Alice has her own arrogance and arrogance, and she is at the Supreme Bone level.

Alice felt that she could not easily compromise with Mu Yang, and it was impossible for someone like her to find a man casually.

In the past time, Alice didn't think anyone was worthy of her and would like her at the same time.

Love or something like that is too far away from myself.

Moreover, aren’t they pretty good the way they are?

At least Alice herself was happy

"Dependents and dependents are different."Alice snorted softly:"I may be regarded as Mu Yang's dependent, but Mu Yang's dependents are not many at all, and there are many men."

Let's play, play, don't make fun of Mu Yang's eyes. Even Alice has to admit that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Mu Yang's xp.

If you say there is a problem with Mu Yang, you are not saying that you also have No?

Alice can't accept this anyway

"Many dependents?"Nicholas' eyes slightlyShuo:"However, Alice, from the look of you, you seem to be quite optimistic about Mu Yang."

"Yes, the only hope for Teyvat Continent lies with Mu Yang.

Before, you were optimistic about Traveler Ying, thinking that she would be the hope of Teyvat Continent, but in comparison, I am more optimistic about Mu Yang.

Even Ying has become Mu Yang's dependent."Alice pondered for a moment and said to Nicoline.

Ying also became Mu Yang's dependent?

At this time, even Nicoline was shocked.

"Logically speaking, it should be impossible for the descendant to become Mu Yang's dependent.

After all, their natures are different. Traveling between worlds in the star sea is their goal, but they have rashly become the followers of the laws of nature in the Teyvat continent.

This was a bit unexpected for me.

Is this giving up the possibility of my future?.?"Nicoline was a little dumbfounded.

Each descendant represents a world.

If Ying can grow up smoothly, he may not be able to grow to a throne in the future, such as the level of Fanes.

This is also the main reason why Nikolaine and the others are optimistic about Ying.

Compared to Fanes and the others, Ying is really too young.

Ahem, maybe this youth is not just a matter of age. Even though Ying's real age may be as old as the Teyvat continent has existed, compared to a world lord, Ying is still too young.

"why not? Who makes Mu Yang's power really powerful? Alice spread her hands:"Although I think Mu Yang is too lecherous and not a good match, but his power is very powerful. If the Teyvat continent can exist for a long time, I don't mind being his dependent in the Teyvat continent.""

"It seems you have changed a lot."Seeing Alice like this, a glimmer of understanding flashed in Nicoline's eyes.

What kind of person Alice is and what her purpose is, as a good friend, Nicoline naturally also knows.

Compared to the former To destroy her friends in the Teyvat continent, Alice's idea is relatively simple, that is, to leave the Teyvat continent, and then take Kelly to a safer world, but there are abyss forces outside, and if nothing else, the Teyvat continent is also The countdown has begun.

Alice will not be buried with the Teyvat continent like others.

Now that Alice is willing to say such words, it seems that she has really changed a lot. Perhaps she also saw a trace of it in Mu Yang. possible

"Have I changed?"Alice narrowed her eyes and began to examine herself. Well, there is nothing wrong. Even if it is her own affairs, Alice has to examine them.

After all, if she accidentally makes a mistake in her thinking, it is very likely that she and Keli will be harmed. Something went wrong.

Soon, Alice was horrified to discover that she had subtly defined herself as a member of the Teyvat continent.

Was this influenced by Mu Yang and the others?

Was it because of power or the chat group? Relationship?

Did Mu Yang do it on purpose?

Alice couldn't help but start to doubt Mu Yang. Could it be that Mu Yang still has the ability to change everyone's will?

"Well, you have changed. A smile appeared on Nicoline's lips:"It seems, Alice, you have found a sense of belonging on the continent of Teyvat."

As a friend, I am happy about this.

If the continent of Teyvat can really resist the threat of the abyss, I also hope that you can stay in this world."

Alice was silent after hearing this. Can she resist the power of the abyss?

If it is just the power of the abyss, Mu Yang can still resist it, and can even use the power of the abyss for his own use. Now the continent of Teyvat is constantly growing.

But What Alice is afraid of is the strong men in the abyss, just like what Mu Yang is afraid of. There are countless strong men in the abyss. Even though they can resist the erosion of the power of the abyss, when they fight against the strong men of the abyss, They are still unable to do it.

They are indeed cheating, but if people from the abyss forces see them cheating, I am afraid they will forcefully try to block their cheats.

Even the strong men of the abyss are afraid of them, and the continent of Teyvat The existence of , is also a huge hidden danger for them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


However, when facing the abyss, we do not have no chance at all. Alice sighed softly and said,"For Mu Yang, the Teyvat continent needs time."

If only Mu Yang could enter the Teyvat continent five hundred years earlier and become the law of heaven, I wouldn’t need to worry so much (Wang’s)"

In just one year, Mu Yang transformed the Teyvat continent into this.

If Mu Yang was given five hundred years, Alice could not even imagine what the continent of Teyvat would look like.

Maybe it will become one of those high-end worlds in novels?

At that time, it will not be the Teyvat continent that is afraid of the invasion of the strong men from the abyss, but the strong men in the abyss who need to worry about the invasion of the Teyvat continent.

"If this is the case, then I am becoming more and more interested in Mu Yang. Nikolai's eyes flickered slightly:"This is a good opportunity for the continent of Teyvat."

Maybe it's the only chance.

Maybe it's time for me to meet Mu Yang.

If the other party is good, I will consider working with them to protect the Teyvat continent."

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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