Outside Liyue City.

"Where did the Queen of Winter go?"

"According to common sense, it's been so long, she should be back now, right?"

Bai Ye lazily lay on a tree branch, yawned with his hands covering his mouth, and muttered to himself.

He had been on this tree for a long time, but still hadn't seen the Queen of Winter.

During this time.

He had heard all the secrets of the Fatui.

Secrets like the Fatui's plans in Liyue and what the executives liked to eat were all heard by Bai Ye.

If Bai Ye hadn't had an important task on his hands, he would have punched them long ago.

It was really annoying to keep nagging.

The key was that he couldn't close the Demon Godhead now, so he could only keep it open to detect the movements around him.

If there was any disturbance, he would know it at the first time and make a perfect response plan in advance.

Bai Ye's calculations were very good, but he made a mistake in one thing.

That is, the Queen of Winter is still missing.

Faced with this situation, Bai Ye scratched his head helplessly, feeling a little distressed.

He didn't want to wait here all the time, which was too passive.

If it really didn't work, he would take the initiative to attack, first get rid of all the Fatui here, and then go find the Queen of Winter.

Of course.

This is the worst solution at present.

If these Fatui are eliminated, the Queen of Winter will definitely notice it and will definitely be more vigilant.

If Bai Ye wants to play a trick of taking the initiative, it is absolutely impossible to expose himself, and he can only lie dormant silently.


At the same time.

The Queen of Winter also rushed to the Hall of All People.

Looking at the Hall of All People under reconstruction, the Queen of Winter frowned slightly.

She did not feel Bai Ye's breath here.

To be precise, she had not felt Bai Ye's breath since she entered Liyue City.

Faced with this situation, Queen Zhidong was very confused.

Since Bai Ye revealed that he had the Heart of Thunder God, Queen Zhidong could vaguely sense Bai Ye's breath.

Although this breath was not very strong, Queen Zhidong could feel it. After all, she now had three Hearts of God, and she was very familiar with the breath of the Heart of God.

Thinking of this.

She strode into the Hall of All People.

As soon as she entered the door.

She saw the Eightfold God Son sitting at the door reading a book.

Queen Zhidong was very clear about the identity of this scumbag fox.

"Excuse me, is Bai Ye here?"

Queen Zhidong looked at the Eightfold God Son calmly, pretending that she didn't know him, and spoke softly.

"Bai Ye... Bai Ye should be out..."

Yaezao flipped the book in his hand and answered absentmindedly.

"Thank you."

Hearing Yaezao's answer, Queen Zhidong thanked him, and then turned around and left without any hesitation, with an extremely chic posture.

She believed what Yaezao said, not to mention that she did not feel Bai Ye's breath here, and it can be almost concluded that Bai Ye is not in Wanmin Hall.

After Queen Zhidong left.

Yaezao raised his head belatedly.

It's a pity that she didn't see the specific appearance of Queen Zhidong, but only saw a cold back.

When Yaezao saw the back clearly, she frowned slightly, and she could feel that the woman in front of her was not simple.

Just a back gave her a feeling of extreme oppression and extreme danger.

She had never felt this in General Lei Dian or Lei Dianying.

Realizing that something was wrong, Yae Godson slowly closed the book in his hand, stood up and walked towards the room where General Lei Dian was.


"Where did this guy...go? Did he know I was coming to find him and hid in advance?"

Queen Zhidong frowned, not finding Bai Ye's trace, which made her very annoyed.


"I know where this guy is!"

Queen Zhidong had a flash of inspiration in her mind, a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes, and she muttered to herself.


The free ice elements in the air gathered towards her.

After a bone-chilling cold wind blew, she disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Only ice chips emitting cold air were left on the ground.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

Bai Wen andAfter Bai Shi returned to her room, she was still frightened when she thought of Ning Guang's appearance at that time.

"What do you think is the current situation of Lady Ning Guang and Mr. Bai?"

Bai Shi closed the door carefully, turned her head and looked at Bai Wen who was studying the light novel, and asked softly.

"The current situation is very pessimistic."

"Didn't you find that Lady Ning Guang was a little strange today? It is likely that this matter did not succeed."

Ning Guang closed the light novel in her hand, sighed faintly, and said helplessly.

"Then should we continue to implement our son-in-law plan?"

Bai Shi blinked and asked.

"I think Lady Ning Guang is more suitable to be alone. Her lifelong event still depends on herself. It is useless for us to intervene..."

Bai Wen opened the light novel, gently turned to the bookmark page, and said carelessly.

She no longer had hope for this kind of thing.

After this son-in-law plan, she understood one thing.

Ningguang should fight for such a lifelong event by herself. What they did was of no help to Ningguang, but only added to her troubles.


Outside Liyue City.

Bai Ye was speechless.

He still didn't understand what went wrong. Where did the Queen of Winter go?

He had been in this broken place for nearly a day, and still hadn't received any news about the Queen of Winter. He couldn't help but sigh.

"So you're hiding here."

"Hey~~ You're really easy for me to find. You're really good at hiding."

Just as Bai Ye was thinking, he suddenly felt his shoulder being patted, and a cold voice sounded behind him.

Bai Ye's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look behind him.

He saw the Queen of Winter sitting on a tree branch, holding her chin with one hand, looking at him with a smile.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he quickly checked.

He found that his demon godhood was still running and had not stopped.

So the question was, how did the Queen of Winter come behind him so quietly?

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