In today's chat group, no one would doubt the content of Keqing, a Yuheng star.

Even Zhongli, the Rock King and the Immortal with Three Eyes and Five Manifestations, did not think that Ke Qing would deteriorate at this time.

After all, Ke Qing is Mu Yang's woman, and the power in the world has long been unable to affect Ke Qing.

If one day Keqing wants to change something, it may be to compete for favor among a group of women in Muyang, or to give birth to a child for Muyang and need to fight for the interests of her child. As for other times, Keqing is very pure. people.

Whether before joining the chat group or after joining the chat group, Keqing was a very pure person. Even though Keqing said a lot of"rebellious" words before, Morax was not dissatisfied with Keqing's behavior, and was even very Enjoy the clear weather.

At one point, he wanted to abdicate and leave Liyue to human governance.

However, the current situation in the Teyvat continent is changing, and it is no longer something that just Liyue Qixing can manage.

Without Zhongli, the King of Rocks, sitting in charge, without the three-eyed five-manifestation immortal staying in Liyue for a long time, without the return of the demon king of dust, Gui Zhong, even if Ningguang and the others want to preside over Liyue, there will be no small problems.

Although many people do not know Gui Zhong, and have never seen Gui Zhi before, the immortal with three eyes and five manifestations testified that this is the Demon God of Dust, and people here in Liyue are still happy to see it. After all, he managed Liyue on behalf of Emperor Yanwang.

After all, everyone in Liyue knows that the Demon God of Dust is an ally of Emperor Yan Wang, and at least one-third of their current Liyue people are the people who have returned to the end.

Even after his final death, Liyue still worships the Demon God of Dust every year.

But didn’t the Demon God of Dust fall during the war in Guiliyuan?

Why does it appear suddenly?

However, since it was guaranteed by the Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortal and the Seven Stars of Liyue at the same time, then presumably it was this reclusive Demon God of Dust who had to come forward to protect them after seeing something happen to their Rock King Emperor, right?

As we all know, the Demon God of Dust possesses a power no less powerful than that of the King of Rocks. If he had not been surrounded and killed by a group of demon gods who did not respect martial arts, it would have been impossible for anything to have happened to the Demon God of Dust.

Well, in Liyue, this story is still very popular.

Especially after returning home.

After all, there are still many people in Liyue who are the subjects of the end of the world. It is impossible for these so-called people to rebel against Morax for the end of the end. But if they are allowed to publicize the power of the end of the end, they are still happy..

What's more, something happened to Emperor Yanwang during this period.

Everyone takes it for fun to see the small tricks used by Gui Shu. Those who know it naturally know that Gui Shu’s advantage lies in his wisdom. When it comes to wisdom, among the devils, there is no one better than Gui Shu. Not a lot.

Anyone who knows Guizhu knows this. Just like many rules and regulations in Liyue, they were all set up by Guizhu at the beginning. Even the settings of the Seven Stars and Eight Gates were designed by Guizhu. from.

After all, since she has such regrets, let her go. Even Zhongli himself is promoting such a story.

My dear sister, please pamper me!

As long as he can finally calm down and manage Liyue well, even if it is rumored that the demon god Chuchen can punch Morax and kick Ruotuo Dragon King, Zhongli can just hold his nose and admit it.

Not only Zhongli, but even Ruotuo Dragon King would recognize this fact. Even if Gui Zu needed it, they wouldn't mind playing a fake match with Gui Zu to make Gui Zu's rumors true.

Ahem, it's normal for Ningguang to be dissatisfied with the rich. If it weren't for the fact that the Ice Queen was one of his own, Ningguang's blow to the Winter Country during this period would have been much greater.

Nowadays, Ningguang mostly attacks the banks of the North Country. If Ningguang wants to, he can definitely control the lifeline of the Winter Country, especially since so many countries have been harmed by the fools of the Winter Country.

Perhaps in the eyes of a country, the organization Fools is very powerful, but when everyone unites, Fools can only be that much.

As long as several other countries join forces to deal with the Winter Kingdom and the Fools, the Winter Kingdom will simply not be able to withstand it.

The main reason why the Fools can be retained is because the gods of other countries are willing to give the Ice Queen a face, and at the same time, rashly attacking other countries will easily attract the attention of Sky Island. Otherwise, the Fools would have been finished long ago.

As for Ningguang, if he wants to target the rich, he still has many methods. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don’t mobile phones now have photography functions?

At that time, let Abedo and the others design some cameras, and then let the adventurers who went to fight against the abyss outside the world of Teyvat take pictures of them killing the monsters in the abyss."As if thinking of something, Ningguang suggested to Mu Yang

".It is indeed a good choice. Mu Yang nodded slightly and said:"Although those abyss monsters, for Thunder Sakura and the others, they can eliminate many of them with one move."

But this is also to allow everyone to mobilize. Fighting in the den of Teyvat continent is not enough. Everyone needs to go out.

Even though the abyss is very dangerous, if we kill enough abyss monsters, they will benefit from our side.

That is to say, let us use our own resources to support humans to hunt the monsters of the abyss."

Even though this consumes his own resources, Mu Yang himself is quite supportive. Mu Yang does not lack resources. Even those so-called genius treasures are just some for Mu Yang. It's just energy.

Relying on the abyss power that Teyvat Continent absorbs every day, Mu Yang can spawn a large number of geniuses and treasures at any time.

Well, that's right, the Teyvat Continent is so arrogant now, as long as those abyss monsters , as long as they no longer continuously attack the Teyvat Continent.

Even though Raiden Sakura and the others are constantly clearing away monsters in the Teyvat Continent, those monsters seem to be endless. This is a problem that the Teyvat Continent must solve.

If the border barrier of Teyvat continent that they eat is consuming the energy of this world,

"However, it will take at least three months for us to counterattack the abyss, right?"After thinking for a moment, Ningguang asked Mu Yang.

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