"That, Mu Yang, my master……"Dadalia looked at Mu Yang sheepishly.

After all, he and Mu Yang are friends, but looking at Mu Yang, it seems that he and his master have become enemies.

This made Dadalia not know how to face Mu Yang for a moment.

"Your master and I are life and death friends, so there is no need to worry.

Oh, by the way, you don’t know what life-and-death friendship means. Just know that I have a good relationship with her."Mu Yang pointed out to Dadalia.

Even Mu Yang felt a little embarrassed after deceiving Dadalia so many times.

Dadalia, your IQ is almost nothing compared to a battle of wits and courage. It’s related

"Is that so?"Dadalia nodded thoughtfully. They were just close friends of life and death. How could he not know it? In any case, his master is away from"Three Three Three". This is a good thing. As for - Dardalia doesn't care what happens to the Star-Eating Whale.

【Mu Yang:"The Star-Swallowing Whale cannot be killed for the time being, and Surte Lodge is more troublesome than expected." The

Great Ci Tree King:"Is Surte Lodge very powerful?"

Mu Yang:"Well, according to Si Ke According to Ke, Surturoch's strength is not inferior to that of me who now has the blessing of Teyvat Continent.

Moreover, he also has a large number of masters under his command, and the current Teyvat Continent is no match for them."

Ah. Smulder:"Are you sure? After all, Silk is still a person who cannot be trusted. It would be bad if she deceived you and deceived you with wrong information."

Surtrodge's reputation seems to be quite high in the abyss. , but none of them had ever seen Soult Lodge.

I don’t know how strong Surturoch is.

Silk's strength is very strong, but Asmode feels that he is no worse than Silk now, and even stronger than Silk.

Mu Yang:"Actually, she gave me something that was hard to refuse."

Next, Mu Yang also told about the forbidden knowledge and some information about Silk.

Zhongli:"To actually bring the geniuses of the world that he destroyed with him and cultivate their strength, I don't know if this Surte Rocky is too confident."

King Daci Shu:"Is this forbidden knowledge?

This It is indeed a good thing. If it were me, it would be difficult for me to refuse. After all, for us, forbidden knowledge is the best nourishment. The forbidden knowledge introduced by the Flower God before could have made me fall.

If there were just a little more If so...

But with so much forbidden knowledge around, isn't it that Silk wants to detonate the forbidden knowledge when he is unable to defeat him?"

Mu Yang:"Who knows this?

Anyway, for now, these The forbidden knowledge is enough to buy Silk's life.

Moreover, according to what Silk said, there is more forbidden knowledge in Surt Lodge. I know that between me and Surt Lodge , I really won’t stop until I die."

Are you concerned about other people’s forbidden knowledge?

No one else knew how to complain about Mu Yang.

But, things like forbidden knowledge are only for the virtuous.

Nasida:"I just don't know how many good things there are in those forbidden knowledge, and how many changes it can bring to the Teyvat continent."

Mu Yang:"No matter what, even the chance of good things appearing is far less than The taboo knowledge I acquired before can only bring benefits to me."

Lei Movie:"It's just a pity that I don't have the opportunity to have a real fight with Si Keke."

Mu Yang:"Actually, in the future, I will still There is a chance."

Fukalos:"In any case, Fontaine's prophecy can be considered over.

Although this flood is not as big as the rumors, the flooded area of ​​Fontaine is less than one-tenth.

And , was solved in a short period of time.

It can be regarded as solving a huge hidden danger."

Navilette:"Indeed, it is fortunate that Mu Yang discovered the Star-Eating Whale in a short time. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Star-Eating Whale It doesn't mean that it can be dealt with by just dealing with it.

For Fontaine, this time it is indeed a life and death crisis."

Clolind:"No matter what, it is Mr. Muyang, Mr. Navilette and Lord Fukalos, Lady Funina saved Fontaine."

Funina:"Me? I don't seem to have done much, and my strength is too weak.

I should be the weakest in the chat group right now, right?"

It seems, This is really true. Fu Nina is somewhat of a pushover, and she is currently the last person to join the chat group........

Fukalos:"No, in the past five hundred years, you have also played the role of the water god very well. Moreover, in the beginning, you were the first to discover Navilite.

Although you did not recognize Navilite at the beginning. Wright’s true identity. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it also caught my attention."


Well, picking up Villette is indeed something to be proud of.

Even now, Funina is proud of this matter. who could have thought[]

I just wanted to go out for a walk to relieve my anxiety, and then I picked up Navilette outside.

At that time, Funina also felt some special temperament in Navilette.

It's a bit like myself. The other person is a very lonely person like me. When I learn that the other person has no home and is very confused about me.

Funina almost did not hesitate to send an invitation to Villette, and then made some arrangements for the other party.

Otherwise, Fukalos would not have discovered that Villette was actually the Water Dragon King.

Some of Fukalos' subsequent plans actually revolved around Villette.

But I didn't expect that Mu Yang would come from Teywat Continent.

If you think about it carefully, Funina 2.3 actually made a lot of contributions.

Navia:"Having said that, what are we going to do next?

Is everything over?"

Mu Yang:"The flood in Fontaine is over, and the next step is the trial of those nobles.

I hope you can perform a good show for me The trial."

Funina:"No problem, we have been preparing for this day for a long time."

Since knowing that Mu Yang does not like nobles, several Fontaine people in the chat group also understand the shortcomings of nobles. For this matter , it has also been prepared for a long time.

Not to mention others, even Funina is also looking forward to this matter. It's not that she doesn't know about some things, she just doesn't have the strength to take care of them. 】

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