【Ice Queen:"I agree with what Morax and Barbatos said.

I once loved people, and the Kanreians are also people, so I choose to believe them, and I am willing to provide them with certain protection in a place where heaven cannot see it..

In my opinion at the time, what bad thoughts can humans have?

But now I find that I was still wrong before.

Human beings have good and bad qualities, and the badness of some humans is engraved in their bones, just like the people of Kanria.Although they are all human beings, you cannot really treat them as human beings. If you are kind to the Kanria people, your own people will also fall into dire straits."

Wendy:"No, really not. As for, there are still many people among those desert people who can be saved. According to the information I know, there are still 4 out of 10 people in the Sumeru Desert who are willing to recognize Nasida as a grass god."

Nasida:"Indeed, Sumeru and Kanrya are still different.

Even if the desert people have problems, they have not been reduced to the same level as the Kanrya."

King Daci Shu:"Indeed, the Kanrya The hatred for the Teyvat continent has been engraved in their bones.

But the desert people are still not like that. Although they have selfish motives, they have no intention of betraying the Teyvat continent."

Mu Yang:"Many people are maned dogs. There are many people in the desert. People are cruel in character, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. This is related to the special culture and environment of the desert.

Of course, there are good people in the desert, but in my opinion, most tribes have problems. , they are also barbaric.

However, this time, it is a good opportunity for Nasida." Nasida

:"Is there any chance?"

Nasida has 100% trust in Mu Yang, and she has 100% trust in Mu Yang. Her senses are very special, and it was Mu Yang who rescued her from that five-hundred-year prison.

Faced with such kindness, Nacida said she was not grateful, but that was all a lie.

Mu Yang and King Daci Shu are considered husband and wife, and she is Mu Yang’s daughter, right?

But this father-son relationship is strange, at least Nasida always feels a special feeling.

After all, she can be regarded as the reincarnation of the Great Ci Tree King, not just a daughter, so Nasida's attitude towards Mu Yang is very complicated, but if Mu Yang wants to do something for her, Nasida will not refuse anything.

Mu Yang:"Aren't there many people in the desert who have surrendered to you now?

In this way, you can arrange for those who surrender to you to enter those oases.

At that time, you can also claim that you will bring oases to the desert, Give them a happy life without having to live on the edge of a knife.

At the same time, you also welcome people who are willing to recognize you and recognize Xumi to join you."

Zhongli:"It's just a means of absorbing, dividing and suppressing."

Wendy:"Hey Hey, under such circumstances, if you are not willing to join Nasida's side, there seems to be no need to stay.

After all, Sumeru is also your territory.

Moreover, I have paid attention to the Gilded Brigade, many Gilded Brigades The regiments all seem to be living a life of robbing families and homes.

Such forces and organizations need to be eliminated no matter which country they are in, right?

Especially based on the premise that you want to develop the desert, Nacida."

Nacida:"To be honest , at present I have not thought about how to develop the desert. After all, compared with the rainforest, it is really difficult to develop in the desert.

The only thing I can do now is to slowly develop the oasis in the desert.

Mu Yang will Killing the Grass Dragon King and killing the Cold Sky Nail is a good opportunity for me.

I can use the body of the Grass Dragon King to do many things.

With my current strength, I want to develop in the desert It is difficult to create a large-scale oasis. I can only slowly improve my strength, and then use my power as the Grass God to change everything.

But now that I have the body of the Grass Dragon King, it is different. Although it is dead, But the rich grass element in my body, combined with my efforts, is enough to transform half of the desert into an oasis or even a rain forest." The desert area in Xumi is very large. , everyone knows, but no one else in the chat group has any intention of running to the desert.

Maybe it's not bad at first glance, but if they are to live in the desert for ten days and a half, even Sumeru people like Nilu will feel uncomfortable, let alone other people.

If Nasida can turn half of the desert into an oasis, it will definitely be a huge enhancement for Sumeru.

After all, that is a place where food can be produced.

In the past, Sumeru has always been the largest food producer and exporter in the Teyvat continent.

Even people as wealthy as Liyue often choose to import food from Xumi.

