Outside Liyue City.

The temporary camp of the Fatui.

The heavy snow was drifting, dyeing the world white.

The Queen of Winter floated in the air, with no expression on her face.

She looked at Bai Ye in surprise, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, but she had no intention of attacking.

She just crossed her arms, gently tucked her hair in front of her forehead, and looked at the Ice Dragon and Bai Ye coldly.

The only difference from last time was that the Queen of Winter looked more serious and focused this time.

She was a little distracted just now, and did not see how Bai Ye defeated the Ice Dragon.

She felt that in the blink of an eye, the Ice Dragon was seriously injured and wailing, and was forced to use a big move.

Seeing this scene, she was extremely curious.


Just when the Queen of Winter was confused, the Ice Dragon launched the final attack on Bai Ye.

As the speed of the ice dragon increased, the ice elements in the air gradually became violent, and even the surrounding space became unstable.

Roar, roar, roar!

The ice dragon roared to the sky, and the surrounding ice elements began to condense into its mouth.


An energy ball containing ice elements appeared in its bloody mouth.

The energy contained in this energy ball made people tremble.

Just one look at it, it felt like the whole body was frozen. You can imagine how terrifying this energy ball is.

The most important thing is that this ice element energy ball is still absorbing the ice elements in the air.

Almost every second, its power will be stronger.

If it is condensed, Bai Ye may not be able to resist it. If he eats this energy ball, he may lose his combat ability on the spot.

Bai Ye, who is covered in armor, has no fear on his face, and the crosshairs of the scope are aimed at the head of the ice dragon.

He was very calm now, and was not affected by the energy ball at all.


Bai Ye moved the crosshairs away from the ice dragon's head, aimed at the energy ball in the ice dragon's mouth, and pulled the trigger continuously.

He was worried that hitting the ice dragon's head would not interrupt the condensation of the energy ball.

He could only shoot at the energy ball. Although it was a bit risky, it was the safest way.

Bang bang bang bang bang——!

Bai Ye pulled the trigger frantically.

Scarlet bullets shot out of the muzzle and went to the huge energy ball in the ice dragon's mouth.

At this time.

The energy ball in the ice dragon's mouth had reached the final stage.

Now the size of the energy ball was dozens of times larger than before. Just looking at the size of the energy ball, you could already know how terrible the explosion would be if it was detonated.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——!

Five scarlet bullets cut through the sky, and in an instant they reached the energy ball and all shot into the energy ball.

Starting from the energy ball, the whole body of the ice dragon was penetrated.


The ice dragon widened its eyes and howled in pain, but even so, it still did not give up condensing the energy ball.

In its eyes.

Today, Bai Ye must die.

It has been with the Queen of Winter for hundreds of years and has never suffered such humiliation.

It can clearly feel that the Queen of Winter has already had a little distrust of it.


Absolutely not.

Absolutely not let the Queen down!


The ice dragon endured the discomfort and roared crazily.

The surrounding ice elements became active and gathered madly towards its mouth.

Bai Ye's attack not only did not interrupt the ice dragon's movements, but made the ice dragon condense the energy ball faster.

The Queen of Winter frowned slightly.

She felt the ice dragon's intention to kill Bai Ye.

But she didn't stop him. She wanted to see what Bai Ye's limit was.

If it really came to that, it wouldn't be too late to stop him.


Damn it.

These bullets charged this guy.

Bai Ye's pupils suddenly shrank, and he cursed in his heart.

He didn't expect this.

He thought the bullets would interrupt the ice dragon's movements, but he didn't expect it to speed up the condensation process.

There is no other way now, and violence must be used to fight violence.

In short.

Kill the ice dragon as quickly as possible to prevent the energy ball from condensing.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye raised his hand and pulled off the "Magnum Buckle" on his belt.


He raised his hand to the top of his head and shook it gently, and the "Magnum Buckle" changed.


It should be said that the "Magnum Buckle" has become a "Thruster Buckle".

