"If I could die, I would also like to perish, but Phanes' curse is too powerful.

The most critical thing is that we cannot leave the continent of Teyvat yet.

Maybe there is a way to leave the continent of Teyvat, but at least I don't have this way now.

I once tried to leave the continent of Teyvat and die."Speaking of this, Dainsreb also sighed for a while. His former friend Kong dreamed of leaving the Teyvat continent.

However, when he was about to leave the Teyvat continent, he was blocked by the maintainers of the law of heaven.

Sora united with his sister. Neither of them could defeat a keeper of heavenly principles together, and they were still crushed.

Sora's strength was even greater than his own, and Dainsreb also knew himself, and the other party also knew it. It is true that he is better at fighting than himself.

But Kong still can't leave the Teyvat continent. In order to leave the Teyvat continent with Ying, Kong even wants to destroy the Teyvat continent.

Thinking of this, Dainsreb also felt helpless for a while. , it seems that he is the most normal person.

Sora and Piero are undoubtedly crazy.

"Are you leaving the continent of Teyvat? 17" Piero glanced at Dainsreb thoughtfully, seeking death?

The power of the abyss is of a very high level. It may even be on the continent of Teyvat and on the law of heaven, trying to use the power of the abyss to break the law. Curse from heaven, this is a very normal thing.

Piero can understand it.

If it were not for revenge on the Teyvat continent, Piero would also want to die.

If the Ice Queen had not found him and found him for himself. A way to survive allowed him to see the hope of revenge on the Teyvat Continent. Otherwise, Piero would not know how to develop his power and take revenge on the Teyvat Continent.

Obviously, the Ice Queen's behavior gave her a dove Opportunity to occupy the magpie's nest

"The maintainers with heavenly principles guard the gate of Sky Island, and it has become difficult for people in Teyvat Continent to leave Teyvat Continent.

It's almost impossible.

Moreover, the power of the abyss is already outside. Piero shook his head slightly and sighed helplessly.

"It is said that through the gate of Sky Island, one can travel to places far away from the mainland of Teyvat."Dainsreb said noncommittally.

At the time, Dainsreb was very close to Sora. Even the traveling scenes in the sea of ​​stars, Kong had some conversations with Dainsreb.

Those things Things also made Dainsreb yearn for it. At that time, Dainsreb even thought about following Sora to wander in the star sea outside the world.

But no one thought that such a thing would happen in Kanrea..

There is a saying that Dainsreb is resentful, not only against the guys on Sky Island, but also against those bastards like Reindot and Piero, who actually introduced the power of the abyss into the Teyvat continent. If If it weren't for these people, the power of the abyss wouldn't be able to get in at that time.

Kanria wouldn't be destroyed directly.

So, all this is actually Reindot's fault

"Traveling to somewhere far away? Piero nodded thoughtfully. Kong had not told him these things.

However, Piero could understand it. After all, the relationship between him and Kong was only a cooperative relationship.

But Dainsreib It was different. Back then, Sora and Deinsreib were the closest comrades-in-arms.

He knew much more than he did. Isn't this a normal thing?

"never mind! None of these things matter anymore. Piero waved his hand, and then said to Deinsreib:"This time, we are looking for you to cooperate with us to subvert the continent of Teyvat."

Let's avenge Kanriya together"

"Subvert the continent of Teyvat? With all due respect, even the Winter Kingdom cannot do it."Dainsreb said with disdain.

The Winter Kingdom is very powerful on the surface, but Mu Yang seems to have killed a lot of strong men.

With Piero's power now, to be honest, Dainsreb is not optimistic

"Just the Winter Kingdom cannot do it, so what about the Abyss Order?"Pierro was not angry and asked directly.

"Abyss Cult, have you cooperated with Sora?"Deinsreb felt a little dazed in his heart, and he felt like he was being tricked.

He was obviously Sora's best friend, but Sora and Piero cooperated, which made Deinsreb feel... The feeling of being betrayed by my best friend.

Sora, you didn’t even tell me!

Fortunately, Sora didn’t know what Dainsreb was thinking. If he had known, Dainsreb would have been mad to death. During this period, Deinsreb had ruined many of his plans.

Under such circumstances, how could Sora cooperate with Deinsreb!?

Once the two sides met, it would have been good if they didn't start fighting. Still cooperating?


"Yes, Sora and I have cooperated, and Reindot will also help us. Piero said confidently:"As long as the continent of Teyvat is destroyed, we can welcome death."

Dainthreb, Sword of Doom, you don't want the people of Camria to continue to suffer eternal torture.

The opportunity is now in front of you, and Canrea needs your services."(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) 520"Reindot? Are you crazy? Are you going to get in touch with that lunatic too?"Dainsreb was also surprised when he heard Piero's words:"Don't forget, Reindot is our real enemy.

If they hadn't attracted the power of the abyss, Kanria would not have been destroyed at all."

Piero was silent after hearing this.

Naturally, he also hated Reindot. When Reindot contacted him before, Piero wanted to eat his flesh.

But when the continent of Teyvat was destroyed, Piero He was still willing to cooperate with Reindotte.

The original Dotore was trained by Reindotte.

After Dotore came out, Piero originally did not intend to continue to cooperate with Reindotte, but There is no way, who let Dotore be killed by Mu Yang? At that time, no one thought that Dotore, who had the strongest life-saving ability in the entire Teyvat continent, would be completely killed by Mu Yang. It seemed that

Dotore would be completely killed by Mu Yang.

Mu Yang had long known that Dotore had several slices, and then targeted this, and this point also made Reindot very interested.

Because of this incident, they also regained contact. d

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