"Surturoch's forbidden knowledge cannot be touched for the time being.

But it can become nourishment to help me grow in the future."Mu Yang said that it is good for Surt Lodge to be ambitious.

Logically speaking, if Surt Lodge can really crack the forbidden knowledge, it can indeed improve his strength. After all, the level of the abyss is still quite high.

If it were not for encountering When it comes to Muyang, otherwise, the abyss would be unsolvable in countless worlds.

Muyang doesn’t know if there is an abyss in the prehistoric world...

Well, well, if it is a high-end prehistoric world, Muyang said that the level of the abyss is not like this High.

At least not to this level yet

"I also have some taboo knowledge here, which I obtained before and prepared to study."Si Keke took out a piece of forbidden knowledge from somewhere and handed it to Mu Yang and said.

After getting this piece of taboo knowledge, Mu Yang's expression was also very subtle.

Look, the money-giving boy, Si Keke Compared to the Flower Goddess and Alice,

Mu Yang was more like a money-giving boy. Mu Yang had obtained forbidden knowledge three times, once from the World Tree, and Mu Yang knew the truth about the forbidden knowledge.

The second time from the Grass Dragon King, actually The taboo knowledge of the Grass Dragon King and the taboo knowledge of the Great Merciful Tree King also come from the same origin.

The third time is the taboo knowledge that Alice brought to 857 Muyang.

Among them, the taboo knowledge that Alice brought is the least, which is also because of the taboo Knowledge itself is difficult to find. Mu Yang believes that there must not be much forbidden knowledge near the Teyvat continent.

Alice is still very easy to get along with. She is usually heartless, but if she really becomes friends with Alice, She is the kind of person who is serious about things.

Whether it is Mu Yang or some people in the chat group, they actually regard Alice as a friend.

This is like the Witch Club. Alice does have a group of very good friends.

The little forbidden knowledge that Alice gave herself was already the forbidden knowledge that Alice had collected through all the hard work.

If the forbidden knowledge was so easy to obtain, the Flower Goddess would not have died in the first place.

Oh, no, the Flower Goddess was just It was just a fake death, but Mu Yang also knew that the Flower God had also paid a heavy price at that time. Otherwise, that old licker like King Chi would not have worked so hard to overturn the law of heaven.

Therefore, in the Flower God After joining Mu Yang's side, Mu Yang did not let the Flower God bring him forbidden knowledge.

At this moment, the forbidden knowledge that Silk brought to Mu Yang exceeded the forbidden knowledge that Mu Yang had obtained before. Three times.

This forbidden knowledge is enough for Mu Yang to do a lot of things.

Well, it is three times the total of the forbidden knowledge obtained before!

"Didn't expect there would be so many."Mu Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Surtrodge is very interested in forbidden knowledge and has always tried to decipher the secrets of forbidden knowledge.

But he also doesn't want to let others obtain forbidden knowledge, and prevent others from having the opportunity to decipher forbidden knowledge.

So he collected a lot of forbidden knowledge.

I have collected this forbidden knowledge myself."Sikkik glanced at the forbidden knowledge and said:"But it seems that I will give you an advantage in the future.

The forbidden knowledge collected by Surt Lodge is at least dozens of times greater than my forbidden knowledge."

Very good, Surturoch is dead, no one can stop me!"


Those forbidden knowledge are all mine. Even if Surturoch offers all the forbidden knowledge later, I will never let him go.

"Is forbidden knowledge easy to find in the abyss?"After calming down, Mu Yang asked

"I don't know how big the abyss is. We are probably only on the periphery of the abyss. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Most of these are worlds that are about to be destroyed, or have just been destroyed. Silk shook his head slightly and said,"As for Surte Lodge, he should know a lot more than me."

However, in the abyss, he should not be considered powerful, but in the periphery (bgca), Surturoch is considered very powerful."

Sikkik glanced at the forbidden knowledge again and said:"As for the forbidden knowledge, these are all products after the destruction of the world.

It is related to the rules of the world, but because it is the product of the abyss devouring the world, it contains the power of the abyss.

Even if some worlds are destroyed, forbidden knowledge may not be born, while in other worlds, a lot of forbidden knowledge may be born.

It depends on what the world is like.

However, if you look carefully, there is still a lot of forbidden knowledge in the abyss, you just need to look for it."

Mu Yang also showed a pensive look when he heard this.

Mu Yang can understand that the Teyvat continent is only the periphery of the abyss.

Although the Teyvat continent is now almost surrounded by the abyss, it is still in the abyss. Periphery[]

As for what the depths of the abyss look like, Mu Yang doesn't know.

However, now is not the time to come into contact with these things. The most important thing is to work hard to improve yourself and the strength of Teyvat Continent.

"However, there should be no forbidden knowledge near the Teyvat continent. If you need it, I can explore the depths of the abyss for you."After hesitating for a while, Si Keke continued.

"That's not necessary. This little taboo knowledge is enough for me to use for a long time."Mu Yang shook his head slightly. Just kidding, there is still a lot of taboo knowledge before. Coupled with the taboo knowledge given by Si Keke, Mu Yang feels that it will take a long time in the future to sort out these taboo knowledge.

Bring the world to the world The integration of the rules into the Teyvat continent is not without cost. In addition to the energy consumption required by Mu Yang, the consumption of the Great Ci Tree King is also very huge.

Although there is a grass stone slab, in Mu Yang's opinion, it is still There are shortcomings.

At least the Great Ci Tree King has some shortcomings, unless Nasida also comes to help, but how can this be possible? Nasida is still a child?

Oh, by the way, when I saw Nasida before, she seemed to be the same When you grow up, why don't you cooperate with Nacida next time?

As for Nacida's age?

Just kidding, Nacida is the Seven Gods and is already five hundred years old. The only problem is her age, but the other party is already fourteen or fifteen years old. Looks like 20 years old

"As for the future, isn’t this the forbidden knowledge of Surturoch? Moreover, our strength will continue to improve when the time comes.

Okay, you prepare a little bit, let's go out."Mu Yang then said:"After that, I will ask you to go to the land of Kanria.……"

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