After getting a large number of genius treasures from Zhongli, Mu Yang also ran to Qunyu Pavilion.

Ke Qing should be busy at this time, and Mu Yang has no plans to go there.

By the way, it seems that I haven't seen Kamisato Ayaka for a while, and I don't know what the little turtle has been doing during this time.

It seems that Kamisato Ayaka was responsible for those rice wives who came to Liyue to work in Guiliyuan during this period.

Lei Movies originally sent Kamisato Ayaka and Hiiragi Chisato to Liyue to establish the embassy, ​​and now the embassy is on track.

At least the embassy in Liyue has been successfully established, and now Liyue and Daoji can be regarded as comprehensive strategic partners.

It seems that Kamisato Ayaka does not need to be on call in Liyue all the time, and she can let Qianri Hiiragi handle Liyue's affairs."Seven Five Three" Hiiragi Chisato, as the eldest daughter of the Hiiragi family, was a bit like a flower vase at first, and she was even more love-minded. However, Hiiragi Chisato did receive a good education. If we talk about force, Hiiragi Chisato was indeed not good at it, even if Lei later After watching Chisato Hiiragi perform well in the movie, Chisato Hiiragi was given the Eye of God.

But Qianli Hiiragi's strength is still not good, that is, he is only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

In this regard, Qianli Hiiragi didn't pursue much. From Qianli Hiiragi's point of view, after he became a sinner, General Raiden did not deal with him, which was already a favor to himself.

The only meaning of her life now is to atone for what her father and the others have done.

As for whether he wants to start a new life in the future, get married and have children, Qianli Hiiragi will not consider these things. After all, the blood of the Hiiragi family is now a sinful bloodline.

It would be a good thing if the bloodline ends in his own generation.

It's good that General Leiden can give himself this opportunity to atone for his sins.

One thing to say is that people on Inazuma's side still have great faith in thunder movies. Even those who have made mistakes in the past also have faith in General Raiden, but there may be some problems with their brains.

Especially after realizing their mistakes, these people chose to atone for their sins.

Hiiragi Chisato's performance was very good during this period. The tens of thousands of people who went to Liyue to work were all well arranged by Hiiragi Chisato.

If possible, Lei Film would even like to arrange for more Dao wives to come to Liyue to work.

However, such thoughts were stopped by Raiden Zhen.

It is indeed important to work and make money, but Daoji itself also needs development. It is impossible for Daoji people to work for others all their lives.

Inazuma's property is also under construction. Recently, Raiden is also planning to build embassies in Mondstadt, Sumeru and Fontaine.

Building embassies in these countries does not have to be as troublesome as building embassies in Liyue. It is not that these countries are easier to talk to than Liyue, mainly because too many people go to Liyue.

When Kamisato Ayaka came to Liyue, accompanying Mu Yang was her first priority. In this regard, Kamisato Ayaka did a good job.

Lei Movie expressed that he was very satisfied. Although Mu Yang often refines weapons outside, has Ayaka Kamisato been refined a lot by Mu Yang?

At least their Ina Wife has someone, and he can occasionally bring Kamisato Ayaka over to cheer for him.

As a majestic ruler of life, how could the former Thunderbolt General be too shabby when he went into battle to kill the enemy?

In addition to accompanying Mu Yang, Kamisato Ayaka wants to establish an embassy in Liyue and at the same time restrain the people of Inazuma.

However, some things are almost done now, and Hiiragi Chisato can also manage these people well. This also allows Kamisato Ayaka to do a lot of things when she is free, especially when she is free, she can think about improving her strength.

Even though Kamisato Ayaka often acts like a bully when facing Mu Yang, submissive and easy to bully, but in many cases, Kamisato Ayaka can show a strong side.

For example, if a strong man from the abyss appears in front of Kamisato Ayaka now, Kamisato Ayaka will not retreat, but will directly go forward to fight.

You know, in the original work, Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest lady of the society, dared to collude with Coral Palace Shinkai and the others. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Obviously, Ayaka Kamisato is a very principled woman with a certain sense of justice.........

Fortunately, it is also an official match!

It is indeed a waste to let Kamisato Ayaka stay in Liyue now.

However, this is also based on the fact that Mu Yang has not returned to Liyue. After not seeing each other for a while, Mu Yang also misses him a little.

Ahem, having said that, when Ning Guang saw Mu Yang, there was also a hint of resentment in his eyes.

After all, I haven't seen Mu Yang for a while.

At least it's been more than a month.

Even though they could usually communicate through the chat group, Ningguang knew that Mu Yang was busy with business.

But Ningguang sometimes feels like finding a man is almost the same as not finding a man.

Fortunately, Ningguang is not an ordinary person, and he quickly adapted to this kind of life.

After seeing Mu Yang arrive, Ningguang first prepared Mu Yang's favorite desserts, and then asked:"How long do you plan to stay in Liyue this time."

Ningguang knew that during this period of time, Mu Yang Yang is so busy.

Moreover, the war with the Abyss Cult and the Fools is about to begin, and Mu Yang doesn’t have much time to rest.

"I don't know either. Mu Yang narrowed his eyes:"I have been very busy recently, and I also want to have a good rest."

But as the law of heaven, I don’t have much time to rest, especiallyIt is in the current time period of 1.5[]

If you want to rest, you have to wait until the war is over."

"Well, I understand, you don't need to explain to me. Seeing Mu Yang like this, Ningguang also said very thoughtfully:"If you need my help in any way, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

During this time, I also made some preparations"

"oh? What preparation?"Hearing this, Mu Yang also became curious. Ning Guang must have been very busy during this period.

The Liyue Bank has now been built. Mond, Daozhi, Xumi and even Fengdan have opened Liyue Bank. Bank.

And Ning Guang is responsible for this matter.

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