Bai Ye smiled and said nothing, watching Hu Tao calmly.

Hu Tao had a question mark on her face, and tentatively asked: "Are you sure you want me to hand out flyers?"

Bai Ye nodded, handed the flyer to Hu Tao, and said as a matter of course: "Of course, you have experience in handing out flyers, this is the job for you."

Hu Tao helplessly spread her hands and took the flyer from Bai Ye's hand.

Open the flyer.

Seeing the content on the flyer, Hu Tao's eyes went dark and she almost fainted on the spot.

This thing is not interesting.

Hu Tao held the flyer, her face solemn, and the corners of her mouth and eyes twitched involuntarily.

Some pedestrians who happened to pass by stopped to watch.

They wanted to know what it was that could scare Hu Tao, who was fearless, like this.

But Bai Ye happened to be in front of Hu Tao, so they couldn't see the specific content on the flyer, and could only see a picture of a chic flue.

Bai Ye scratched his head, feeling somewhat puzzled.

This flyer shouldn't be that scary, right? Did he write something wrong?

Bai Ye frowned, snatched the flyer from Hu Tao's hand, and checked it carefully.


There's nothing wrong with the flyer.

Bai Ye returned the flyer to Hu Tao, and saw that it said -

The most cherished item of Liyue Seven Stars Tianquan Ningguang was lost due to special reasons, which made her extremely anxious.

It is said that Ningguang once said that she would marry anyone who found the pipe.

He took a picture of the pipe, gave it to Ningguang, and married Ningguang, and from then on he reached the peak of his life.

As the saying goes, with rich woman Ningguang in hand, the world is mine, and the opportunity is not to be missed, and it will never come again.

The bottom picture is a picture of a pipe, and there are a few lines of words next to it -

"Rich woman, hungry!"

"Marry Ningguang and step onto the peak of life."

"Who will be the strongest son-in-law of Qun Yu Pavilion? The Liyue Auction on March 11 will reveal the answer for you."

As for the other auction items, they are just to make up the numbers, and Bai Ye did not expect them to earn Mora.

This also led to a phenomenon that Ningguang's pipe almost occupied four-fifths of the entire flyer.


Hu Tao was stunned in place, and the more she looked, the more flustered she became.

Originally, she was summoned to the Liyue General Affairs Office for questioning many times for handing out flyers for the Hall of Rebirth every day.

Ningguang even listed Hu Tao as a key observation target and monitored her every move.

If Ningguang saw me handing out these things, I would probably be dead without a trace left...


Absolutely not.

Must find a way to reject Bai Ye.


"Can these flyers...really be distributed?"

"In Liyue's territory, distributing these strange flyers will get you arrested by the General Affairs Department..."

Hu Tao swallowed hard and turned to look at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye suddenly realized that he understood what Hu Tao meant.

In short, the risk is very high, and she is scared.

Bai Ye touched his chin, pondered for a moment and said: "My venues are all found by Yuheng Star Keqing, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Don't be afraid. If the sky falls, there is... Keqing to support it."

"Okay, then, I will believe you this time."

Hu Tao nodded doubtfully.

She recalled everything that had just happened. What Bai Ye said was indeed correct. The venue for the auction was found by Keqing.

So it seems that... there should be no big problem.

Bai Ye smiled and took out another stack of flyers, saying, "After the auction, I will go to the Wangsheng Hall to order more business."

"It's a deal, you can't cheat."

Hu Tao's eyes lit up, took the flyers, and hurried to the street to distribute them.

"After you distribute them, remember to come to Wangsheng Hall to find me."

Bai Ye shouted at Hu Tao.

"Well... got it."

Hu Tao quickly got into work mode, distributing flyers while responding vaguely.

Sure enough, he is a professional flyer distributor.

Looking at Hu Tao's busy back.

Bai Ye sighed quietly, walked leisurely towards Wangsheng Hall, and said to himself, "Two days should be enough to ferment this auction, right?"


Wangsheng Hall.

The sun was high in the sky, and the sun was strong.

Bai Ye casually carried a few boxes of food and returned to the Hall of Rebirth at noon.

He simply thought about the plan for the auction day in his mind.

He leaned on the coffin and fell into a deep sleep.


"Bai Ye, I worked so hardWhile handing out flyers, you actually secretly slept in the Hall of Rebirth. "

Hu Tao stood in front of Bai Ye angrily, and kicked Bai Ye lightly with her small feet in black leather shoes.

Bai Ye opened his sleepy eyes and whispered: "Well, have you finished handing out the flyers?"

"Hu Hu, of course."

"As soon as Hu Tao showed up, these few flyers must have been handed out!"

Hu Tao put her hands on her hips and looked at Bai Ye angrily.

It would have been better if Bai Ye hadn't said these words, but Hu Tao got even angrier when he said these words.

Not a single business flyer of the Hall of Rebirth could be handed out.

It took Bai Ye less than an hour to hand out all the flyers for the auction.

The most important thing is that she only handed out a few at the beginning.

The person who got the flyer shouted loudly, and many people rushed to surround him, giving the flyer to Mora while asking for the flyer in Hu Tao's hand.

Hu Tao was very confused, Why did these people give her Mora when they took the bed sheet?

She carefully observed the flyer and found a line of small words at the bottom of the flyer-

Entry to the auction is by flyer, only 5,000 Mora, try your luck, marry the rich woman Ningguang, and turn the bungalow into Qun Yu Pavilion in seconds.


The flyer is equivalent to a pass, but this pass is charged.


Hu Tao took out a bag from his waist, threw it in front of Bai Ye, and said: "This is 900,000 Mora, all earned from handing out flyers today."

"These Mora are all given to you, just consider them as the Mora I ordered for the business of Wangsheng Hall. "

Bai Ye waved his hand and said in a daze. It was obvious that he had not woken up completely.


Qun Yu Pavilion, late at night.

The moon was bright and the night was falling.

Ningguang was lying on the bed with a thoughtful expression, and the thrilling white snow was lying casually beside the bed.

Bang bang bang——!

A quick knock on the door sounded.

"Lord Ningguang, are you asleep?"

Bai Wen's pleasant voice sounded outside the door.

"I'm not asleep yet, come in."

Ningguang was a little confused. It was so late, what could happen?


"Lord Ningguang, something bad is wrong..."

Bai Wen hurriedly pushed the door open and walked in. After seeing Ningguang lying casually, his face turned red and he held back what he wanted to say.

Ningguang looked puzzled and did not notice Bai Wen's special abnormality. He comforted her: "Don't be anxious, talk slowly. "

Bai Wen took a deep breath and said slowly: "Your pipe, found, but not completely found..."

Ningguang had a question mark on her face.

What the hell?

What do you mean by found, but not completely found?

"Recently, many people in Liyue have received a flyer about an auction, and the items on it include your pipe."

Bai Wen closed the door, walked to Ningguang, and said softly.


Ningguang was a little confused.

"The auction also said that as long as the pipe was auctioned..."

Bai Wen opened her mouth and hesitated. She really didn't know how to say what was on the flyer.

Ningguang got up and sat on the bed, looking at Bai Wen calmly: "There are only two of us here, feel free to say it boldly."

"Lord Ningguang, you should take a look yourself..."

Bai Wen struggled for a long time, but finally couldn't say it, so he simply handed the flyer to Ningguang.

"Well, let me see. "

Ningguang was a little curious, so she stretched out her delicate fingers and picked up the flyer handed over by Baiwen.

Baiwen turned her head away and didn't dare to look at Ningguang. She had already guessed what would happen after Ningguang saw the flyer.

Ningguang raised her hand and opened the flyer.

Seeing the content on the flyer, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

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