Mondstadt's situation was very special, and Muyang originally thought that if Mondstadt were to reform, it would encounter much more trouble than Liyue.

After all, Mondstadt's giant baby!

But because of the Lawrence family, Mondstadt has already undergone some reforms!

Both the Church of Favonius and the Knights of Favonius are actually preventing the emergence of the next Lawrence family.

With the power that Qin can borrow now, as long as Qin is not a large-scale reform, plus Grand Master Falga has taken away a large number of Favoniur Knights, and he also has the consideration of giving way to Qin, Qin has almost no obstacles now.

If it's a conspiracy theory, could Iloch have deliberately driven Diluc out of the Knights of Favonius so that Jean can take the throne?

After all, Diluc was the youngest captain in the history of the Knights of Favonius!

If you really talk about it, the biggest obstacle today is not what the piano will encounter, but whether the piano will do it.

Jean only has the determination to be a knight, but not the consciousness to become a king!

Let the piano be a second-in-command, there is absolutely no problem with the piano, but the current piano is not mature enough and too indecisive.

Will she grow up in this one?

Mu Yang looked at the location of Qin and Wendy outside the city.

And Barbara's words, singing is the most healing!


At that moment, Muyang began to teach Barbara Bluestar's songs.


At night, Muyang was about to go to bed early, a breeze blew, and Wendy's figure appeared on the sofa not far from Muyang, holding a bottle of wine in his hand and said, "My friend, this time, I came with a good wine!


Would you like to taste the wine I buried before I fell asleep?".

Hundreds of years ago wine?

If it was before the crossing, Muyang would still be worried about whether it would hurt his stomach, but if it was the wine that Wendy took out, it seemed to be worth looking forward to!

Muyang found a wine glass from the kitchen and put it in front of the two, and asked Wendy, "How do you feel?"

"Very good, Jean is a very smart person, she should have guessed my identity.

After knowing that I didn't want to be exposed, we both maintained a tacit understanding!" Wendy said after pouring a glass of wine for each of them, and took a sip before saying.

"But do you think she's really fit to lead Mondstadt forward?" Muyang also learned to take a sip, not to mention, it tasted really good, much better than the Wuliangye and Moutai he had drunk in his previous life.

I should say, it is worthy of the country of wine!

If ordinary drinks are so delicious, then Muyang can understand why the people of Mondstadt love wine so much!

"What's wrong? Do you have any other opinions?" Wendy asked, tilting her head to Muyang.

He himself is very optimistic about the piano, and Qianfeng has told him about the piano, and Wendy almost knows what this girl has experienced since she was a child.

Wendy feels like no one is more suitable for Mondstadt than Jean!

Just like Vanessa at the beginning, with the presence of the piano, Mondstadt will not need to worry about it for decades to come, which is simply amazing!

"You must have seen that Mondstadt actually has a lot of flaws!

Many families are also colluding with the Fatui, and Mondstadt became the Fatui's new barracks!" Muyang said this, and Wendy's face also darkened visibly.

This incident really made Wendy mind very much, yes, it was not wrong that he was indeed asleep, but if something big really happened, he would naturally wake up directly.

As for the battle with the Ice God, hehe, do you really think that he Barbatos is muddy?

As long as the ice god didn't have a problem with his brain, he wouldn't have made such a decision, and besides, their relationship was still quite good!

Secretly, Wendy had already decided to support the Ice God's plan.

But some of the Fatui were a little too arrogant, and they seemed to have too many traitors in Mondstadt, which was a great shame to Wendy.

"If it is in peacetime, no one is more suitable to be the head of the Knights than Jean, but if it is to be reformed, I am more optimistic about Diluc, let him become the head of the Knights of Favonius, and Jean will become the deputy leader to assist Diluc!" Mu Yang suggested as he stared at Wendy.

This is also Muyang's biggest impression after visiting Mondstadt on this day.

Of course, he didn't have any prejudice against Qin, after all, Qin was still his "wife".

Muyang himself also wants to buy shares.

When Wendy heard Mu Yang mention Diluc, she shook her head slightly and said, "Diluc?"

I admit that he is a good man, and if it is really time to destroy the country, he will be a leader who can turn the tide.

But now Mondstadt needs a leader like Jean, who is like an idol in the eyes of countless people.

People's recognition of Diluc is not as high as that of Diluc, even if Diluc is very good, and even better than Jean in some ways.

But it was because of his excellence that he was unable to mingle with the people of Mondstadt.

If Diluc becomes the head of the Knights of Favonius, he may be much more radical than Jean if he reforms, and things that could have been handled well will become complicated!"

After a pause, Wendy continued, "Of course, there are better spots waiting for Diluc on my side!"

"Oh?" Mu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Wendy curiously, could it be that he wanted to render Diluc as the supplier of Barbatos' drinks and make the other party a red-top merchant, right?

"The Church of Zephyr has a special agency for monitoring and arresting traitors, what do you think of having Diluc as the leader of this body?" Wendy said and sighed again, "It's just that he has too close a relationship with some intelligence agencies in the Northern Continent.

I don't think he's going to betray Mondstadt, but there's no guarantee that anyone else won't make a fuss about it, so I'm still hesitating.

I'm not going to show up and push Diluc into this position, right?"

Muyang was also silent for a while when he heard this, and at this time, he also fully realized the difference between Wendy and Zhongli.

For these things, if Zhongli thinks it is appropriate, after the inspection, he will arrange it directly!

But Wendy pushes the other party to move in a certain direction, making them become what they want step by step, which was the case with Vanessa at the beginning, and the same is true for the current piano.

Of course, Wendy is not calculating them, but wants them to get it with their own efforts.

And what about places like Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine?

It seems that the shadow is the monarchy's offline system, and Inazuma's suffering is still caused by her.

Nahida is still trapped here in Sumeru.

The best is Funina, with a Navi Zhuge Wright, such a father, Funina is indeed very relaxed.

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