Outside Liyue City.


"Why did it suddenly become so cold, and it's snowing...?"

Yol wrapped his clothes tightly and looked around with some confusion.

It was spring just now, with flowers blooming, and the whole Liyue was filled with a peaceful atmosphere.

How come winter came in the blink of an eye, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier.

According to the information about Liyue she read in the book, Yoel keenly noticed something wrong.

At the same time.

Two purple phantoms passed by her like lightning.

Yoel vaguely heard their conversation, which was something like "Bai Ye is in danger" and "We have to save Bai Ye quickly".

Hearing the name Bai Ye, Yoel's heart suddenly tightened, and he followed the purple figure silently.


Outside Liyue City.

Fatui's temporary camp.

After receiving the order from the Queen of Winter, the ice dragon rushed towards Bai Ye at lightning speed.

Faced with such a terrifying attack.

Bai Ye, who was covered in armor, had no fear on his face, but was very excited.

Bai Ye stood there without even moving.


It should be said that he was too lazy to move, and there was no need to move.

Because in Bai Ye's eyes, the speed of these two ice dragons was too slow.

It was so slow that it was outrageous, as if the movie in the cinema was playing in slow motion.

Just as the ice dragon was about to get close, Bai Ye raised his hand and pressed on the Magnum pistol in his hand.

"Magnum shooter 40X (Magnum Hunter)"

The Magnum pistol in his hand flashed, and the sound of cold machinery sounded in Bai Ye's ears.


Bai Ye raised his hand and aimed the muzzle at the attacking ice dragon, and pulled the trigger hard.

Bang bang bang——!

Several bullets shot out of the muzzle and all shot into the ice dragon's body.


The ice dragon roared in pain, and its whole body kept struggling and twisting.

The other ice dragon thought it could easily deal with Bai Ye, so it didn't use all its strength.

But now seeing its companion who had been with it day and night injured, it couldn't help but get angry.

Then it gathered all the ice elements in its body to one point, trying to subdue Bai Ye with one blow.

"Ah, I almost forgot about you."

Bai Ye felt a strong murderous aura, turned his head to look in the direction of the other ice dragon, and said with a smile.


Bai Ye's hand had already slapped on the Magnum pistol, and the cold mechanical sound sounded again.

"bullet charge"

The moment the sound sounded.

Bai Ye exerted a little force on his legs, and the whole person flew into the air and performed a 360-degree rotation in the air.

Not only did he dodge the ice dragon's angry attack, he also pointed the gun at the ice dragon and pulled the trigger hard.

Bang, bang, bang!

Another series of gunshots rang out, and the rapidly rotating bullets shot into the ice dragon's body.

This ice dragon suffered the same miserable fate as its companions, and its body continued to struggle and twist in the air.

The Queen of Winter folded her arms across her chest and watched all this coldly.

She did not intend to take action, because all this was not over yet, it was just the beginning.

If these two ice dragons had only this little strength, they would not have stayed by her side for so long.

As soon as this idea emerged in the Queen of Winter's mind, the two ice dragons struggling in the air roared.


The bodies of the two ice dragons intertwined with each other.

There was only a loud bang.

The two ice dragons turned into two groups of violent ice elements, twisting in a grotesque and weird posture in the air.

The two groups of ice elements continued to merge and merge, gradually forming a larger ice dragon.

"Oh my god, what kind of weird fusion skill is this..."

Bai Ye saw this scene, shook his head helplessly, and complained.

After that.

Bai Ye put his hand on the Magnum pistol, held the top of the pistol tightly, and twisted it outwards.

"Rifle (Rifle mode)"

The Magnum pistol unexpectedly became longer, from a pistol form to a rifle form.

The most important thing is that the gun in Bai Ye's hand is equipped with a scope.

Bai Ye put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, put his eyes in front of the scope, and aimed at the huge ice dragon in the air.

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