Replacing the Fontaine people with pure water elves is undoubtedly crazy.

If the Seven Gods of other countries knew about this matter, even if they did not want to participate in the internal affairs of other countries, they would still need to stand up and stop this matter.

The devil loves people, this sentence is not said casually.

They won't allow this

"However, the existence of pure water elves also has benefits for other countries."Mu Yang thought for a moment and then said:"After all, pure water elves have very high requirements for water quality.

But in the same way, they can also purify water sources. It is really difficult for Sui Lord to purify all water sources.

I also don't plan to cultivate too many three holy beasts.

If there are enough pure water elves, the sewage can be purified."

Fukalos shook his head slightly and said:"No, it is difficult for ordinary pure water elves to purify sewage, which consumes a huge amount of pure water elves.

It would be okay if there were a large number of pure water elves, but if the pure water elves with average strength were allowed to pass, then this would be somewhat thankless.

Unless there are a large number of pure water elves in the local area.

Otherwise, if there is a lot of sewage in a water area, pure water elves will not be able to survive at all.

And if a large number of pure water elves are sent out, other countries will have other ideas.

Even though Fontaine currently has very good relations with other countries,"

"Um! Mu Yang nodded thoughtfully:"This is indeed true. Forget it, you can decide these things yourself!"

If you are interested in Lotia, you can go to Liyue to call her back."

"I would like to have other dependents, such as Suicune, but unfortunately, the three holy beasts are all Nasida's dependents now."Speaking of this, Fukalos looked at Mu Yang with resentment.

Fukalos has been coveting Suicune for a long time.

Not only is Suicune good-looking, but also because Suicune can purify water, which is why Fukalos what Los pursues

"This is it."Muyang also fell into deep thought after hearing this. Should he prepare dependents for Fukalos?

This is not impossible.

Suicune is obviously impossible.

But for other Pokémon, it is not impossible.

Gaio Ka obviously cannot do it. If Kyogre were to be created, who would listen to whom?

Moreover, Kyogre’s character is not suitable for being a dependent of Fukalos.

Relatively speaking, Menas seems to be the most suitable for Fukalos. Carlos's is just a little bit weaker in Menas' strength.

It's impossible for him to create a large number of Demon God-level Menas, right?

But if it's not Demon God-level Menas, even Mu Yang feels that he might have gone too far. After all, Nacida's relatives are all at the level of demon gods. When it comes to Fukalos, their strength can't be too bad, right?

At least one must be at the level of demon gods.

Volcanion? It's too ugly. Mu Yang felt that it was impossible for Fukalos to accept it. After all, although Volkanion was good in strength, he was also too ugly.

No, Keldeo seemed to be good too!

Mu Yang quickly thought of this option.

"Need to give me some time. Mu Yang's eyes flickered slightly:"I will bring you a dependent who will satisfy you later.""

"This is what you said!"Fukalos hooked his arms around Mu Yang's neck and said softly:"If you lie to me, Funina will not listen to you in the future."

"uh-huh!"Mu Yang raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much.


In the World Tree, Mu Yang came to the Great Mercy Tree King after bidding farewell to Fukalos.

I don’t know when it started, but Mu Yang seemed to be more willing to come to King Daci Shu after finishing his work.

There is no way, who knows that Keqing and the others are also very busy people and have no time to accompany themselves.

On the Thunder Movie side, Raiden is really accompanying him.

Many times it seems that you don’t need yourself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, Lei Qianqian is also preparing for war now. She obviously wants to take advantage of this time to accumulate strength and improve her strength.

Canrea, you must destroy it!

Only by destroying Kanria can he be able to clear his mind and further improve his martial arts.

Even Fukalos has gone to improve her strength. After all, as a water goddess, her strength is indeed somewhat lacking.

"You came?"Unlike other people, the life of the Great Mercy Tree King is a bit boring now.

After all, the Great Mercy Tree King has completely handed over the matter of Xumi to Nasida.

He is really too indecisive and sometimes too kind. Well, if you are too kind, you will not be able to be a king or a god.

In the beginning, you wanted to save everything, which caused your own failure. Sumeru has also stagnated in the past five hundred years.

In the Great Merciful Tree King It seems that Xumi has failed in the past five hundred years.

And Nasida has obviously done a good job under the guidance of Mu Yang and Morax.

Now Nasida is a better god than herself, and Xumi Things are getting better and better under Nasida's teachings.

As a remnant of the old era, it is better not to interfere with Nasida's governance of the country. The

Great Ci Tree King will not snatch Nasida's authority.

And within the space of the World Tree, In addition to reading the knowledge left by Mu Yang, the Great Mercy Tree King usually accompanies Pokmon, which can be said to be a bit idle. There is no way, the Great Mercy Tree King, whose divine power is somewhat lacking, is often recovering his divine power.

Let her change her mind. The rules of Watt Continent are really making things difficult for King Da Cishu.

Mu Yang needs to cooperate no matter what.

"Well, here I come."Mu Yang sat directly next to the Great Ci Tree King, looked into the distance, and said softly:"The space of the World Tree seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

In terms of area alone, it would probably be thousands of square kilometers."

Thinking back to those days, although the special space of the World Tree is not small, the area is definitely not as big as it is now. This means that the power of the World Tree is also improving. I don't know how strong the Great Merciful Tree King is now.

Oh, yes Yes, Mu Yang does have some understanding. At least now Mu Yang feels that the power of the Great Ci Tree King may not be weaker than that of Asmodeus when he first saw it.

Thinking about it carefully, it is understandable. After all, at that time Asmodeus is about to die.

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all! 4).

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