Outside Liyue City.

The temporary base of the Fatui.

"A new form... or an evolution...?"

"This is the first time I've seen a vehicle of this shape. It's really interesting. Is this your last trump card?"

Seeing Bai Ye transformed into the "Thruster" form and the red motorcycle under his crotch, the Queen of Winter blinked, a trace of curiosity flashed in her eyes, and she murmured to herself.

The Queen of Winter was still muttering in her heart.

Bai Ye had already set up the motorcycle in the form of "Thruster Buckle" and came in front of the ice dragon.

Seeing Bai Ye's gradually approaching figure, the ice dragon's eyes showed a trace of ferocity.

At the same time.

There were more and more spider-web-like cracks on the energy ball, as if it was about to explode at any time.

Bang bang bang——!

Without any hesitation, Bai Ye set up the motorcycle and crushed the ice dragon with the wheels.

The ice dragon's face suddenly showed pain, and the roar became louder and louder, but it did not give up the plan to condense the energy ball.


This guy wants to die with Bai Ye.

"Well, let me see how long you can endure..."

Bai Ye snorted coldly, twisted the accelerator hard, and kept crushing the ice dragon.

Roar, roar, roar——!

The miserable roar echoed between heaven and earth.

Even so, it still did not give up the plan to condense the energy ball.


Bai Ye underestimated this guy's endurance and its hatred for him.

He didn't understand why this ice dragon hated him so much and wanted to kill him at the cost of his own life?

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly and drove the motorcycle back to the ground.

Since this ice dragon is so persistent, he will be completely rude.

The moment he landed.

Bai Ye raised his hand and waved lightly, and the "Magnum Buckle" appeared in his hand, and then he inserted it forcefully on the right side of the belt.

Since the "Thrust Buckle" was already inserted on the left side of the driver, he could only insert the "Magnum Buckle" on the right side.

"Set (load)"

A cold mechanical sound sounded when Bai Ye inserted the "Magnum Buckle".

At the same time, a transparent barrier with "magnum" printed on it appeared on the right side of Bai Ye's legs.

Hearing this sound, Bai Ye raised his hand and twisted the "Magnum Buckle" and "Thrust Buckle" at the same time.


The moment Bai Ye twisted the buckle, the transparent barrier shattered, replaced by a white leg armor phantom.

The next second.

A familiar white mechanical arm appeared behind Bai Ye and dragged the white leg armor onto Bai Ye's body.

"Dual on (dual arming)"

"Get ready boost & magnum (Boost Magnum, arming completed)"

Click, click, click!

The white leg armor was inlaid tightly on Bai Ye's dark armor.

Compared to before.

Bai Ye's current appearance has changed dramatically.

The upper body is red armor, the lower body is white leg armor, and the fox mask on his head has become a red and white color scheme.

Just looking at this posture, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"Oh, a new form again?"

The Queen of Winter looked at Bai Ye's current appearance and frowned slightly.


"This is just a transitional form."

Bai Ye seemed to hear the Queen of Winter's muttering, and muttered to himself.


He put his hands on the "Magnum Buckle" and "Pusher Buckle" of the driver and turned them 360 degrees with force.


PS: Recently, due to physical reasons, my condition has been extremely poor, and the writing is also very poor, sorry~~~

But the body is gradually recovering, everyone can rest assured that it should not be dead, and it is estimated that the isolation will be lifted in a few days.

Finally, I would like to ask for five-star reviews and free gifts. I hope that after the author recovers completely, the number of reviews can reach 5,000. It has been stuck at more than 4,000 reviews for several months. (๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑)

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