Wanmin Hall.

When Wendy followed Bai Ye's finger and saw the specific appearance of the person behind her, she swallowed hard.

I saw General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying folded their arms and looked at Wendy with a smile.

Although they looked very kind on the surface, the murderous intent in their eyes said it all.


Bai Ye didn't dare to say this in front of these two masters, and could only complain in his heart.

Wendy, this guy, dared to say it directly in front of these two masters, he really didn't know how to write the word death.

Bai Ye had no way to face such a situation.

He could only pray for Wendy silently in his heart.

"Hey~~~ I don't mean... that, you should understand."

Wendy showed an awkward but polite smile and spoke slowly.

"Of course we understand."

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying nodded with a smile and said in unison.


"Yes, yes, that's not what I meant. I hope you can understand."

Wendy let out a long breath, scratched her head, and said with relief.

Hearing Wendy's words, General Lei Dian snorted and turned to the kitchen.

Bai Ye sat quietly aside.

He glanced at the smiling Lei Dianying, and then at Wendy who was standing there at a loss, and suddenly a bad premonition came to his mind.

This is very wrong, Wendy may be in big trouble.

This is the only feeling in Bai Ye's heart now.

This idea just flashed through Bai Ye's mind.

The next second, General Lei Dian brought out two plates from the kitchen filled with black fog.

It was the dishes cooked by Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian.

"We can understand you, but can you understand us?"

"If you can understand us, please taste the dishes we made today."

General Lei Dian put the two dishes in front of Wendy and said with a smile.

"Hey~~~ Let's talk it over nicely. I'm full today and can't eat any more. Can we eat tomorrow..."

Seeing the strange smell of the dishes on the plate, Wendy's face changed and she took a step back involuntarily.

"Eat it, and we'll write off this matter."

General Lei Dian sneered, picked up the plate on the table, and pressed forward step by step.

Wendy's expression kept changing, as if he had eaten a dead fly.

He had already experienced the cooking skills of Lei Dianying 500 years ago.

The scene at that time has always been remembered by him, forming a serious psychological shadow.

"Stop, stop, stop."

"Don't you know what you are cooking? I don't have the antidote in my hand now, and there is no way to treat it if something happens..."

Xiangling heard the noisy sound in the hall, walked out of the kitchen, and said helplessly.

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying immediately gave up forcing Wendy to eat the dishes after hearing Xiangling's words.

Bai Ye shook his head in disappointment.

It was such a pity that I didn't see this lazy god make a fool of himself.


Zhidong Country.

"My Lady Queen, is there something important that you called us here so late?"

"My Lady Queen, is there something wrong?"

The Clown and the Rich Man stood respectfully behind the Queen of Zhidong and said softly.

"Can't I come to you if there's nothing?"

The Queen of Zhidong turned slowly and looked at the Clown and the Rich Man coldly.

"I will naturally let the Queen send me. I asked only because I was afraid that there would be something important and delay your time."

Seeing the expression of the Queen of Zhidong, the Clown and the Rich Man had tiny sweat on their foreheads.

"I will be away from Winter recently for a few days. The affairs of Winter Kingdom will be temporarily handed over to you two. Try to make trouble as much as possible. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, just delay it and wait for me to come back."

The Queen of Winter tapped the table with her slender fingers and said coldly.

Hearing the words of the Queen of Winter.

The clown and the rich man were shocked.

In their memory, the Queen of Winter has never left Winter.

Even if she left, she used a clone.


PS: I have been updating for 80 consecutive days without realizing it, 670,000 words. I have been lacking inspiration recently. Please allow me to water it down and simply say what I think.

I believe many friends have seen that I have been writing a lot recently. No, not only is it messy., the author's mind is even more confused. Of course, these are not meant to be eunuchs, but just want to complain.

At first, I wrote this book completely on a whim. It happened to be the period when I was most obsessed with the original god. It happened that my book was lost due to some special reasons. It was the most smooth and successful book I wrote in my life. When I wrote this book, I comforted myself that the fan fiction was also very popular. I just made some money and wrote the stories I wanted to write.

To be honest, as an author, although the author is a failure, it is absolutely false to say that I don't want to make money for love.

Facts have proved that this book did not make money. It has been 166 days since the book was published on March 6. The royalties are probably only enough to cover the rent, or even not enough. According to the current situation, it is impossible to make a living by writing novels.

Every day, looking at the meager royalties, I have wanted to eunuch countless times, but when I was tired of typing late at night, I would check the comments. Whenever I saw encouraging comments, I would feel encouraged, which also made me persist until now.

Tonight, I chatted with a female author friend in the author group. She asked me a question that left a deep impression on me.

She said to me: What is the purpose of writing novels?

I thought about it for a long time and came up with an answer. I want to get everyone's approval and make everyone happy in my story. It would be even better if I could earn some rent and living expenses.

Obviously, the latter is not very realistic. After this period of time, I found that I am really not that kind of material.

Okay, the short complaint is over.

As for the future plan, it is to finish this book first.

After this book is finished, I may write a new book, or I may never write again. If I want to write a new book, it must be a story about the witch prison.

Next, I will sort out my thoughts, write more seriously and quickly, and strive not to end it badly. Thank you very much for your support.

Finally, if you recommend books in the Book Famine Square, please bring this book with you. If there is a free love generator, you can also give one to the author. Thank you very much.

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