Outside Liyue City.

The temporary base of the Fatui.

Bai Ye and the Queen of Winter were still confronting each other. Neither of them spoke. They were all silent.

The atmosphere was getting weirder and weirder. The ice element was restless. The vibrant flowers, plants and trees had been completely frozen into ice sculptures, without any vitality.

As time passed, the temperature of this space suddenly dropped to a temperature that the human body could not bear. Even the ground under his feet was freezing.

Bai Ye was fully operating the Demon Godhead. The endless fire element filled his whole body, dispelling the cold and bringing him warmth.

If it weren't for the Demon Godhead, I'm afraid he would have been frozen.

The ice element used by the Queen of Winter was completely different from the ice element of all the ice characters Bai Ye had seen before.

If the ice element of other ice characters can freeze a lake, then the ice element of the Queen of Winter can completely freeze a sea.

This is the gap between them, the gap between gods and ordinary people, or... the gap between the heart of God and the eyes of God.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye sighed silently in his heart, but he did not speak, still calmly watching the Queen of Winter.

Now he has the initiative, and he only needs to wait for the Queen of Winter to speak.


I don't know how long it took.

The Queen of Winter finally couldn't hold it back, she frowned slightly, opened her red lips and said: "Tell me, what conditions do you want to negotiate with me..."

When she said this, she subconsciously clenched her soft and white jade hands.

This matter is no different from humiliation for her.

No one dared to talk to her like this before, let alone negotiate with her.

If Bai Ye didn't have the heart of God and dared to talk to the Queen of Winter like this, I'm afraid he would be frozen into an ice sculpture by her, and then beaten into ice chips.

"My Queen, I hope to have a fair duel with you. If I lose to you, I will not only give you the Heart of God, but also let you deal with it."

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, and he said with a smile.

"What is a fair duel?"

The Queen of Winter blinked and asked in confusion.

"My Queen, just make sure not to use the Heart of God of Morax and Barbatos."

Bai Ye looked at the Queen of Winter calmly and said lightly.

"Since you made this request, you must know the Heart of God very well. I agree to your conditions."

The Queen of Winter's face changed slightly. She didn't expect Bai Ye to have noticed the effect of the Heart of God. Although it was only a short moment, Bai Ye still captured it keenly.

Seeing the change in the Queen of Winter's face, Bai Ye confirmed his previous guess.

The Heart of God can indeed improve strength, so he must get the other six Hearts of God.

"I'm very curious now."

"Why didn't the Queen ask me... If the Queen lost, what would I ask for...?"

Bai Ye raised his hand and touched his chin, and said curiously.

"I won't lose, so I don't need to know these things."

Queen Zhidong said coldly with a blank expression.

Good guy.

This guy is so damn confident.

In this case, I'll have to increase your strength.

Queen Zhidong must have a great chance to defeat her in such a careless situation.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, silently calculating in his heart how to quickly resolve this duel.



"If the book is correct, after crossing the bridge ahead, it should be Wangshu Inn in Liyue."

"I was a little anxious. I should have brought a map with me. Otherwise, it would be so troublesome..."

Yol wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, a hint of joy in his eyes, and spoke excitedly.

She had gone through so much hardship and waited for this moment.

Now that Bai Ye was within reach, Yoel couldn't help but feel excited.

As long as she found Bai Ye, her wish would be completely fulfilled.

Thinking of this.

Yoel was full of energy and walked towards Wangshu Inn with a calm pace.

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