【There is a saying that after knowing that Keli was well taught by Grandma Ping and became somewhat"well-educated", Qin felt a little autistic in her heart.

After all, he had put a lot of effort into teaching Keli. Qin also treated Keli as his own daughter and sister.

When Keli usually gets into trouble, it is Qin who cleans up the mess for Keli.

Without Qin, Keli might have gone astray.

However, Qin obviously did not teach Keli well, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Just the affairs of the Knights of the West Wind were enough to make Qin feel busy and tired.

She even had to help the people of Mondstadt find cats and dogs, so how could she have time to teach Kelly.

Even if Keli made a mistake, Qin would not teach Keli why she couldn't do these things. Instead, she would just report from the solitary room.

This makes Kelly wonder why she can't do these things.

At the same time, Qin was raising a child for the first time and didn't know how to raise a child.

But Grandma Ping is different. She is a professional childcare provider. Not to mention Yaoyao, Yanfei and Xiangling, these children were all raised by Grandma Ping herself.

She not only taught these people martial arts, but also taught them how to behave.

Of course, there are no boys in Grandma Ping's 210 lineage...

Grandma Ping has taught many people, and among this generation alone, there are Xiangling, Yaoyao, and Keli.

In the past, Grandma Ping would teach some children that she found interesting.

It's just that most of these people have not reached the level of immortals, and their life span is limited after all.

However, Grandma Ping's lineage is indeed not weaker than others in Liyue.

Keli was taught very well by Grandma Ping. Both Qin and Alice believed that Grandma Ping was indeed the most suitable person to be Keli's teacher.

Teachers not only teach martial arts, but also teach how to behave.

Alice has now left Keli in the care of Grandma Ping, and Grandma Ping is also very interested in taking care of children like Keli. Grandma Ping even enjoys the process.

Keli is a good child and very sensible.

Well, Keli wants to be sensible, but Keli doesn’t know how to be sensible.

This is Keli's current situation.

It would also be a good thing if Keli could be taught to be a good child (bhfh). This is what Grandma Ping likes to do the most.

What Keli lacks today is not strength, but character.

With Alice's inheritance and bloodline, as long as Keli can grow up, it is almost certain that she will become an immortal or even a demon-level warrior in the future.

Moreover, even if Alice’s inheritance doesn’t work, isn’t there still Mu Yang’s inheritance? ?

As long as she has Mu Yang's help, Keli can reach whatever level she wants to reach?

Demon level?

Even if it is the level of the Seven Gods or even the level of the maintainer of heavenly principles, Mu Yang can help Keli achieve it if he wants to.

On Keli's side, the main thing is to teach Keli how to become an excellent adult, a person who is useful to the continent of Teyvat.

One thing, even Mu Yang must admit, Confucianism is indeed very useful in teaching children.

Regardless of whether those scholar-bureaucrats, gentry, landlords and government officials have the so-called etiquette, justice and integrity in their hearts, there is definitely no problem in teaching etiquette, justice and integrity.

Just like those foreigners, they don't know what etiquette, justice and shame are at all. Therefore, if you look at their history and their stories, you will feel how incorrect their three views are.

Traditional culture does have some effect. If it were in ancient times, all the girls who agreed to kiss foreigners in the magic city would be finished.

I don’t know how to write etiquette, justice, integrity and shame at all.

In Liyue, Emperor Yanwang also passed down a similar culture. Although it was different from some of Confucius' words, the concepts were very similar.

Many times, Zhongli said that Emperor Yan Wang did not do this well or that well, and even thought that he was not good at governing the country.

But in fact, Morax is still very capable.

In Mu Yang's view, Morax is definitely a god with extremely high wisdom. He is just being self-effacing when he says he is clumsy.

If anyone really believes that Morax is really clumsy, then there is something wrong with their own minds.

Morax clumsy? If he was really clumsy, how could he build Liyue so well?

Do you think that as long as you have strong strength, you can do whatever you want?

This is the continent of Teyvat, and there are laws of heaven and the maintainers of heavenly laws on it. Even with the strength of Morax, he is not absolutely invincible on the continent of Teyvat.

It's like a thunder movie. I have great strength, but I can't govern the country well?

You know, Lei Movie's strength is not weak at all, because after five hundred years of"hiding one's strength and biding time", Lei Movie's true strength is not inferior to Morax in the slightest.

But Inazuma is constantly declining, which shows that strength alone is of no use. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The main thing is to see whether he can govern the country. Obviously, Morax is very good in this aspect, but he has been governing the country for a long time, which makes the Rock King Emperor also feel Just tired.

Keli is studying with Grandma Ping every day, but she doesn't have the same worries as in Mondstadt. Grandma Ping not only teaches Keli knowledge, but also explains to Keli what she should do. What not to do, why you can do it, why you can't do it.

This is the key!

Of course, Yaoyao's company is also indispensable.

This also gave Keli a complete childhood.

Sometimes, Mu Yang even feels that Keli in this world is extremely happy.

With a good teacher, good friends, and the company of her brothers and sisters, even Alice can return to the Teyvat continent from time to time to accompany and visit Keli.

The little guy's outlook on life is quite positive now.

Nowadays, she is taught very well by Grandma Ping. Even with the bombs, Keli rarely plays with them, unless Grandma Ping is watching, or when Keli needs help at the construction site in Keqing. Keli will also blow up those things.

Otherwise, Keli will be obedient! 】

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