"Three months?"Mu Yang thought for a moment and agreed with Ning Guang's words.

This woman is very smart. She is not only a strong woman in business, but also has the character of a queen. Sometimes she will show off all the tricks. Even many times, Ning Guang Guang is indeed a good candidate for a good housekeeper.

Putting aside the Great Cishu King, among the current women in Muyang, Ningguang is considered to be more delicate and smart, and is suitable for being a good housekeeper.

It is not like the movie about Lei who only knows how to fight. As a killer, Fukalos looks smart and smart, but people who know Fukalos know that many times, Fukalos is a bomb. He only wants to sacrifice himself, so that Come and save Fontaine.

Fukalos’s idea is not wrong, she is relatively smart, well, at least better than Lei’s movie.

But as a good wife and mother, whether it is Fukalos or Funina, both of them are Not very good.

And Qin and Barbara are indeed not very suitable as housewives.

If you think about it carefully, Ningguang is more suitable as a housewife.

Of course, Ayaka Kamisato and the others are not bad either. , even Kamisato Ayaka is better than Ningguang in many aspects.

410 But the comparison here is not absolute value, but relative. If Ningguang can take care of her husband and raise children well, she may also become a good wife and good mother. Mother.

Of course, Mu Yang is currently most optimistic about the Great Ci Tree King.

At this time, Ning Guang said that it will take at least three months. Mu Yang does not have much doubt. In terms of wisdom, especially after broadening his horizons, Ning Guang There is no problem with his ability.

Vision limits thinking.

In the past, Ningguang often governed Liyue with the thinking of a businessman, which caused Ningguang to have some problems.

Just like the rich man in the past, from time to time Liyue did some things, even many of the actions of Beiguo Bank were in the gray area. In Ningguang's view at the time, all this seemed to be nothing. After all, there were other Liyue Seven Stars who expressed their support for Beiguo Bank. , under such circumstances, if Beiguo Bank is willing to hand over part of its interests, they can't turn a blind eye. After all, negotiations are all about testing each other, and in the end they come up with a solution that everyone agrees with. Come out with an acceptable price.

Among the seven stars of Liyue in the past, only Keqing has always hindered the development of Beiguo Bank. Of course, just Keqing alone restricting the development of Beiguo Bank has no effect.

More What's more, Ke Qing has just become Liyue Seven Stars and has not had much time.

Although Ningguang did not restrict Beiguo Bank, he did not promote the development of Beiguo Bank, and even tried to squeeze some of the benefits from Beiguo Bank, not just for himself. , also for Liyue.

Regardless of the nature of the Bank of the North, regardless of the nature of the fools, the existence of the Bank of the North is beneficial to the continent of Teyvat.

Every country needs such a bank that can cross countries. This is also the main reason why Liyue Bank can develop in such a short period of time. Of course, the support of the gods of various countries is no exception.

In the future, there will definitely be more than one bank. Only with competition can there be motivation. Maybe in the future, there will be Inazuma Bank, Mondstadt Bank, etc. appeared, even though these banks have such a boss on the surface.

After all, the power to make Mora still lies with Morax.

It can be said that Morax is the money printing machine...

Now the pattern of Ningguang is rapidly improving, which also makes Ningguang's ability more and more powerful, which is visible to the naked eye.

"It would be okay to incorporate the Adventurers Association. Aren't they yearning for the abyss?

At that time, some adventurers can also be arranged to go to the abyss. Mu Yang seemed to have thought of something and complained again:"I remember that there are many treasure stealing groups (bhda) in Liyue, right?"

If these guys were allowed to go outside the continent of Teyvat, it should be of great use.

Of course, the premise is that they can be immune to the erosion of the power of the abyss."

"We can avoid the erosion of the power of the abyss, and we can even use the power of the abyss as our own energy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then can you make some props to specifically resist the erosion of the power of the abyss?"After hesitating for a while, Ningguang asked Mu Yang

"A tool to resist the power of the abyss?"Mu Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Mu Yang really hadn't thought about this.

If it were an ordinary person who proposed such a concept, he would definitely think it was a dream.

But for Mu Yang, it seems that this is not impossible. possible

"The power of the abyss is terrifying and can easily influence people and even lead to corruption.

Even Reindot and the others had fallen."Ningguang said in a deep voice:"We also need to be prepared.

You have the power to purify the power of the abyss in the Teyvat continent, so can you also make the corresponding props?

Even if you cannot use such tools to directly purify the abyssal power, you can still collect the abyssal power that invades your body."

"Will you collect the power of the abyss that invades your body? Mu Yang also showed a pensive look:"If you implant some special treasures into your body, you may not be able to gather the abyss powers to prevent them from being contaminated."

Just wait until you return to the continent of Teyvat to purify these things.

However, this also has many problems.

It is not an easy task to make such a Noble Phantasm. After all, not anything can contain the power of the abyss.

Five hundred years ago, the alchemy creations of Kanreia were all contaminated by the power of the abyss.

This is also a problem we must avoid.

If there is such a thing and people still fall into the abyss, then it is our problem.[]

The most important thing is, do you think everyone would be willing to put such a thing in their body?

People are selfish, and they will also doubt whether such a thing is dangerous, whether this thing will affect them at a critical moment, or even kill them.

As for if you want to install it externally, I can guarantee that it is almost impossible, at least I can't do it myself.

As for the shadow, I'm afraid it's impossible.

I have an idea of ​​her technique."

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