Seeing Fukalos like this, Mu Yang was also in a trance. It seemed that he had never seen Fukalos like this before.

However, if you think about it carefully, maybe this is Fukalos.

There were so many pure water elves back then, so why did Egolia choose Fukalos?

It must be because Fukalos is a special pure water elf, otherwise he would not be interested in Egolia.

Fukalos still has very good abilities. Although in the past five hundred years, Fukalos seemed to be waiting for death, but Fukalos did seem to be doing very well.

"Do your best from now on. As long as you do well enough, no one can make a fuss about this matter. Moreover, the Fontaine people in the future will also be human beings."Mu Yang vowed to Fukalos.

"Um!"Hearing Mu Yang's assurance, Fukalos also breathed a sigh of relief.

Why did she cooperate with Funina to please Mu Yang before?

Didn't she want Mu Yang to provide some protection to Fengdan?

Now it seems, It was all worth it, and it was not in vain that I had begged Mu Yang for mercy during this period.

Well, this was really begging for mercy. Even Fukalos did not expect that Mu Yang could humiliate the gods in this way.

Fortunately, these Things are also spread among the people of Fontaine. Otherwise, Fukalos will become a shame to Fontaine.

However, when did the Fontaine people become so good at playing?

If they were allowed to Knowing that all the things he has researched have been used by Mu Yang on their gods, I'm afraid they don't know how to complain, right?

"Do not worry!"Mu Yang stroked Fukalos' head and said softly:"Whether it is Fontaine or Teyvat Continent, the future will get better and better.

Fontaine has its own meaning of existence, and so do you. There is no need to think about it in the future, after all, you are my woman."

Fukalos' beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and he seemed to have a domineering style!

I love him so much!

If Fukalos didn't have much personal feelings for Mu Yang before, then it has become different now.

Especially after hearing what Mu Yang said to him, Fukalos was still a little touched in his heart.

Well, it would not be bad to be Mu Yang's woman.

The Fontaine people themselves are very romantic.

Now this blood connection The relationship can be regarded as a kind of romance

"It's a pity that Fengdan doesn't have many experts, otherwise, they can also contribute in this matter.

Some of the powerful pure water elves actually left Fontaine a long time ago and did not obey my orders.

They only recognized Egolia as the water goddess."Immediately afterwards, Fukalos said helplessly.

After all, everyone was pure water elves at the beginning, and they seemed to have no reason to listen to him.

Just because Agolia chose to become the water god in the first place?

Fukalos also understood , in the past five hundred years, neither she nor Funina has shown what a qualified water god should do.

If in the past five hundred years, it was not Funina but Fukalos who stood outside, maybe those The pure water elves outside will also recognize Fukalos.

But Funina is not Fukalos, and many of the things she does are a bit ridiculous in the eyes of countless people.

Those pure water elves at the beginning, after witnessing After Egolia, it is strange that they are willing to recognize Funina.

If it were Mu Yang himself, Mu Yang would not be able to recognize Funina as the water god.

"There is a pure water elf in Qingce Village, and its strength is quite good. You can go to him, and maybe he will recognize you."After thinking about it, Mu Yang said to Fukalos:"If nothing else happens (bhad), the other party has strength comparable to that of an immortal.

Of course, this so-called immortal is just a weaker one."

"Is it Lotya?

Lotia was originally the strongest pure water elf sent out by Egolia.

If I didn't become the Water God, I probably wouldn't be stronger than it."Fukalos said in a daze:"Although the pure water elves are all Egolia's dependents, there are not many that can be truly regarded as dependents.

Lotia and I are both truly empowered dependents.

If Lotia had not been sent to other countries by Egolia to be a spy, I might not have become the Water God."

"Let Lotia become the water goddess? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That may be another story. Mu Yang smiled noncommittally:"However, I don't think Lotia will become a better water god than you. Although the water god you and Fukalos made is not particularly good, it is not bad either."

At least during this period, Fontaine has been operating well.

You even used Lüchang's mixed energy to provide energy for Fontaine. If it weren't for you, Fontaine's energy advantage wouldn't be so great."

Fukalos' eyes flickered slightly. It seems that the biggest thing he did for Fontaine was that he became a lüchanghunneng.

Now it seems that what he did was quite successful.

"You can talk to Lotia, at least in my opinion, it should be willing to cooperate with you.

Although at the level of immortal, for us now, it is not a very good combat power.

But for Fontaine, it's still pretty good. Mu Yang paused and continued:"Egolia previously sent spies to sneak into other countries.

I don't comment on these things. After all, even among the seven rulers in the world, there will inevitably be some fights.

Because of my relationship and the chat group, you don’t need to worry about war.

However, people like Morax actually knew the purpose of Egolia sending pure water elves to their country."

"That?"Fukalos hesitated for a moment, and then understood what Morax and the others meant.

It seemed that they were not afraid of what Fontaine would think at all, and they also showed their trust in Fontaine, and told Fontaine that there is no need for you to worry. I'm here to fight you.

Thinking carefully about Morax's behavior and strength, it seems that this may be really big. At least if Morax wants to destroy Fontaine, it will not be difficult. Moreover, with Sky Island watching There seems to be no need to send spies.

Unless it is to go against Sky Island.

Perhaps at that time, Egolia sent the pure water elves out because she was worried that what she was doing would be known to other gods? d

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