Bai Ye carried Lei Dianying back to the room in the Coral Palace.

He threw Lei Dianying on the bed and looked at General Lei Dian.

Bai Ye was worried that the controller would have some impact on General Lei Dian.

General Lei Dian was lying on the bed, sleeping like a dead person.

If Bai Ye hadn't tried her breath, he would have thought that General Lei Dian was dead...


It's good that you're fine, but you need to change your clothes.

Bai Ye glanced at the two ragged people and patted his forehead helplessly.

The only thing that puzzled Bai Ye was.

General Lei Dian was still unconscious, how did Lei Dianying wake up?

The most important thing was that he fell into a coma again after waking up for a while.

With doubts in his heart, Bai Ye sat by the bed and waited for the two to wake up.


Bai Ye sat by the bed for a whole day.

Nearing dusk, General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying showed no signs of waking up.

After a day of thinking, Bai Ye also figured out why Lei Dianying woke up once.

It was nothing more than that she had lived in Bai Ye's body before.

Now Lei Dianying's sword "Dream One Heart" is still in Bai Ye's chest.

After the Queen of Winter appeared, Lei Dianying was in a coma.

Instinctively felt the breath of another god appearing in the Inazuma Realm.

So he dragged his tired body and went in the direction of Bai Ye.

Lei Dianying did not fight with the Queen of Winter, but just said a few words. The Queen of Winter did not know that Lei Dianying was seriously injured, so she gave up the opportunity to get the Heart of God this time.

Lei Dianying also drained the remaining strength in his body because of this short conversation, and then he fell into a coma.



"Ah~ It's so boring. Hasn't Bai Ye used Ke Ke Di recently? Why can't I feel any of his aura?"

"Never mind, this is the final world anyway, and he can't run to other places..."

Tokisaki Kurumi hid in a cool corner, observing Ningguang's every move standing on Liyue Harbor.

"Aunt Ningguang, are you feeling unwell?"

Keli stared at the surroundings with big eyes, and found that Ningguang was a little bit wrong, so she raised her hand and poked Ningguang.

"Ah...what did you say just now?"

Ningguang was still immersed in what Tokisaki Kurumi did to her, and didn't hear clearly

"Aunt Ningguang, are you feeling unwell?"

Keli looked innocent and repeated what she had just said.

Ningguang's face was full of black lines.

She remembered clearly that Klee called her sister last time.

How come after going to Inazuma, the name became aunt?

Ningguang took a deep breath, trying not to get angry, and kept repeating in her heart: "This is the oracle of the Emperor. Don't get angry with children. Don't get angry with children."

Klee's face was full of doubts, not understanding what Ningguang was doing.

Ningguang sighed faintly and whispered: "Baiwen Baishi, take her back to Yuehai Pavilion first, and send her back to Mondstadt tomorrow."

"Can I stay in Liyue for a few days? Brother Zhongli promised me that I can go to the mining area to play with bouncing bombs..."

Klee's face was full of reluctance when she heard the three words "return to Mondstadt".

Ningguang sneered: "Baiwen Baishi, now find someone to send her back to the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt."

Klee trembled all over, not knowing what had provoked Ningguang.

"Yes, Lord Ningguang. x2"

Baiwen Baishi responded and pulled Klee away.

"You call me aunt and Zhongli brother, do I really look that old?"

"Forget it, forget it, don't get angry with a child..."

Ningguang subconsciously touched her waist and found that there was no pipe, and the fire that had just gone out came up again.


Tokisaki Kuangsan, who was hiding and observing quietly, had her eyes lit up. She keenly smelled Bai Ye's breath on Klee.

Tokisaki Kuangsan took out Ningguang's pipe, took a deep puff, and said to herself: "You can't run away now, Bai Ye..."

Immediately, she got up and quietly followed behind Baiwen Baishi.


Bai Ye sighed quietly.

It was late at night, and General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying were still silent.

During this period, Coral Palace Xinhai also sent people to find Bai Ye, but he refused them all. He really couldn't let go of General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying.

No matter how Bai Ye called out, the two of them did not respond at all.snoring and smacking lips.

After a day of tossing and turning, Bai Ye was exhausted and sat aside yawning.

"It seems that these two gentlemen will not wake up today, so let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Change their clothes first, it's not very elegant..."

Bai Ye got up and closed the door, looking at the two people on the bed, muttering to himself.


Do it as soon as you say it.

Bai Ye tiptoed to General Lei Dian and cautiously tried: "General, wake up, it's time to drink Tuanzi milk..."

"General, General, it's time to get up..."

No matter how Bai Ye called, General Lei Dian didn't respond at all.

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, and a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Since there was no response, didn't Bai Ye do whatever he wanted?

Bai Ye knelt on the bed lightly and gently took off General Lei Dian's torn clothes.

Everything in sight was white, and the exquisitely shaped body constantly shocked Bai Ye's nerves.


Bai Ye couldn't help but take a breath.

I hadn't looked closely before, so I didn't notice it.

Now seeing her full appearance with my own eyes, it was simply shockingly huge, even comparable to Eula.

For a moment, Bai Ye couldn't help but look at it in a trance.

At this moment, General Lei Dian moaned, suddenly grabbed Bai Ye's hand, and hugged it tightly to his chest.


Softness that can't be described in words.

Bai Ye was startled, and quickly pulled his hand out, and retreated quietly.

He was afraid that General Lei Dian would suddenly wake up and see him like this, and kill him.

After a long while, General Lei Dian didn't respond.

Hearing the slight breathing sound coming from him, Bai Ye was relieved and quietly walked to the bedside.

He took out the new clothes that he had just taken out of the dimensional backpack and quickly changed them for General Lei Dian.


Looking at General Lei Dian, who was dressed neatly on the bed, Bai Ye let out a sigh of relief.

He picked up the clothes that still smelled fresh on the ground and threw them into the dimensional backpack.

Then he set his sights on Lei Dian Ying.

Bai Ye was still relieved about Lei Dian Ying.

After all, she had consumed a lot of energy in the battle with General Lei Dian, and later she managed to save Bai Ye from the Queen of Winter.

He shouldn't... wake up easily.

Bai Ye strode to Lei Dian Ying and tore off the tattered clothes in no time.

The next scene made Bai Ye frown.

He always felt that Lei Dian Ying's clothes were smaller than General Lei Dian's.

According to common sense.

General Lei Dian Ying was built one-to-one according to Lei Dian Ying, and this situation should not happen.

At this moment, Lei Dian Ying moaned and slowly opened his eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was Bai Ye holding her clothes, and she felt cold all over.

Lei Dianying looked at her body with doubts, and then was shocked.

Bai Ye was also startled and stood there in a daze, still holding Lei Dianying's clothes in his hands.

Lei Dianying looked confused, looked at himself naked, then looked at Bai Ye, and stammered: "You, you, you, you...what are you doing?!"


PS: Due to the review, it was revised countless times, and in the end it can only be like this...

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