Now we must use the fastest means to get rid of the ice dragon in front of us..


Outside Liyue City.

Bai Ye is fighting the Ice Dragon to the death, and has no idea what is happening in the outside world.

The situation outside is not optimistic either.

Tartaglia is leading a large group of Fatui to search for Bai Ye's traces outside Liyue City.

He got clear information that Bai Ye is definitely not in Liyue City.

Since he is not in Liyue City, he must be outside Liyue City, so he is looking for him outside Liyue City.

Little did he know.

Bai Ye is in the temporary camp of the Fatui, and is currently fighting with the Queen of Winter.

"The weather is a bit wrong, with such a huge breath of ice elements, could it be that the Queen is in danger...?"

Tartaglia, who was looking for Bai Ye, saw the change in the weather, his face changed slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"Everyone stop searching and prepare to return to the temporary camp. Wait, only one team will be left to search, and the others will follow me."

Daddaria gave the order to retreat without even thinking about it.

Although he knew that the Queen of Winter could solve any trouble calmly, he would not allow any mistakes to happen.

No matter what, he had to go back.

If the Queen of Winter had any accident, he would not even dare to think about what would happen to the Kingdom of Winter...


When Dadaria led everyone back.

Lei Yingying and General Lei Dian also came to the outside of Liyue City.

The deeper they went, the more uneasy they felt.

The breath of this ice element was really terrible.

Although they were indifferent to it, they felt that Bai Ye would definitely not be able to withstand this ice element, and they suddenly became anxious.

"General, we have to speed up. I feel... Bai Ye may have..."

Lei Yingying's eyes flashed with a trace of worry, and he opened his mouth to speak but stopped.

"I know."

General Lei Dian understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded heavily, and responded softly.


Two purple lightning flashes passed by the Fatui team at high speed.

Many people only felt the crackling sound in their ears, but did not find anything unusual.

"Everyone speed up, the temporary camp is under attack!"

Seeing this scene, Tartaglia's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but roared.


Yol has been following the footsteps of Lei Dian and General Lei Dian.

Although her speed is not as fast as theirs, with the experience of a top killer, she can roughly analyze the specific route.

As time passed.

Yol had a bad premonition in her heart.

She sensed Bai Ye's breath, and at the same time, she also sensed a huge energy entangled with Bai Ye.

This made her heart tighten, and she subconsciously accelerated her pace.


The energy ball condensed by the ice dragon is getting bigger and bigger, almost covering the entire sky, and the breath contained in it is getting more and more terrifying.

Bai Ye looked up.

I saw a few cracks appearing on the energy ball, as if it was about to burst.

Seeing this scene.

He instantly realized that he couldn't drag it on any longer, and immediately raised his hand to insert the "thruster buckle" into the driver on his waist.

"Set (load)"

The familiar mechanical sound sounded, and the fox icon in the middle of the driver began to flash.

Bai Ye put his hand on the "thruster buckle" and twisted it hard several times.

Buzz buzz buzz——!

A burst of motorcycle acceleration sounded, and a transparent barrier with the "boost" logo appeared next to Bai Ye.

At the same time, flames spewed out from the driver on Bai Ye's waist, melting the transparent barrier with the "boost" logo.

The flames dissipated.

The red armor component appeared in front of Bai Ye.

A white mechanical arm appeared out of thin air behind Bai Ye, aiming at the red armor component and pulling it hard, forcibly combining it with Bai Ye.

Crack, crack!

The original white armor embellishment has now turned completely red.


Bai Ye raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a red motorcycle appeared in front of him.

"boost (armament-thruster)"

The moment the motorcycle appeared, the mechanical sound of the belt sounded.


He jumped up and rode on the red motorcycle.

"ready"Fight (prepare for battle)"

"Now it's time to end, your life will end here."

Bai Ye stepped on the gear, twisted the accelerator with his left hand, and the motorcycle roared.

As soon as the words fell.

Bai Ye rode the motorcycle into the sky and headed straight for the ice dragon.

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