"Revenge against the entire continent of Teyvat?"Dainsreb was in a daze. He just wanted to seek revenge from the law of heaven and the maintainer of it.

As a result, Piero wanted to take revenge on the entire continent of Teyvat.

This was something that Dainsreb did not expect.

After all, In Dainsreb's view, the Seven Gods had hatred towards them, and he did not trust the Seven Gods. After all, during the Kanria War, Dainsreb and the others also believed that the Seven Gods were here to save them, and then Fighting with the Abyss.

In the end, they did not expect that the maintainers of heavenly principles and the Seven Gods had indeed come to Kanrea, but not only to fight against the power of the abyss, but also to deal with Kanrea.

In their opinion, at the beginning Canrea has fallen into the abyss and needs to be eliminated.

Well, in fact, Dainsreb can barely accept"Three Zero" on this point. He is much more rational than Piero..

Dainsreb just had hatred for the Seven Gods, and he also believed that they did something wrong back then, but there was no such thing as Piero who wanted to destroy the continent of Teyvat. Otherwise, Dainsreb would be worse than Kong is more suitable as the leader of the Abyss Order.

After all, Dainthreb is a Kanriyan, and Kong is not.

Although Kong has done quite well as the prince of the abyss in the past five hundred years.

But Kong is Kanrea's level of care is definitely not as good as that of Dainsreb.

It's just that those people at the beginning couldn't find Dainsreb. Even if they found Dainsreb, they couldn't persuade him. There are many things he wants to do, but none of them is to destroy the entire continent of Teyvat.

But everyone in the Abyss Order wants to destroy the continent of Teyvat, which is inconsistent with Dainsreb's purpose.

Dainsreb It is impossible for Boo to become the leader of the Abyss Religion. It is not that the Abyss Religion does not want it, but that Deinsreib does not want it.

"Yes, Khanria has been destroyed, and all the countries that belong to us have been destroyed.

Do you think the continent of Teyvat without Kanria would have any meaning to exist?"Piero stared at Dainsreb and said solemnly:"Only in this way can the original Canria people truly rest in peace.

The curse of heaven prevented the Kanruiya people from dying and transformed into Qiuqiu people.

Even if it is killed, it will not take long before it reappears.

This is a disgrace to us Kanreians."

After speaking, Piero also showed a look of gnashing his teeth.

Dainsreb was silent for a while after hearing this. Indeed, even he is suffering from the torture of eternal life.

Immortality is a kind of torture, and at the same time, wear and tear is also A kind of torture.

Even though Dainsreb had a strength comparable to that of a demon god, he still felt endless pain.

Dainsreb knew that he was feeling pain, but what about the ordinary Kanria people?

As The Qiuqiu people, that was a huge shame, the law of heaven and the maintainer of heavenly law, pressed the dignity of Kanria to the ground, and slapped him back and forth.

As a part of Kanria, Dainsreb also felt uncomfortable.

He He smiled bitterly and said:"I once went under the giant rock abyss, where there is the power to suppress the curse. I thought that if I went there, I would feel better, and that would be the hope of lifting the curse.

But I found that it was not hope, but more like our cemetery.

Unless Phanes falls one day, otherwise, the curse on us cannot be erased."

After a pause, Dainsreib continued to add:"However, I don't really support your idea of ​​​​destroying the entire continent of Teyvat. I just want to get rid of the laws of heaven and the maintainers of them.

Those other people did not offend us, you are too extreme, Piero!"

"Hahahahaha, am I extreme?"When Piero heard Dainsreb's words, he laughed crazily:"This is the only way!!

You said that killing Tianli can break the curse of eternal life?

Have you ever considered what the nature of eternal damnation is?"

"Isn't this the natural reason that they want to torture us?

Are we left with no way to survive but to die?"Dainsreb frowned, but still said

"No, in the final analysis, it is still because of the power of the abyss.

We all have the power of the abyss within us to some extent.

Only by planting an immortal curse can this abyssal force not be integrated into the Teyvat continent, and the Teyvat continent not be further eroded by the abyssal power........."Piero roared hysterically:"But why?

Fanes and the others are incapable of solving the power of the abyss, but why do they keep cursing us? People can't die without shaking their heads.

Why do we have to endure such and such, life is worse than death?" The torture of death."

After hearing this, Dainsreb understood why Fanes didn't let them die.

If you put aside that the cursed people are himself and the Canrians, Dainsreb is actually satisfied with Leifanis' behavior.

In order to protect the continent of Teyvat, someone will eventually have to sacrifice.

There is pollution from the power of the abyss in the bodies of the Kanreyan people. If the power of the abyss erodes the continent of Teyvat, the continent of Teyvat will also be finished.

Which one is more important? Deinsreib quickly made a decision. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But they are the ones who can’t stand it and are sacrificed!

Piero used to be a very rational person, and Deinsreib knew that if this matter was not their own business, Piero would never make such a decision.

It will even support acts of natural justice.

However, few people can remain calm and impartial after the matter concerns their own wealth and life.

"It is not enough to just die one Phanes and the maintainer of heavenly principles. Only by collapsing the entire continent of Teyvat and allowing the abyss to destroy this world will the power of the abyss completely kill us. Piero stared at Dainsreb and said solemnly:"I have lived too long in the past five hundred years."

I no longer want to live."

Deinsreb was silent for a while after hearing this. Perhaps in the eyes of some people, immortality is a dream, but neither Piero nor Deinsreb want to live.

For them, They say that death is a kind of relief.

They don't know how those gods have survived for thousands of years.

But they can't die yet. The laws of heaven do not allow them to die, and they themselves do not allow them to die. Die at this time.

They haven’t had their revenge yet!

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