When Alice heard Nikolai's words, her eyes flickered slightly and she said:"If you really want to find someone to cooperate and protect the continent of Teyvat, Mu Yang is indeed a trustworthy person.

After he became Tianli, he found a lot of people The strong ones become his followers.

However, he seems to be somewhat resistant to our Witch Association.

If it weren't for Keli, his attitude towards me wouldn't be much better."

Alice can guarantee this, It’s not that I’m belittling myself.

At the beginning, Alice thought that Mu Yang was interested in her ability. After all, she was one of the few people with spatial abilities. Moreover, even if her strength was not as good as that of the Seven Gods, Alice was confident that she would not The difference is too big.

But as the time in the chat group increased, Alice also knew that Mu Yang was not interested in her own strength at all.

After all, it would be easy for Mu Yang to cultivate a being at the level of the Seven Gods.

Just like guys like Yae Shenzi, Alice is very suspicious. Without flashing or revealing, Yae Shenzi has reached a level comparable to the Seven Gods.

After all, Mu Yang can even create an existence comparable to 657 Phanes, let alone create himself at the level of the Seven Gods.

As for space power, Mu Yang seems to have never allowed himself to use it.

Perhaps Mu Yang only pulled himself into the group because of Keli's relationship at the beginning. Because of Keli's relationship, Mu Yang and the others could give him a certain amount of trust.

If it weren't for Keli, he might not be able to truly enter Mu Yang's eyes.

"Keli?"Nicolaine also had a smile on her face when she heard Keli's name.

As the daughter of a good friend, Nikolaine has been paying attention to Keli's affairs intentionally or unintentionally.

During the Mondstadt period, Keli Li, she is exactly the replica of Alice.

It is what Alice looked like when she was a child. It is actually interesting to watch Kelly grow up like this. After all, they have not seen how Alice grows up, but they can see it. Keli's growth is equivalent to watching Alice grow up, and there seems to be no difference.

But after coming to Liyue, Keli (bfcc) also changed. With the guidance of Grandma Ping, Keli also changed from a naughty child to a A good, well-behaved and sensible boy. This also made Nicolai lose a lot of fun. It used to be Nicolai's fun to see how Keli got into trouble.

Now that Keli doesn't get into trouble, the fun has been reduced a lot.

"Keli is a good child. She is lucky, and she also brings me luck."Alice said with emotion:"In the past, I didn't have much intention to stay in the Teyvat continent, but now I have to admit that my mind has changed.

I don't want to make Kelly sad either."

The corner of Nicoline's mouth raised. Sure enough, Alice was changed by Keli.

But I don't know what will happen to Alice in the future. Even I can no longer see through my fate!

Soon, Nicoline He looked straight and said:"You said Mu Yang doesn't have very good senses for our witch association, is it because of Reindot?"

To be honest, their witch guild is also a high-level combat force on the continent of Teyvat.

Even if it is not the strength of all the Seven Gods, most of them have reached the level of demon gods. If they unite and fight against a country, , are more than enough.

Although they failed to challenge Barbatos, the god of wind, and even became Barbatos' record, at that time, neither they nor Barbatos were serious. It was just that

Barbatos showed With their strength that convinced them, no one among the members of the Witch Club could be the opponent of Barbatos at that time.

At the same time, they also knew where Barbatos' divine power was used. Facing such a god, even a member of the Witches' Coven, no matter how much they like to fool around, they can't do anything to Barbatos.

"It must be about gold. Alice spread her hands:"After all, you also know what gold has become now. The other party has definitely become the most restless factor in the Teyvat continent." (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They didn’t come to ban our witch guild directly. In fact, they can be considered as being tolerant of others.

Making mistakes will lead to consequences.

If there hadn't been problems with Fanes' own strength, and the power of the abyss was eroding the continent of Teyvat more and more, do you think we, who are related to Reindot, could still be alive today?"

Nicholas immediately fell silent after hearing this.

Even she didn't expect that Reindot would do such a crazy thing and fall into the abyss.

This scared them enough.

For the Teyvat continent, In fact, they had all speculated about the future, thinking that the world might eventually be destroyed by the hand of the abyss. At the beginning, they also tried to find a way to save the continent of Teyvat. However, they did not expect that the traitor turned out to be Next to them, their friend Reindot actually rebelled directly.

(╯)╯┻┻, I don’t know why they did this in the first place.

In order to protect the continent of Teyvat, he directly used the power of the abyss, and finally fell into the abyss during the process of contacting the power of the abyss.

This process was so dramatic that even Nikolai didn't know how to complain about his friend.

"Our original intentions are good, and even Reindot's original intentions are also good. At the beginning, Reindot just wanted to get in touch with the power of the abyss, and tried to use the power of the abyss as a harmless force. Alice sighed softly:"It's just that Reindot thought highly of herself, but also underestimated the power of the abyss."

Because of the abyss, the darkness in Reindot's heart was infinitely magnified, and that's why he did such a thing. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Reindot to do anything to harm the continent of Teyvat.

She still loves this world very much."

Nicholas took off his cheek with one hand and said softly:"But this is no longer useful.[]

We believe in Reindot, and others will not believe it. Moreover, those things are already facts."

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