"Canrea?"Si Keke was obviously stunned for a moment and looked at Mu Yang in surprise and asked.

"Well, next I will find a way to bring Kanria into Teyvat.

After all, that side was part of the Teyvat continent, but they had to be abandoned because of the war five hundred years ago.

It is also the fault of the Kanreians themselves for committing suicide. Mu Yang nodded slightly:"Kanria's side has now become the front station for the invasion of monsters."

I will make use of Kanria later, but that is all that needs to be destroyed - get rid of Kanria.

Of course, I also admit that I currently don’t have enough manpower to manage so many people."

"I only know how to fight."Si Keke quickly reminded.

It's not that Si Keke has no brains. In this regard, she is different from Dadalia. Si Keke has a brain, but she is too lazy to use her brain many times.

Moreover, compared to using As for the brain, Silk Kirk prefers fighting. As long as his strength becomes strong enough, then all the conspiracies and tricks are just a cloud.

Of course, when you can't crush the opponent, you still have to use your brain. Relatively speaking, Silk Kirk Prefer Yangmou

"Um, so just go over there and take a look.

You don’t need to do anything, you can even do whatever you want.

At that time, if Surturoch wakes up suddenly and asks you what you are doing, you only need to say that the fate of Teyvat Continent has changed and that you are observing Teyvat Continent."Mu Yang said pointedly.

Mu Yang finally decided to let Si Keke go back to be a spy.

No matter from any angle, it can be seen that Si Keke was sincere. He not only gave his body to Mu Yang, but also He also brought forbidden knowledge to Mu Yang.

To be blunt, that forbidden knowledge is much more important than the Star-Eating Whale.

"If you don't mind, you can also enter the Abyss Order."After thinking about it, Mu Yang said to Silk again:"Although I don't care about the people of the Abyss Order, if we can gather all the enemies in the Teyvat Continent, the trouble can be reduced a lot."

"I don't care about this. I have investigated the Abyss Order. The prince has been downgraded from the descendant.

He is no longer the Adventer."Speaking of Kong, Silk's expression was also subtle for a while. If we really count, Kong is indeed a very embarrassing descendant.

"If possible, I ask you to break into the enemy. I will give you the power and the power to contact me."After careful consideration, Mu Yang said to Silk:"After giving you the power, I may know what you are doing, do you mind?"

"Can."Sikkik did not refuse when he heard this.

If Mu Yang's power can really do this, that is to say, Mu Yang can actually monitor everyone all the time.

Do other people in Teyvat Continent know this?

However, these things are not important to Silk.

Moreover, she still likes Mu Yang's frankness. After all, if Mu Yang doesn't tell her about this, she may not know it yet.

As for her being Skok doesn't care about monitoring or anything like that. After all, the other party is indeed his man. As long as he can kill Surte Lodge in the future, that's all.

With Mu Yang's strength, he wants to kill Surte 100%. Trochi, it’s still hard to do now, I hope he can become stronger

"good!"Mu Yang said that since he can create a chat group, he can also create a private chat.

Moreover, it is still the kind that can be monitored.

Doesn't anyone really think that chat software is 100% safe?

Anyway, Mu Yang said The content of the chat group created can be seen by Mu Yang.


While Dadalia, Clolinde and others were chatting, a space door was opened, and Mu Yang came out with Silk.

But everyone can see that Silk is not looking very well at this moment and seems to be injured.

This is understandable, after all, Mu Yang's strength is indeed higher than Silk's, and they expected to attack the opponent.

After all, Mu Yang is a person with a strong sense of justice. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Master, are you okay?"Dadalia couldn't help but shrink her pupils when she saw Silk's appearance, and asked quickly.

Regarding Silk's strength, Dadalya has always been very confident, thinking that the other party will not be better than that so-called The maintainer of heavenly law is a weak existence.

But now it seems that Silk is defeated by Mu Yang. And he is also injured.

This makes Dadalia a little unexpected[]

Is Mu Yang so powerful?

"No problem!"Sikkik glanced at Dadalia, then at Mu Yang and said:"You can't kill the Star-Eating Whale, so you can take care of yourself."

After saying that, she turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of everyone. No one came out to stop Si Keke.

Obviously, if Mu Yang let Si Keke go, there would be no need for them to stop him.

As long as they don't Just take away the Star-Eating Whale.

After all, the Star-Eating Whale is too dangerous.

"Can't this Star-Eating Whale be killed?"Fukalos asked Mu Yang worriedly.

"Well, I can’t kill you for the time being.

The Star-Eating Whale bears the mark of Surturoch.

If Surturoch comes to the Teyvat continent, with our current strength, we may have to face a war like the First Throne and the Second Throne."Mu Yang said pointedly.

Everyone at the scene shrank when they heard this.

Some things were once secrets, but since Mu Yang became Tianli, this matter is no longer a secret.

Especially Ying Zaiyuan The things I saw in the lower palace were also uploaded to the chat group.

Therefore, everyone knows about the Battle of the Throne.

Well, except for Dadalia, who may not know very well

"Is Surtroki so powerful?"When Villette heard this, he also showed a pensive look.

"Although it was just one-sided words from Silk, I believed it.

Moreover, the other party also took out my favorite chips."Mu Yang chuckled. He walked up to the Star-Eating Whale, stretched out his fingers, and in the blink of an eye, the huge Star-Eating Whale continued to shrink, and finally fell into his hands.

This... everyone saw At this scene, I was dumbfounded for a while. Is it so easy?

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you!).

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