【Mu Yang:"How to become a god, you can learn slowly. In this regard, you can also learn from Nasida. Her situation is actually similar to yours.

You can also learn slowly.

With Fukalos and Chat As other people in the group watch, you won't make much mistakes.

But you can learn slowly."

Funina:"Nasida? Who is that?"

Fukalos:"Ahem, Nasita belongs to Xumi. Little Lucky Grass King, she has a similar experience to you."

Funina:"Little Lucky Grass King? That's it, I understand!"

Funina also knew about the little Lucky Grass King Xumi.

Although she is not a qualified water god and cannot participate in major events, she also knows about the little auspicious Grass King Xumi.

That seems to be a very good god as well.

It seems that I can indeed learn in the chat group.

Funina:"Wait a minute, the Little Lucky Grass King is here too, and Fukalos is here. I also saw the Ice Queen of the Solstice Kingdom before. Are there other gods here?"

Fukalos:" Ahem, among the seven gods, there is no one except the god of fire...

Zhongli is the rock god Morax of Liyue.

Wendy is the wind god of Mondstadt, Bartos.

Thunder and lightning are really the god of thunder, Baer of Rice Wife..

Nasida is the grass god Buyel.

The Queen of Ice is the ice god of the winter kingdom, Barnabas.

At the same time, there are other gods here. Lei is the former god of thunder and the sister of the thunder god Baal, Baalzebul. , today’s ruler of life, well, its status is even higher than the seven rulers in the world.

Asmodeus is the maintainer of heavenly principles……"

In order to prevent Funina from making a joke because she didn't know these people, Fukalos also explained to Funina.

This also made Funina stunned.

Good guy, the entire Teyvat continent is ours except for the Vulcan, right?

However, she also knew that this matter must be kept a secret. When it comes to the ability to keep secrets, there are probably not many people in the entire Tiwat Continent who can compare with Funina.

After all, Funina had hidden the secret about her identity for five hundred years, and no one had noticed the flaw yet.

Even Navilette didn't know that Fonina was actually just a part of human beings before meeting Fukalos.

Therefore, there is no problem in telling Fu Nina about this matter, and it will not really put too much pressure on Fu Nina. At least there are still many friends in the chat group to bear the pressure together.

Funina:"I know, and I will hide the secret in the future.

But has the flood really been solved? Don't you need me to play the role in the future?"

Fukalos:"Do what you should do, do Just do what you want to do.

When you have time, improve more and improve your strength.

Having strength is always good."

Funina:"Okay, I understand, I will work hard to improve my strength in the future."】

After some exchanges with Fukalos, Funina finally understood what she was going to do next.

This seems to be quite good.

Funina had no intention of rejecting the fact that Fukalos and she would manage Fontaine together as water gods.

Even Funina herself knows nothing about managing the country. Now she has to learn all these things, which is very difficult and tiring.

It's also a good thing to have Fukalos and himself to share the pressure.

The only thing that made Funina a little unhappy was that Fukalos needed to hide for the time being.

For the time being, she can only take the lead. Fortunately, Villette is one of her own and will help her.

Moreover, Clolind also knows her identity, and she can ask Clolind for help later. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you think about it this way, it’s actually pretty good.

I just don’t know if Clolinde is still willing to trust me after her identity is exposed?

Oh, no, it seems that Clolinde has known her identity for a long time, but she still maintains the same attitude toward herself.

This feeling... well, it doesn't seem to be enough, right? [ ]

At least you don’t need to bear all this yourself.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Nina looked at Mu Yang, who was not far in front of her, and bowed deeply to Mu Yang:"Thank you, I really thank you so much. If it weren't for you, If you do, no one knows what Fengdan will become in the future.

It was you who saved Fengdan. If you need me in the future, please give me your orders."

Mu Yang took a deep look at Funina. Could it be that he I want to eat puffs, can the other party give them back?

This kind of look, like a big bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit, made Funina's hair stand on end.

She looked at Mu Yang with some confusion, not understanding why the other party looked at her like this.

After talking about it, Funina was also a little panicked when Mu Yang looked at her like this. o(TヘTo) is indeed someone who can be followed by many gods. Just looking at him like this is not something ordinary people can bear!

"Work hard from now on!"At this time, Mu Yang's bad taste came to his mind. He lifted Funina's chin, lowered his head and looked at Funina playfully.

Funina could clearly feel Mu Yang's breathing. On her cheek.

Fu Nina's eyes trembled slightly. Could it be that Mu Yang wanted...

Although she still looks like a girl, Fu Nina is no longer a child who doesn't understand anything.

Could it be that Mu Yang wanted... What are you going to do to yourself?

After knowing Mu Yang's identity, Funina has also investigated Mu Yang's information.

In Liyue, Ke Qing and Ning Guang were lovers, and so was General Lei Dian, who was also Dao's wife. Regarding the relationship between the couple, it is even said that Mu Yang is the wife of General Thunder.

Of course, Funina also knows that this is just what outsiders say.

After all, Mu Yang is the law of heaven. If it really counts, they are just Mu Yang's harem. Right?

Well, am I about to be accepted into the harem by Mu Yang?

After careful calculation, Funina actually doesn’t mind very much, at least she won’t refuse.

She became Mu Yang’s woman, and then Mu Yang always Don't you have any prejudice against Fontaine?

These things always have to be done by someone, either by yourself or by another me.

I am not smart, nor strong, nor can I compare to my other self in every aspect. Now If there is something to share with Fukalos, Funina will naturally not refuse.

It seems that becoming the other person's woman is not an unpleasant thing.

Wait, this seems to be a special space, and no one outside can You can see them, but there are Clolind and Navia outside!

(The original gaming chair was replaced, but the height of the previous gaming chair was a little lower, at least the arms had to be It's very uncomfortable to lift it up and put it on the table to type.

As for the ergonomic chair, maybe it's because I'm heavier now and it's a bit crowded to sit on. In short, the two chairs at home are not very suitable for me.

Consider it. After a while, continue to buy a new chair, or simply replace the computer desk. After all, buying so many chairs is ultimately caused by feeling that the computer desk is too high.)

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