Outside Liyue City.

The Fatui's temporary camp.


Bai Ye's feet landed steadily on the ground, and the ground was filled with dust.

Queen Zhidong had extremely sensitive hearing, so she naturally heard the slight noise.

She frowned slightly and turned her head to look in the direction of the sound.

It would have been better if she hadn't looked.

She got angry when she saw it.

Bai Ye clapped his hands, raised his hand to brush off the dust on his body, and looked up at her with a smile.

Although it was just a friendly smile, it was full of sarcasm in Queen Zhidong's eyes.

"Bai Ye, I really didn't expect you to dare to come back..."

Queen Zhidong sneered, and the whole person slowly stood up, looking at Bai Ye coldly, her eyes full of murderous intent.

"Why don't I dare to come back?"

Bai Ye blinked and looked at Queen Zhidong with a smile.

"Then why do you dare to come back......?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the Queen of Winter laughed in anger and spoke with a little doubt.

"I remember that I told Her Majesty the Queen before I left that I would come back after doing something. Now that my business is done, I will come back naturally. Her Majesty the Queen, do you have any questions......?"

Bai Ye looked normal and said confidently.

He was telling the truth.

The fact is indeed like this. He did say this to the Queen of Winter before leaving.

When Bai Ye said this, he had already made plans to kill back.

If the Queen of Winter believed his words, she would naturally not attack him at the first time, and he would be fully prepared.

His words completely confused the Queen of Winter.

The key is that Bai Ye's appearance does not look like he is lying.

Let's take a step back.

Since Bai Ye has already run away, why did he come back?

After thinking about it, Queen Zhidong felt that Bai Ye had not lied to her at that time, and that he really had something to deal with.

Although Queen Zhidong had believed 70% to 80%, she still had a trace of caution in her heart to prevent Bai Ye from doing anything big.

"Do you think I will still believe you......?"

Queen Zhidong looked Bai Ye up and down and said coldly.

"Whether Her Majesty believes it or not, I am indeed back, and I am standing in front of you. Isn't this the most powerful evidence?"

Bai Ye saw the hesitation of Queen Zhidong, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took a step forward, and the whole person became more righteous.

Bai Ye's attitude was as if he was the one who was right. He was really passionate and righteous, as if the previous things were not what he did.

If there were passers-by watching nearby.

Passers-by would definitely think that Queen Zhidong had done something to let Bai Ye down.

"Since you want me to believe you, then you should hand over Lei Dianying's Heart of God first. Otherwise, I don't need to say more about your fate."

The Queen of Winter stared at Bai Ye coldly, her tone full of indifference, and clenched her white jade-like hands.

"Of course, I came back this time to offer the Heart of God to Her Majesty the Queen, but... I have a condition..."

Bai Ye had no fear on his face, and even had a faint smile on his face, and spoke like bargaining.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Queen of Winter's face became a little strange, as if she was not satisfied with Bai Ye's words.

The Queen of Winter did not speak, but just sneered.

At the same time.

The free ice elements between heaven and earth suddenly gathered around the Queen of Winter.

For some unknown reason, these ice elements became very unstable and danced wildly in the air.

These ice elements changed into various shapes in the air, and finally froze into several ice dragons, surrounding the Queen of Winter.

"If you don't want to become an ice sculpture, hand over Lei Dianying's Heart of God."

The Queen of Winter raised her jade hand to the top of her head and snapped her fingers gently.


The ice elements that had been gathering around her became more violent, gradually spreading to the surroundings, trying to freeze everything in this space.

The ice dragon, which was completely condensed by ice elements, instantly came to Bai Ye's side, looking at Bai Ye with a covetous look.

Seeing this scene.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched inadvertently.

Didn't I just cheat you once? Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?

"My Queen, what do you mean by this...?"

Although Bai Ye thought so in his heart, he still pretended to be harmless and said innocently.

"I hate it most when people negotiate with me."

"My meaning is very simple. Either hand over the Heart of God or die. In fact, I still admire you. I hope you will honestly hand over the Heart of God..."

The tone of the Queen of Winter became colder and colder, and the ice elements around her became more restless.

As long as the Queen of Winter gave an order, this terrifying ice element would rush forward and completely devour Bai Ye.

"That's too unfortunate. I like to negotiate. If I die, then the Queen may never get the Heart of God of Lei Dianying..."

Hearing the Queen of Winter's resolute words, Bai Ye put away the giggling expression on his face, and the whole person stopped pretending and stared at the Queen of Winter coldly.

The Queen of Winter's pupils shrank, and she subconsciously clenched her fists. A rare trace of anger appeared on her flawless face.

She really didn't dare to attack Bai Ye now.

She was worried that everything Bai Ye said was true. If Bai Ye died, she would never get Lei Dianying's Heart of God again.

Thinking of this.

Queen Zhidong raised her head and looked at Bai Ye coldly.

Bai Ye felt the Queen Zhidong's gaze, and naturally looked at the Queen Zhidong unwillingly.

In an instant.

The atmosphere became tense.

This space suddenly became extremely quiet, and the calls of flowers, birds, fish and insects all stopped at this moment, so quiet... even the other party's breathing could be heard clearly.

The ice elements around Queen Zhidong were restless, and even wanted to freeze all the air.

"My Queen, I think you should listen to my conditions. Of course, if you don't want to listen, please do whatever you want to me. As for the Heart of God, you may not get it..."

Bai Ye looked normal, without even a trace of fear on his face, and spoke softly.

He firmly believed that Queen Zhidong would never do anything to him.

The Heart of God is absolutely the most important thing to the Queen of Winter.

She didn't dare to take the risk of not finding the Heart of God and take the risk of attacking Bai Ye.

The Queen of Winter was silent.

She didn't know how to answer Bai Ye's question for a moment.


Wanmin Hall.

Lei Yingdian, Yae Shenzi, and General Lei Dian, the three of them sat together with worried faces.

They are a little troubled now.

Although they know Bai Ye's current situation, they have no idea where Bai Ye is now, which is the most difficult thing at present.

They want to find Bai Ye, but now they have no way to start.

Now even the Fatui are searching for Bai Ye intensively.

Just now, General Lei Dian couldn't suppress his inner worries and went out to catch a few Fatui. He interrogated them fiercely, but did not get any valuable information.

All the Fatui captured by General Lei Dian answered that they had not found Bai Ye yet and were still searching with all their strength.

This put General Lei Dian and his party in a passive position.

They couldn't find it, and they couldn't not find it.

"Are we just waiting like this now...?"

General Lei Dian looked up at Lei Dianying and Yae Shenzi, and couldn't help asking.

"There is no other way except waiting now, but I used the secret technique of Ming Shen Taisha. If there is a strong elemental reaction, I can definitely feel it, and then we can rush over as soon as possible..."

Ye Shenzi held her chin with one hand, her ears drooping listlessly, and spoke absent-mindedly.

She had just used the secret technique of Ming Shen Taisha, and the whole person looked extremely weak, even speaking was weak.

"The secret technique of Shenzi is the best way now. During this period of time, we will conserve our energy first. If there is a special situation, we will rush over as quickly as possible. If Bai Ye can't even hold on for such a short time, there is no need to save him."

Lei Dianying nodded, looked into the distance, and spoke in agreement.

Hearing this, General Lei Dian nodded helplessly.

Now they have no better plan, so they can only pin their hopes on the secret technique of the Eightfold God.

However, they still hope that the secret technique of the Eightfold God will never be triggered, which means that Bai Ye is not in any danger at all.

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