【Thunder Sakura:"Muyang, is it possible to create some demon-level Pokémon to come to the border of Teyvat Continent to deal with those beast-realm hounds and golden king beasts?"

Mu Yang:"Can you create demon-level Pokémon?"

Mu Yang heard this. He was also stunned for a moment, it was not an easy task to create those Pokémon.

Well, the main thing is to create legendary Pokémon at the level of demons.

For an existence like Reshiram, Mu Yang could not just create it.

However, like Lugia, Mu Yang can still create some things that go to sea.

The Star Sea is also a sea, so the laws of nature of the Teyvat Continent arranged for Lugia, the God of the Sea, to go to the Star Sea to manage the Star Sea?

Isn’t this a bit too broad?

At least Mu Yang still has some self-awareness.

Raiden Sakura:"Now we can indeed massacre the abyss monsters on a large scale, but there are also a lot of troublesome guys here.

The Beast Realm Hound and the Golden King Beast cannot give us too many threats, but the monsters in the abyss There are too many monsters.

There is no guarantee that there won’t be many monsters appearing in the abyss by then. You can arrange for more guys to come here. I would like to see whether they produce the abyss monsters faster or we kill them faster."

Mu Yang :"Do you want to take this opportunity to test how many monsters the opponent has?"

It is impossible for the monsters on the other side of the abyss to attack directly towards the Teyvat continent, because it is only on the Teyvat continent. Under such circumstances, the monsters on the other side of the abyss can only come one after another.

Otherwise, there will only be congestion.

If there is nothing to eat, the Beastland Hounds and the Golden King Beasts will attack each other.

Thunder Sakura:"I have some idea.

For us, these monsters are the best objects to practice."

Mu Yang:"Okay!

Wait for a while, I will study it, and maybe I can help you.

Yes."Fukalos, Funina, Keldeo.jpg, these are the new dependents prepared for you."


Funina:"!!! Ahhh, so cute, I want it, Muyang, I want this Keldeo, this is my dependent."

Fukalos:"Funina, let Keldeo Ou becomes your dependent?

I'm afraid you are no match for Keldeo!

Funina, the water in Keldeo is too deep for you to control. When will you have the strength I have now, let Mu Yang How about creating a Keldeo for you?"

Fukalos said that both he and Funina are Muyang's people and cannot favor one over the other.

The main reason is that Funina is too weak.

Well, that's it.

Funina:"How is this possible? I obviously have a share in it.

You can't look down on me because of my low strength!"

Fukalos:"Funina, be good, I'm going to fight.

If With Keldeo's help, I can be safer. You don't want to see me in crisis, right?"

Funina:"There's nothing wrong with you going to help fight, but I'm not here to make a living at home..Once the war starts, those guys are very likely to have a second black disaster.

Although I have not experienced the black disaster, I have heard you talk about the black disaster. This is also a problem for the Teyvat continent. A disaster, right?

Just relying on the few of us, even with the help of Villette, may not be able to solve the dark disaster. It would be great if there was a Keldeo."

Mu Yang:"……I'll create another Keldeo for you when I have time!"

For Mu Yang, both Fukalos and Funina are his women, and Mu Yang naturally cannot favor one over the other.

Wanting to create Keldeo is actually not a problem for Mu Yang now. The thing that is too difficult is just the power of the abyss that the Tiyvat continent has absorbed in two or three days.

Funina:"It's okay to say this, otherwise, I will not forgive you."

Funina also really likes Keldeo's appearance. Of course, the main reason is that Funina is a little timid. The black disaster caused huge disasters five hundred years ago.

Even if it is a demon-level Existence is still amidst death and dark disaster.

Even though Villette is very powerful, Funina still wants to preserve Fontaine in such a crisis. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mu Yang:"Okay, okay!"

Wendy:"Hey, Mu Yang, aren't you thinking about creating some kind of god for us Mondstadt?

You know, our Mondstadt strength is not that great.

Even now, there are not many demon-god level beings.

Mu Yang:"Alice is not considered Mondstadt?""

Wendy:"Is Alice considered Mondstadt?"

Wendy was also speechless. It turned out that in Mu Yang's mind, Alice was actually from Mondstadt, but this woman, Alice, was not from Mondstadt.

Alice:"Hey, hey, why am I not from Mondstadt?! ?

I lived in Mondstadt for decades.

After that, I also arranged for Keli to be in Mondstadt, and even Keli became a member of the Knights of the West Wind."

Alice didn't say much about Keli becoming a Spark Knight of the Knights of the West Wind.

In fact, there was an element of using Keli.

After all, she originally placed Keli in Mondstadt just to give Keli a A happy childhood.

But considering that the Knights of the West Wind were a kind of protection in Mondstadt, Alice didn’t say much. If she had to choose one of the seven countries on the continent of Teyvat, Alice would still be the one. I would choose Mondstadt as my country (Li Lihao).

Mondstadt is the country that suits me the most.

Qin:"At first, Keli was clamoring to join the Knights of the West Wind, but then she had no choice but to accept it from our side. Li's request.

Because she was too powerful, Keli was not allowed to learn the rules and regulations of the Knights of the West Wind.

I also hope that through the life of the Knights of the West Wind, Keli can understand some truth.

But obviously, my idea failed.

The few years Keli has been with me are far less than the educational achievements of Grandma Ping in a few months."

Speaking of this, Qin also felt helpless for a while. At the beginning, Qin also treated Keli with all her heart.

She had a lot of work, and she also had to manage Keli. Sometimes when her aunt came, she would be even more angry.

Kekeli Still disobedient, my education has obviously failed.]

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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