Although Funina also longs to live like an ordinary person.

But she also knew that based on her previous experience, it was almost impossible to live like an ordinary person.

There was no way to gain strength before, but it's different now.

The other party directly gave me the Eye of God. Even if the other party didn't teach me how to become stronger, relying on the Eye of God was enough for me to do a lot of things.

It was not like Funina had never thought about how she disappeared quietly, that Fukalos could easily replace her, and that without her, Fontaine could become better.

But Fukalos also gave himself a choice before. He would still be the water god in the future and let the water god become a twin god.

They are both themselves and the closest people to each other.

Fukalos also needs his help, and he is willing to help her!

They are one body, and they are also the closest comrades.

If she has residual value and still protects Fontaine, Funina will naturally not mind paying for it.

"Ding, welcome Funina to join the chat group."

A voice appeared in Fu Nina's mind. At the same time, Fu Nina's mind had a lot more information and increased power.

This made Fu Nina stunned. , it seems that she can indeed become stronger, and she is still very strong.

However, is this Mu Yang's ability?

Funina looked at Mu Yang with a subtle expression and asked:"So, now Am I considered your dependent? Seeing Fu

Nina looking like this, Mu Yang also burst into laughter:"Family?" It can be calculated that way.

If you really follow what is said on the continent of Teyvat, you are indeed considered my dependent now."

Funina was speechless and covered her forehead. She sold herself out at once!

However, when she saw the members in the chat group, Funina didn't know what to say.

Fukalos, then Villette, Clolind, and myself, it seems that Fontaine's senior management are all in the chat group now.

And many of the other people in the chat group, Funina, have heard of it. Names.

For example, Keqing, Ningguang, Gan Yu, Captain Qin, Miss Alice, Coral Palace Xinhai, and King Daci Shu have also heard of it.

Especially King Daci Tree, this makes Funina even more I was stunned for a while.

Isn't this the grass god of Xumi?

Or the legendary fallen grass god. Good guy, Mu Yang directly resurrected all the grass gods.

But there was no news about them at all, Funing Na's head was a little dizzy. It seemed that Mu Yang had been preparing for something big before.

"Remember to be a little low-key once you get inside.

No, your strength can be shown."Mu Yang initially wanted Funina to keep a low profile, but not many people knew about Funina's identity. As a water god, she has strength comparable to the Seven Gods. This seems normal, right? It can be said that

, Fu Nina is the last person who needs to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

After all, it stands to reason that her strength itself should be very powerful.

Even Navilette, before entering the chat group, was not sure about Fu Nina's identity. She is convinced that she has never doubted the identity of the other party's water god.

So it seems normal for Funina to show great strength!

Funina's mouth twitched, so you are saying that I can show great strength? ? Or do you want me to continue to be a weak chicken?

If it is really a weak chicken, Fu Nina will not refuse.

This can be regarded as acting in true colors, right?

Before, she had no strength at all, but she wanted to Pretending to be a god is very powerful. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As a result, Funina wants to be powerful now, but she has to pretend to be weak. emmmm, it seems that this is stronger than pretending to be herself It's much simpler.

Just show your true intention.

Funina also focused on the chat group. What made her feel good was that the big guys in the chat group seemed to welcome her.

Although These people don't think so themselves, just look at their names and they are a bit ordinary.[]

Zhongli and Wendi didn't sound like strong people at first glance, but since they could be valued by Mu Yang, they probably weren't ordinary people.

Wait, why is the Ice Queen in the chat group?

Isn’t this woman opposing the laws of heaven?

Could it be that there is some information here that I don't know?

And the woman named Lei Qianqian seems to have a very loud tone. Moreover, you use Lei and Lightning as your name, aren't you afraid that General Lei and Lightning will cause you trouble?


Wendy:"Hey, has Fu Nina joined in?"

Lei Movie:"It's understandable. It's like the relationship between Ying and I. We were once one, and now we're chatting. The group also changed her own destiny."

Nasida:"That's great. Funina is a very great person."

Funina:"Actually, I am not as easy to pull as you said.

However, I will be the same after that. I will work hard to improve myself. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me."

Fukalos:"……"At this time, she really didn't want to admit that the other person was another version of herself.

In the future, the other party will probably become a conspicuous person in the chat group!!

Fu Nina's shame is equivalent to her own shame. I really don't know how to complain about this feeling.

The other me, please be a little more serious.

Villette:"Miss Funina has also joined in. It seems that we will have more confidence to fight against the abyss in the future."

Fukalos:"Well, I can also continue to lurk and continue to work hard to raise (Zhao Li ) to increase the strength. Protect Fontaine in secret."

Funina:"Oh, yes, you are the Water God Fukalos!

You can come out, why do you still need me to appear in front of everyone as the Water God?"

Fukalos:"Because you are also a god, we are one!

Moreover, as the water god in these five hundred years, you have also been very powerful!

I choose to protect Fontaine in another way."

Funina:" But is this really good? I really don’t know how to govern a country."

Fukalos:"Don’t feel inferior, I will help you, and there are also people in the chat group who will help you."】

(Today I have a little less words. I feel uncomfortable. I feel that ergonomic chairs are really not as good as gaming chairs. In terms of handles, ergonomic chairs are indeed much better than gaming chairs. However, sitting on an ergonomic chair makes me feel cramped and oppressive. It seems that it is not the same thing. Knowledge).

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