There is no way, who makes the grass god's power easy to use? The yield of food is not comparable to that of ordinary land.

And if the deserts on the Sumeru side turn into oases and rainforests in large quantities, then in the future, the Sumeru side can also produce more food.

Nasida:"Use an oasis to lure those desert people? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It is indeed a good idea!

If even this cannot impress them, then the remaining people will indeed be like We are not from the same group.

We need to take action against them when the time comes."

King Daci Shu:"Based on my understanding of the desert people, some desert people may not choose to seek refuge with you Nasida.

Instead, they want to occupy the oasis, and Their behavior is equivalent to a declaration of war against you.[]

By then, even if they were massacred, no one would be able to say anything. Mu Yang:"

That's true. Although I don't deny that there are some good people among the desert people, but similarly, they also have many people who are unprofitable and can't afford to be early, and they even use any means to achieve their own goals."

It's impossible to reason with them clearly.

Moreover, the current Nasida also needs to show strength, unless you want to see the establishment of an eighth country in the Teyvat continent."

Ice Queen:"And that country doesn't have gods yet. How consistent is this with Kanreia!"

The current Ice Queen has never left Camrea.

Obviously, the previous Ice Queen was also angered by the Camrea people.

You know, this is the Ice Queen of her lover!

If there is a chance to go back to the past , going back to the war five hundred years ago, I am afraid that the Queen of Ice will not hesitate to massacre Camrea?

Nasida:"Don't say it, although the other side of the desert did not belong to the Great Ci Tree King at the beginning. Territory, but this is planned by heaven, and I have no intention of being a god who loses power and humiliates the country.

If possible, I would retain more people, but if someone wants to split Xumi, I will never allow it.

These are the people who will also be most susceptible to the temptations of the Kharians in the future.

I won't let them go."

If it were Nasida in the past, she would never do this. This is a god with a holy mother's heart. She wants to save everything.

Even if it means sacrificing her own life.

But now these guys are a group of hidden dangers, and Nasida is also We will not be too kind to them.

If these guys are as crazy as the Red King and directly lead the wolf into the house, then the entire Teyvat continent will be in crisis. Even now

, Nasida even left the Red King There will be no chance to give up faith.

After reading some knowledge of Blue Star, Nasida clearly knows that there is no need to keep some beliefs. Sometimes the conflict of faith is more acute than the interests between the two parties..Nascida herself is dissatisfied with the Red King, that is, he is a lunatic, so it is up to her to completely extinguish the other party's belief.

If possible, Nacida would not even mind demolishing the so-called Red King's Tomb. Anyway, there is no body of the Red King in it.

The Red King has long been dead.

Mu Yang:"Well, it is indeed very good, Nasida, I am optimistic about you!"

As a god, you can be merciful, but that is only when it does not affect the overall situation.

But if you are unable to control the entire situation and be kind to your enemies, this may harm everyone.

Nasida:"I understand, and I have witnessed the behavior of many desert people. I cannot understand their behavior of killing human beings."

Of course, there are good people in the Gilded Brigade, and I have recruited many of them, but there are still countless lawless people."

Lei Movie:"I fully approve of your actions, Buyer. There is nothing to hold back against the enemy.

Just like the people of Haiji Island, when I knew that those guys were causing war again and even killed countless of my people, I felt that I was too kind. At that time, I planned to completely destroy Haiji Island. Everyone on the island.

But considering that I also had some problems at the time, and Coral Palace Xinhai also performed well, I finally let them go.

Of course, if Coral Palace Xinhai hadn’t cleaned up Haiji Island before, I would have cleaned them up in the future."

Coral Palace Xinhai:"General, sir.(﹏)3"]

(The plot has not been made yet. It seems that there are not many revelations on the Internet. At least I haven't found any corresponding and complete revelations yet. As for making the plot myself, I really don't have time to read the plot now! o(TヘTo) But I heard that many people said that Villette is the water god. I really want to say it! Even if it is true, I still feel there is something wrong. Villette is the water dragon king. With the arrogance of the dragon king , will he admit that he is a god under Phanes? Moreover, it is impossible for Phanes to allow the Dragon King to become a god! It seems that Sky Island is really asleep)

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