"yes! Lecherous, he likes beautiful women."Alice was not in a good mood when she mentioned this matter.

She had a hunch that she was probably being targeted by Mu Yang, which made Alice very distressed.

She didn't have any ill feelings towards Mu Yang. Looking at Mu Yang from Li's perspective, Alice had to admit that it would be great if Mu Yang became Ke Li's father. At the beginning, she didn't notice some of Ke Li's problems and arranged Ke Li to be the father of Ke Li. Mond, Alice at that time wanted to let Keli live a happy childhood.

But Muyang brought Keli to Liyue and asked Grandma Ping to teach Keli. I have to admit that Muyang did find Keli a happy childhood. found the most suitable teacher for Kelly.

If Alice asked Grandma Ping to take care of her, Grandma Ping would probably help take care of Kelly.

After all, how could anyone not like Kelly if she is so cute?

If Kelly is not cute, neither will Grandma Ping. Maybe she really will accept Keli as a disciple.

Wait! 15

Alice feels that she seems to have found a blind spot.

Keli is so cute, wouldn’t she be targeted by Mu Yang?

If Keli is taught by Mu Yang to make popsicles, Or what should I do if I eat a lollipop?

Although Alice also thinks that Mu Yang cannot do that, there are some things that she has to guard against.

And people like Mu Yang must be guarded against.

Take Keli away Teyvat Continent?

It seems that I can't do it. Mu Yang's power is indeed powerful and can help him purify and absorb the power of the abyss. However, once he leaves the Teyvat Continent, the effect that Mu Yang's power can have is also very limited.

No. Speaking of other people, I'm afraid even Mu Yang himself doesn't know whether his power can be effective after leaving the Teyvat continent.

And if he can leave the Teyvat continent, he... he doesn't seem to be able to control Mu Yang. Yang was abducted. Not to mention whether Mu Yang was willing to leave the Teyvat continent. There were so many girls here. Even if they left together, then they would wander outside with Keli. This would be a lonely man and a widow, right?

No one would I don’t know if Mu Yang will do anything to her in the future.

Even though Alice’s strength is good, if she faces Mu Yang, Alice has no confidence in her own strength.

So she wants to become Mu Yang’s woman, so that Asking Mu Yang to give up his idea of ​​Keli?

It seems very possible. With Mu Yang's character, he should still agree.

But by doing this, isn't his sacrifice too big? He will also be tied to the future. Teyvat Continent?

But since Teyvat Continent cannot be separated, this is already the best way.

Alice couldn't help but rub her head

"Lustful is not a derogatory term."At this time, Nikolai sighed with emotion.

"Why?"Alice frowned. She didn't think it was a compliment.

"Lustful is a neutral word, the key is to see when. According to my observation, Mu Yang at least did a pretty good job.

The Teyvat continent, which was originally in danger, was integrated in Mu Yang's hands using his method.

At least there are five to six countries in the Teyvat continent today that have actually recognized Mu Yang as the law of heaven."Nicolane said with emotion:"Although Mu Yang doesn't need the approval of these people.

But it takes more than just one or two people to fight against the abyss.

There is no one on the continent of Teyvat who wants to fight against the Abyss on his own."

Alice was silent. She naturally understood who Nicoline was talking about.

She had also met Fanes, a somewhat extreme person. To the people of Teyvat, he was a good god. After all, he had always been She wants to protect this world.

But the other party is not good at expressing herself. Even the Seven Earthly Rulers she set up do not seem to recognize the other party.

Even most of the previous Seven Earthly Rulers, including Morax, want to oppose the laws of heaven.

"Is lust a neutral word?"The corner of Alice's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at her good friend.

Beautiful, um, and super beautiful. If it were Nikolaine, Mu Yang would definitely be attracted by it, right?

If Mu Yang were here, this At this time, he would definitely shout,"Fuck you, Black Tower."

Nicolaine is indeed beautiful.

If Mu Yang sees Nikolaine, he will definitely be moved, right?

Do you want to introduce Nikolaine to Mu Yang?"

"It is indeed a neutral word, as long as it is not a bad person or an irresponsible person.

However, according to my observation, although he is lustful, he is not irresponsible."Nicholas took a sip of coffee and said softly.

"maybe."Alice pursed her lips. It seems that Mu Yang is indeed such a person. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Oh, so do you want to obey? Or not?

"Alice, a lot of changes have taken place in you. I can see that there is an extra energy in your body. This should be brought to you by Mu Yang, right?"Immediately afterwards, Nikolai asked Alice curiously.

"Yes, he gave me a certain amount of power and taught me how to become stronger.

Now I don’t even know how strong it is."Alice couldn't help but sigh.

"Have you become his dependent?"Nicolaine was surprised when he heard this and asked curiously.

Regarding Alice's character, Nicolaine couldn't understand it better.

Logically speaking, she has her own arrogance and it is absolutely impossible to become anyone's dependent..

Immediately afterwards, Nikolaine seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Alice teasingly:"You said Mu Yang was lustful before, you wouldn't……"

As a good friend of Alice, Nicolaine knew about Alice's situation. They also knew how Kelly came here.

Alice has never had a man. Even though she has Keli, Nicolai doesn't think Mu Yang will dislike Alice.

On the contrary, you may think that Alice is better like this.

After all, Keli is so cute.

As for doing something to your family members, isn't this a normal thing?

"what are you thinking?"Alice quit immediately. She and Mu Yang are innocent!

Alice has the pride of a witch! []

(The new book was originally intended to be a novel about Da Qin. The author wrote nearly 20,000 words here, but it was stuck. I'm stunned. I can't write anymore for a while. I plan to find a new subject. Well, oh, let's think of something new for the time being.)

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