they need to maintain the Mikage Furnace Heart. Now There is not much grudge against the demon god in Kannazuka.

The haunting aura of Yaoji Island has been almost purified now. I believe it will not take a month to be purified by the thunder and lightning.

Now everyone is collecting points. It has become Qinglai Island.

Once all the resentments of the demon gods on Qinglai Island are resolved, then Ina Wife will almost solve the problem. After that, she, oh, my sister can vigorously develop Ina Wife. I believe it is not necessary. In ten years, Inazuma will go back five hundred years. The losses caused by her various wrong policies can also be recovered under the leadership of her sister. It is simply not wonderful!

"It's a pity that the thunder element in the Thunder Dragon King is somewhat uncontrollable. Otherwise, it would be a good source of energy for Inazuma's future development."Thunder Sakura sighed with regret.

This scene made Mu Yang not know what to say.

The Thunder Dragon King is already very pitiful!

The origin of the Thunder Dragon King was made by Mu Yang into the Thunder Element Slate, and the subsequent power was It will be made into Zekrom by Mu Yang.

The large amount of materials on the Thunder Dragon King will become the raw materials for many treasures in the future. Now even the extra corpses will become a new island for Inazuma.

Unexpectedly, Thunder Sakura He even wants to use the extra thunder elements of the Thunder Dragon King to develop Rice Wife. If the Thunder Dragon King is still conscious at this time, I am afraid that at this time, everyone will have to shout,"You are the devil, right


, your whole family are all devils, right?

"This is inevitable!"Mu Yang spread his hands.

"By the way, Sakura, let's hunt more demons from now on, and then take them outside Inazuma. The world is getting longer, and there can be more islands here."Seemingly thinking of something, Raiden Movie suggested to Raiden Sakura:"We Inazuma can also build a thousand-island country by then.

Today's rice wife is still too young."

Thunder Sakura was silent and nodded slightly when she heard this. She did not deny this.

The previous island was indeed a little smaller, and this could also give Raiden Shin and the others points, so Raiden Sakura would not refuse.

Anyway, Dark Sooner or later, the demon god on the outer sea will be killed. It doesn't matter when to kill or how to deal with it after killing it.

Moreover, she also feels that it is a good choice for Inazuma to have more islands. There can be more people.

Seeing the appearance of Thunder Movie and Thunder Sakura, Mu Yang opened his mouth, but didn't say much. In fact, it doesn't have to be so difficult to have an island. It's no longer a matter of minutes for him. If you want to smash a sky star, you can smash it with just a thought. With rock guns and the like, you can smash it now.

As long as you think about it, you can smash hundreds of stars in minutes. , anyway, it doesn’t need to cause too much damage, and it’s not about sealing the demon.

But since Lei’s movies are like this, Mu Yang said it’s up to her.


【Nasida:"So the body of the Thunder Dragon King will be left near Rice Wife in the future, and then wait for it to become an island?"

Lei Movie:"Yes, Rice Wife is not big enough, and it is not like yours. There is a lot of land, so we plan to use the corpses of the Dragon King and the Demon God to expand the land area of ​​Inazuma. Anyway, there is quite a lot of sea area here."

Nasida:"It is indeed a good idea... (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because of the previous death of the Grass Dragon King, and Mu Yang’s previous pulling out of the Hantian Nail, my power can now be expanded into the desert, and I can also use the Grass Dragon King’s The corpse developed an oasis in a short period of time.

In order to better integrate the desert, I asked people to promote it in the desert. It was because of my reappearance that such a miracle occurred.

Although it is a bit despicable, but For the sake of the overall situation of Xumi, I need to do this."

Zhongli:"There is nothing wrong with this.

After all, the Grass Dragon King was killed by Mu Yang, and it was also your method to use the sealed Grass Dragon King's body afterwards. Therefore, this There is no problem.

This is also a continuation of politics. If you want the people of Flower God and Red King to completely follow you, you need to do something like this.

At the same time, this is also the fault of the Order Council, isn't it?"

Mu Yang:"That's right, if those bitches from the Teaching Academy didn't imprison you and keep attacking you, you would have found a way to save Xumi long ago, and Xumi wouldn't need to be divided into rainforest and desert.

All this is the fault of the Order. The better you do now, the higher the recognition of you by the people in the rainforest and desert. You can be a little more decisive in the future.

Just like some tribes in the desert, they are independent. Not just for the so-called faith, but actually for power and your own interests.

After you give the desert people equal status, if they are still unwilling to accept you as a grass god, then you need to kill them , or drive them out of Sumeru.

Although in Sumeru, it is not necessary to be a believer of the Grass God, but it is necessary to abide by the laws of Sumeru?

When they keep saying that they are desert people, no When you need to abide by the laws of Sumeru, you also become the enemy of Sumeru.

Learn about the crime of separatism.

Moreover, that guy Red King is a sinner in the entire Teyvat continent. He also has followers?"[]

The original Daci Shu King actually wanted to leave some followers for the Red King.

After all, the Red King is also his old friend, and the relationship between them was quite good at the beginning.

The Red King did not rely on his great strength to cause trouble for himself and Yu Lin.

Of course, the Red King and the Great Ci Tree King were also very dissatisfied. This guy was definitely crazy in the end.

If it weren't for the Red King, Xumi wouldn't have to bear the infection of forbidden knowledge. He would almost be finished, and even lead to the destruction of World Tree.

If the World Tree is destroyed, the continent of Teyvat will also be destroyed.

In other words, that guy Red King almost destroyed the continent of Teyvat.

Now that I think about it carefully, maybe I should have reported the Red King directly when I discovered the craziness of the Red King, and then let Tianli destroy the other party directly.

Maybe she is not suitable to be a god either, she is too kind and too indecisive.

Sometimes I clearly could have made the most correct choice, but because of my so-called kindness, I chose the wrong choice.

But Nasida is different from herself. There are some things that she cannot do. Now Nasida is doing it. Muyang and the others are also teaching Nasida how to become a real god.

He is now Mu Yang's woman, and Nasida is his reincarnation and child. After all, there seems to be no problem for Mu Yang, as his stepfather, to teach Nasida.

Zhongli:"That's true. During the Demon God War, there were many Demon Gods who were kind to their opponents, resulting in heavy losses for their people. The enemy is the enemy. Since they don't recognize you, the Grass God, or Xumi. , and want to continue dividing Sumeru, then you don’t need to be merciful to them, otherwise it will only hurt your people."

Wendy:"Is this the so-called kindness to the enemy, but cruelty to yourself?" 】

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