"What do you think of that Surt Lodge?

Deceived into the continent of Teyvat? And then use the rules of the Teyvat continent to suppress Surturoch?"Zhong Li hesitated for a while and then asked Mu Yang.

Compared to Si Keke, Surte Lodge obviously put more pressure on him.

Not just Zhong Li, I believe other people in the chat group~ Many people think so.

Although the soldiers will block the water and the soil, if Surturoch comes to the Teyvat continent, there will naturally be Mu Yang to fight Surturoch, but as responsible people, they will naturally They also want to improve their own strength, and then fight against the strong men in the abyss.

The continent of Teyvat is their home, and no one can destroy this world.

What's more, Surturoch may have many people under his command. Even if there are few strong men who cannot fight Surturoch, they can still fight Surturoch's subordinates.

Soldiers will fight against generals, just like the war in Kanria.

However, now Muyang is no longer the original Fanes.

Even though Fanes seems to be quite powerful with four governors, as long as these people at Mu Yang are given time, they can surpass the original four governors and become more powerful. It's not something that is incomprehensible.

Nowadays, people in the chat group are all eager to become stronger. Not everyone is Paimon. They obviously have the opportunity to become stronger in front of them, and then they have to show it. He is indolent and indolent.

If this guy was not Paimeng, he would have been remade by Mu Yang. After all, the power of time management is still very important.

If Paimeng's power is used to create new gods, It will definitely bring powerful combat power to the Teyvat continent.

Just like Mu Yang used the origins of the Thunder Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King to create new dragon kings and became Zekrom and Reshiram.

As long as Mu Yang wants , can also create such an existence.

Obviously, Paimon's power is still very useful. If it were not for the good relationship between Paimon and them, Paimon would definitely not be able to survive.

"Everyone needs to work hard to improve their strength."Mu Yang thought for a while and then said:"The power of the abyss is very terrifying. I plan to set up a formation in the Teyvat continent in the future. Anyone with the power of the abyss who enters the Teyvat continent will have their powers subtly affected. The power of the abyss will be eliminated.

Although this will expose the special features of Teyvat Continent and make people in the abyss pay attention to Teyvat Continent and treat us as a thorn in their side, it will also maximize the protection of Teyvat Continent."

"Is that so?"Zhong Li looked thoughtful when he heard this,"If Teyvat Continent really weakens the power of the abyss, once the news gets out, it will bring huge trouble to Teyvat Continent.

You once told us that the world in those novels is very likely to be real.

Even that kind of world may be contaminated and destroyed by the abyss, and the strong men from other worlds may also target the Teyvat continent. We need time to develop ourselves. Before we have absolute strength, it is best not to Feel free to expose this matter"

"But Silk has discovered before that the continent of Teyvat can absorb the power of the abyss to strengthen itself.

This thing sounds a bit unbelievable, but if you look carefully outside the Teyvat continent, you can actually find that the Teyvat continent is rapidly absorbing the power of the abyss, thereby growing the world.

Sooner or later we will become the enemy of the entire abyss." Speaking of this, Mu Yang also sighed silently:"This has been determined since I linked my power to the entire Teyvat continent.

If I don’t link my power to the Teyvat continent, it will cause a waste of my power. My own strength will not be able to improve so quickly, and the Teyvat continent will not undergo such huge changes. Our combat power will also It won't increase so quickly.

But it also exposed my ability"

"If so, then it's worth it. Zhongli shook his head slightly and said,"The continent of Teyvat cannot rely on just a few of us. At least you have changed Teyvat."land.

Now everyone's destiny has been changed by you.

This is already a huge opportunity for us, and for the world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just like at the beginning, I was willing to support the Ice Queen to overthrow the rule of Tianli, but it was not because I thought she could really change the continent of Teyvat.

But the previous continent of Teyvat is destined to die if it does not change!

We would rather let the mainland of Teyvat suffer a heroic sacrifice than suffer the attack of death silently.

You have brought us life. If it weren't for you, the continent of Teyvat would have been doomed in less than two years."

Speaking of this, Zhongli couldn't help but sigh. The abyss was too terrifying.

But they couldn't blame Mu Yang. If it weren't for Mu Yang, they wouldn't even have a chance. After all, they would have a chance by following Mu Yang.

If it can continue to develop and let Teyvat Continent replace the Abyss from now on, then Teyvat Continent will be invincible.

At present, this is only a possibility, but even if there is only a slight possibility, they must work hard for it.

Instead After seeing hope, remaining the same and then stabilizing will lead to slow death.

The strong ones in the abyss are destined to discover them.

The future that can be seen at a glance is not what Zhongli wants. The future of the Teyvat continent.

This was one of the reasons why he was willing to trade with Mu Yang in the first place.

At least for now, it seems that his choice was the right one.

Mu Yang did a good job indeed. If it hadn't been for not long enough, Mu Yang I'm afraid Yang can launch an expedition directly into the abyss.[]

It would be great if Mu Yang had become Tianli five hundred years ago.

Alas, what a pity, Fanes still died not fast enough, nor early enough!

"Maybe, now that opportunities have been given to the world, I just hope they don’t disappoint me. Mu Yang chuckled lightly:"At least I can face the enemies we encounter now. As for the future, let's just talk about the future.""

"That’s fine!"Zhongli nodded slightly. This is not bad for the Teyvat continent.

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you! Factory).

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