Late at night.

Liyue, Wangsheng Hall.

Bai Ye lay in the coffin with his eyes closed, and a soft snoring sound continued to be heard.


A slight noise sounded in the coffin.

If it were any other time, Bai Ye would have been awakened.

But today, for some reason, he didn't even react at all.

At the same time, a faint light lit up in the coffin.

Although it was fleeting, it was enough to see a talisman lighting up in the coffin.

The talisman condensed in mid-air and turned into a ball of light that drilled into Bai Ye's alarm clock.

Bai Ye groaned, and the whole person was pulled into a strange dream.



"What... is this place?"

"Shouldn't I sleep in the coffin of Wangsheng Hall? It's really strange..."

Bai Ye woke up slowly, rubbed his head with his hand, and looked around, his face full of confusion.

There stood a majestic city in front of him.

There were mysterious patterns carved on the towering walls of this city. Bai Ye always felt that... they looked familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and a flash of inspiration came to his mind. These patterns seemed to belong to... Kanreya.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye continued to walk forward.

Under the shining moonlight, the city was covered with a mysterious veil.

"Why did I appear in Kanreya? Is this just a dream?"

Bai Ye walked slowly to the wall and carefully examined the patterns carved on the wall, and his heart became more and more confused.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and even the ground shook a little.

Bai Ye was startled, and at this moment he could no longer care to continue to check these patterns, and looked up.

I saw the dark red moon hanging in the sky.

The bright moonlight had long disappeared.

The blood-red light enveloped the entire city, adding a bit of death.

At the same time, eight figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Bai Ye's pupils suddenly shrank.

If he was not mistaken, the leader was Tianli, and behind her were the Seven Gods.

"This is the battle of the destruction of Kanreya?"

"No, why am I here?"

Bai Ye exerted a little force on his feet, and the whole person soared into the air, following the Seven Gods silently.

The Seven Gods and Tianli seemed to be unaware of Bai Ye's existence.

According to common sense, people with their strength have no reason not to find Bai Ye.

Bai Ye did not think much, and did not even consider this aspect. He just wanted to see...

What happened in the Battle of Kanreya that year.


Wuwang Slope.

"Yin and Yang are in order, fate is unpredictable, with this butterfly fire, I will guide you..."

Hu Tao closed his eyes tightly, clasped his hands together, and muttered something.

There was a blazing fire in front of her, with a flag at each corner.

There were boxes of different sizes placed in front of her, which seemed to be a temporary ritual site.


The flames burned more and more vigorously, jumping continuously, as if they were going straight to the sky.

Several figures rose from the flames.

They floated in the air, looked at Hu Tao with a smile, opened their mouths and seemed to be telling something.

But they couldn't make any sound.

If you only look at the shape of their lips, they should say... Thank you.

Hu Tao opened her eyes, sighed, and murmured: "Have a good journey."

They seemed to have heard Hu Tao's words, and then dissipated into the air.

A ceremony to communicate between the Yin and Yang worlds was successfully completed.


"Huo~~ This should be the last one of the day. I really like the feeling of being busy every day."

Hu Tao was sweating profusely, raised her hand to wipe the sweat, and said breathlessly.

The dancing flames gradually died down, and several butterflies fluttered around Hu Tao.

"I wonder if Bai Ye has found Qi Qi. Hehehe, I must hide Qi Qi well this time."

Hu Tao muttered to herself as she packed her things.

Hu Tao did not notice that a small figure was hiding by the big tree behind her, quietly observing her.

"Hu Tao is still here, handling business."

"There should be no one in the Rebirth Hall. Qi Qi should be able to get her things back."

Seeing that Hu Tao was still packing, a hint of joy appeared in her eyes.

There was no doubt that this figure was Qi Qi.

Seeing that Hu Tao was still busy packing, Qi Qi hurried to the Rebirth Hall.

Not long after Qiqi left.

Hu Tao had packed up her things and was sitting cross-legged on the ground, eating shrimp dumplings and boiled black sea bass.

She sniffed the food in the lunch box, with a satisfied look on her face.

"Wait, something seems wrong, it seems to be Qiqi's taste..."

Hu Tao's pupils shrank, and she didn't care about eating her favorite dishes, and followed Qiqi's taste at a high speed.



Bai Ye followed Tianli and Qishen silently, and also found a serious problem.

He could hear the surrounding environment, but he couldn't hear the conversation between Qishen and Tianli, and could only see their mouths moving.

At the same time.

Bai Ye also confirmed another thing, that is, Tianli and Qishen couldn't see him.

Suddenly, the picture in front of Bai Ye flashed.

Tianli and Qishen, who were walking in front of him, disappeared.

At the same time, several violent explosions sounded in Bai Ye's ears.

Bai Ye was startled and looked up.

Tianli was sitting on the blood-red moon, stretching out his slender white fingers towards the Kingdom of Kanreya.

The seven gods seemed to have received some orders, and all of them attacked together.

The entire Kingdom of Kanreya gradually began to collapse, with screams and curses, but there was no... begging for mercy.

I don't know how long it took, but everything returned to silence.

The Kingdom of Kanreya, which originally stood majestically between heaven and earth, instantly turned into a ruin.

Tianli looked at the ruined Kingdom of Kanreya, his mouth slightly raised, and then turned and left.

Lei Yingying hugged Lei Dianzhen in a daze, wiped away his tears, and sobbed, "Sister, let's go home."

Barbatos and Morax looked at each other and went to their own countries.

These incomplete pictures flashed through Bai Ye's mind one by one.

He wanted to take action, but found that he was just a bystander and could not help anyone at all.


A cracking sound came from the ruins.

A black fog enveloped the ruined Kingdom of Kanreya, and miserable roars came from it.

Countless monsters crawled out of it and roared at the sky.

"The great ancient country was punished unjustly"

"The people of the great ancient country were distorted into monsters"

"My knighthood, how can I tolerate such injustice"

"If the abyss is its name, I will be loyal to the abyss"

The scarred knight looked at the ruined city of Kanreya, blood kept flowing in his eyes, and he roared hoarsely.

The black fog gradually enveloped him, and the once majestic knight disappeared, replaced by a terrifying monster.

Bai Ye stood there and watched everything that happened in the Kingdom of Kanreya, silent.

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