Liyue, late at night.

Stars twinkle, the moon is bright.

Although it is late at night, the streets of Liyue are still bustling with traffic and people. It is really lively.

"I heard that there will be a handover ceremony in the Hall of Rebirth tomorrow morning. Should we go and have a look?"

"Of course we should go. I want to see what it looks like when 150 billion Mora are piled together."

"Don't be silly. How can you really take out 150 billion Mora in cash?"

"Compared to these, I want to know what the Hall of Rebirth looks like..."

The people on the street whispered to each other, all talking about the auction tonight.

From time to time, there was a hearty laugh, and it was obvious that they had just returned from the auction.

If it were usual, this group of people would have been captured by the Qianyan Army long ago.

Unfortunately, today is an unusual day, even Tianquan Ningguang went to the auction.

What's more, they were just a bunch of onlookers, as the saying goes, the law does not punish the masses.

However, the Qianyan Army would naturally not tolerate them wandering around the streets all the time.

After the auction, all of them went out.

They persuaded those who were still stranded on the street to leave with kind words. If they encountered those who resisted, they would be taken directly back to the Qianyan Army headquarters to let them sober up.

Facts have proved that this series of operations is very effective.

Just a moment later.

The whole street returned to silence, leaving only the calls of flowers, birds, fish and insects in the middle of the night.


Wangsheng Hall.

The stars gathered in front of the Wangsheng Hall, gradually forming wisps of black mist, slowly falling from the sky.

The dark mist stood in front of the Wangsheng Hall, constantly changing into various hideous appearances, sometimes turning into a giant beast with a bloody mouth, and sometimes turning into a human-shaped object with a weird posture.

The weird howling sound sounded in front of the Wangsheng Hall.

What was strange was that the people living around seemed to be unable to hear the cry.

Bai Ye, who was lying in the coffin, suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He clearly heard the strange cry and felt a familiar yet strange breath.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, put one hand into the dimensional backpack, and opened the coffin lid with the other hand.



The sound of pushing the door and opening the coffin lid sounded at the same time.

Bai Ye jumped out of the coffin and looked at the door, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At the door stood several humanoid objects made entirely of black mist.

They were wearing armor made entirely of black mist, with red light flashing in their eyes, and the black mist around them was churning, constantly changing into various terrifying shapes.

Bai Ye's heart sank slightly.

No wonder he just felt a familiar yet strange breath, it turned out to be——

The power of darkness.


Why did the dark power appear in the area of ​​Liyue? Didn't the immortals of Liyue or even Zhongli notice it?

A cold flash flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and he asked knowingly: "Who are you?"

"We come from the dark abyss, we return to the dark abyss, and the interval of light in between is called life by us."

The leading dark human tilted his head and spoke obscure sentences.

Bai Ye was speechless.

What kind of riddle man is this?

The dark human's eyes flashed red, and he continued: "Time... is too late... You must... make a decision... quickly."

"What choice?"

Bai Ye pulled out the magic sword Qianren from the dimensional backpack, and pressed the Decade driver on his waist.

He didn't want to transform into a Kamen Rider in Liyue City, and put the driver on his waist just to avoid some unexpected situations.

After all, this was Bai Ye's real fight with the dark power.

"Choice... must make a choice..."

All the dark humanoid creatures said in unison with red glow in their eyes.

What a fucking riddle man.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he tightened the magic knife Qianren in his hand, rolled his eyes and said: "Ask the knife in my hand first."

"I dare not... must make a choice... wuwu ah ah..."

The voice of the dark humanoid changed from the original vagueness to a miserable howling sound.

This sound was extremely miserable and made people's scalps numb.

"You don't want to be a good riddle man, but you have to be a noise maker, right? Disturbing people in the middle of the night is... wrong."

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said to himself.

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Ye held the magic knife in his hand and instantly appeared in front of the dark humanoid.

A knifeSwung out, a flash of cold light.

The blade flashing with cold light pierced the pitch-black human figure, and the shrill scream became more piercing.

Hearing this strange cry, Bai Ye frowned even deeper, and swung out another knife.


The pitch-black human figure turned into several groups of mist, the shrill screams stopped abruptly, and the whole world returned to peace.

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief and put away the magic knife Qianren.

The next second, something strange happened.

The black mist that had dissipated condensed again and turned into a pitch-black human figure again.

This time, the red light in the eyes of the pitch-black human figure has turned into green light.

Just looking at its eyes makes people feel chilled.

"Choice... must make a choice... we don't have time anymore..."

The voice of the pitch-black human figure became clear, with a hint of shrill crying in his tone.

"What choice?"

Bai Ye looked puzzled.

When he attacked just now, he could clearly feel that the dark figure had no intention of resisting, but let Bai Ye pierce through him.

The dark figure did not answer Bai Ye's question, but kept muttering "choice".

Finally, the green light in his eyes dissipated, and his body also dissipated into the air.

The Hall of Rebirth returned to its usual quietness.

Bai Ye scratched his head, looking puzzled, and muttered: "What choice should I make?"


"Hey, Bai Ye."

"Why are you hanging around with a knife in the middle of the night? And you keep muttering about choices..."

Hu Tao's sweet and pleasant voice reached Bai Ye's ears.

Bai Ye woke up from a dream, savoring what Hu Tao had just said, frowning slightly and said: "Did you see it just now?"

"Just saw it? What did you see?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the doubts in Hu Tao's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Didn't you see it?"

Bai Ye put away the magic knife Qian Ren and touched his chin, also confused.

Hu Tao blinked and said softly: "I saw you holding the knife, waving it while muttering about the decision..."

Bai Ye pinched his chin, his face full of contemplation.

If it is according to what Hu Tao just said.

Then Hu Tao should have seen the conversation between him and the pitch-black figure just now.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye looked down at his waist, where the Decade driver was lying quietly.

Then he took out the magic knife Qian Ren again, and could clearly feel the pitch-black breath on it.

"Hu Tao, what did you see just now?"

Bai Ye stroked the magic knife Qian Ren and looked up at Hu Tao.

Seeing Bai Ye's actions and eyes, Hu Tao couldn't help but shrink back, with a look of horror on his face.

Bai Ye's appearance was too scary. He was holding a knife and kept asking what he saw.

This was definitely a sign of wanting to kill someone to silence them.


At least that's what the storytellers in the tavern said. Could it be that --

because he discovered some secret of Bai Ye?

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