Outside Liyue City.

A small pavilion somewhere.

This is the place agreed upon by Tartaglia and the Queen of Winter.

Tartaglia left Liyue City almost in the blink of an eye and hurried to the place agreed upon with the Queen of Winter.

After arriving at the agreed place, Tartaglia was stunned.

There was no sign of the Queen of Winter here, only a group of Fatui were busy.

"Why isn't that lord here?"

Tartaglia looked around in confusion and spoke coldly.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and commotion, he did not tell his men the true identity of the Queen of Winter, but only called her "that lord".

After all, the identity of the Queen of Winter was extraordinary. If this news was spread, the stakes would be high.

Even the Queen of Winter herself acquiesced to Tartaglia's approach.

She was a person who did not like to show off.

"That lord just told us that he was going out for a while..."

The Fatui intelligence officer, who had been silently sorting out various intelligence, looked up at Tartaglia and answered honestly.

"Did she say where she was going? Or...did she tell you anything before she left?"

Tartaria frowned slightly, sighed helplessly, and looked at the intelligence officer calmly.

"That lord said that if the young master came back, he would tell the young master that if there were no accidents, everything would be carried out according to the original plan."

The Fatui intelligence officer blinked and spoke without thinking.

"Did he say anything else besides these?"

Tartaria continued to speak.

"Nothing else."

The Fatui intelligence officer glanced at Tartaglia and always felt that Tartaglia was a little strange.

Hearing the words of the Fatui intelligence officer, Tartaglia showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

He was wondering where the Queen of Winter had gone, or what the Queen of Winter was doing secretly.


Bai Ye, who had been following behind Tartaglia, also showed the same expression as him.

Because of the effect of the demon godhead, Bai Ye heard every word of the conversation between Tartaglia and the intelligence officer of the Fatui.

Bai Ye was also very confused.

But at this point in time, where would the Queen of Winter go?

Could it be that the Queen of Winter has now gone to Liyue City to find him?

The more Bai Ye thought about it, the more confused he became.

He shook his head vigorously, throwing away these messy thoughts in his mind.

Bai Ye decided to stay here and wait for the Queen of Winter to come back.

This just happened to be in line with the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

If the Queen of Winter really wants to harm Bai Ye, I'm afraid this is one of the safest places in the whole Liyue.

Of course.

Bai Ye can also choose to go to Zhongli, but he has the task of defeating the Queen of Winter on his shoulders, so there is only one way to go now.

The only thing that worried Bai Ye was that if the Queen of Winter couldn't find him, would she attack the people around him to force him to surrender.

However, as soon as this idea came into Bai Ye's mind, he rejected it.

In his impression.

With her status as the Queen of Winter, she would definitely not do such a thing.

If it was the lady, she would definitely do it, even more excessive than this.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye looked much more relaxed, and then he focused on watching the Fatui busy in the pavilion.

He wanted to grasp the movements of the Fatui in real time so as to make plans for the next things.



The headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, the office of the acting leader.

Amber came to the office with a pile of documents in her arms.

When she looked at the leader's desk, she was stunned.

The desk was empty, and everything was neatly packed.

In Amber's impression.

Every time she came to the acting head's office, she could see Joel busy at work, but this time she didn't see Joel's figure, and the neatly tidied office made Amber smell something unusual.

Thinking of this.

Amber's face changed slightly, and she walked quickly to Joel's desk.

She checked the desk and saw a letter left by Joel.

Seeing this letter lying quietly on the table, Amber had a bad premonition in her heart.


Amber opened the letter on the table.

Look at the specific content of the letter, her face became a little solemn.

The content of the letter was to tell everyone that she had to go to Liyue for some things, and asked everyone not to worry, and she would be back soon to deal with the work of the Knights of Favonius.

She didn't bother to think about anything, and ran directly to the outside of the Knights of Favonius.

After leaving the door.

Amber spread her wings of wind and ran towards Liyue.

Amber was very worried about Yoel's safety.

Although she had witnessed her cruelty with her own eyes, Yoel didn't have the Eye of God after all.

With her killing skills alone, the journey was even more dangerous, and she would never be able to reach Liyue safely.


Liyue City.

The Queen of Winter took an elegant step and walked slowly on the bustling streets of Liyue.

When pedestrians around passed by the Queen of Winter, they would subconsciously stop and look.

They did this not because the Queen of Winter was so beautiful. After all, today the Queen of Winter was wearing a veil and a hood, so it was impossible to see her specific appearance.

The reason why everyone stopped to watch was entirely because the Queen of Winter's clothes were out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Faced with such strange looks, the Queen of Winter did not care too much.

She was in a very good mood today, and there was always a faint smile on her face.

If it were usual, she would have been angry in such a situation.

But today she was in a good mood and did not take such things to heart.

She had already thought of a way to target Bai Ye.

Since Bai Ye was hiding in Liyue City and refused to come out, and she could not take action in Liyue City.

Then use special means to directly bring Bai Ye from Liyue City to the outside of Liyue City.

Thinking of this.

The corners of the Queen of Winter's mouth rose slightly.

Little did she know that Bai Ye was not in Liyue City at all, but outside Liyue City.

In a sense, the behavior of Bai Ye and the Queen of Winter can be regarded as a two-way rush.

However, this two-way rush is somewhat different from the traditional two-way rush. This time, both parties rushed to nothing.

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