Barbara looked at the water elemental vision on her waist, and said with bitterness: "Many times, I am extremely dissatisfied with my vision, obviously I am extremely devout to Lord Barbatos, why is my vision not of the wind element, but of the water element. "

"Doesn't this seem to have anything to do with the Vision of the God?" Mu Yang was also directly stunned, "I haven't heard that the Vision of the Water God is not suitable for fighting!


As far as I know, the eleventh executive of the Fatui Tartaglia is the eye of the water elemental, and the head of the Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayato, the head of the Kamisato family, are all water elemental eyes, and when it comes to combat effectiveness, they are not weaker than your sister!".

"It's just that I'm being watched by the god of water, not Lord Barbatos!" Barbara said gloomily.

"Uh..." Mu Yang looked at the sky silently, this matter really didn't seem to be Barbatos' pot!

It seems to be himself, ahh

It's not even his predecessor's fault, it's Teyvat's mechanism, and Fanes himself doesn't usually have time to pay attention to these things, okay?

Sky Island's mechanics will give you whatever Vision you think fits into.

"Have you ever thought about it, but in fact, the legend of the Vision is actually wrong?" Muyang asked Barbara cautiously.

"Huh?" Barbara looked at Muyang suspiciously.

"There should be a tacit understanding between the seven gods, right?

If each of them meddles in the affairs of other countries, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among the other party, and at present, except for the Solstice Country, it seems that there are no people from any country who will come to other countries, right?

If the Vision of God was issued by the Seven Gods, wouldn't that prove that the gods of other countries were watching each country all the time?" Mu Yang said with a chuckle.

"This?" Barbara blinked, as if what Muyang said made sense.

But this is contrary to the legend, Rao is Barbara doesn't know whether to believe Muyang's words or the legend of Teyvat at this time.

"Moreover, it is said that there is a higher existence above the Seven Gods!" Immediately afterward, Mu Yang said meaningfully.

When Barbara heard this, she understood Muyang's subtext, that is, the Vision of God was not awarded by the Seven Gods, but by Sky Island!

The legend of Skye Island is also spread in Mondstadt, and Vanessa-sama finally went to Skye, but I don't know what happened to Winnessa after going to Skye.

It turns out that the Vision of God was distributed by Sky Island?

But why does Muyang know this?

Isn't he a traveler from another world?

Perhaps, when Muyang came from another world, he had also seen Sky Island.

"Moreover, you don't need to be inferior, your fighting talent may not be as good as your sister, but you can also help your sister in other places!!" Immediately after, Mu Yang continued to comfort.

"What should I do?" Barbara looked at Muyang expectantly.

"Then reveal... Ahem, since you are not as good as your sister in terms of combat talent, then why don't you stand in other angles?" Mu Yang coughed lightly, in the face of such a pure prayer priest, Mu Yang really couldn't say anything about the tiger and wolf.

"From what angle?" Barbara looked at Muyang with curiosity: "But I don't know much, I can only pray, do some housework within my ability, and I'm good at treatment, but other than that, it seems that the only thing I can do is sing." "

"But don't you forget, can pure singing heal the soul?" Mu Yang said, staring at Barbara, "Now the security in Mondstadt seems to be getting worse day by day, and everyone is starting to complain about their current life.

People's hearts are becoming more and more impetuous!".

"Yes, I feel it, but there's nothing we can do

The Church of Favonius has begun to cooperate with the Knights of Favonius to maintain order, and will also distribute food and water to the people of Mondstadt, but as time goes on, they still start to get anxious.

But sister, they can't solve so many monsters for the time being.

Unless it was Lord Barbatos, it would be really difficult to deal with so many monsters!" Barbara said worriedly.

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, he had also read a lot of fanfiction in his previous life, rendering the Church of Zephyr as dark as a medieval church, thinking that they were an obstacle to the Knights of Favonius, or these guys only knew pleasure or something.

But after coming to Mondstadt, Muyang discovered that the Church of Zephyr was probably the purest organization in the whole of Mondstadt.

The Knights of Favonius also have quite a few black sheep in high positions, just like the original Inspector General Irook, who is a depraved man.

Within the Knights of Favonius, there are actually not a few people like Irook.

Many of Mondstadt's factions and families also like to send people to the Knights of Favonius, who makes the Knights of Favonius have great power?

The Zephyr Church, although it also has a lot of power and fame, but if you want to become a high-level inside, you need to be selected at various levels, and they also have a special internal monitoring system, many orphans are taken in and cultivated by them, and they are specially used to supervise the people within the Zephyr Church and the major forces in Mondstadt.

What would a devout pastor like Barbara do if he found out that the rest of the people in the Zephyr Church didn't believe in Barbatos?

And if she hadn't been born in that environment, Barbara's faith in Barbatos would have been so devout?

There may be some people in the Church of Zephyr who are not so pure in their belief in Barbatos, and even some nuns can't even remember Barbatos' name, but for Mondstadt, they are very pure, and they are the best organization in Mondstadt.

After knowing this, in fact, Muyang was more or less disappointed.

Originally, he thought that after coming to Mondstadt, he needed to do something and then support Jean to carry out reforms, but the Church of Zephyr disagreed, and came out to sing the opposite, and asked Barbatos to give Mondstadt a big bloodbath!

That's it!?

The problem of the Church of Zephyr is very small, most of the knights in the Knights of Favonius have been taken away by the Grand Master, and the rest of the knights are all Qin's people, isn't this letting Qin cultivate cronies?

It's almost a word for the koto!

Of course, Mondstadt's problems are also engraved in their bones, there are many families on their side, the old forces are still very strong, and they are too lazy!

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