Bai Ye was lying on the soft big bed, his mind was blank.

He looked at the snow-white ceiling and couldn't help feeling dizzy.

His whole body suddenly became very heavy, as if he was nailed to the bed, unable to move at all.

He didn't understand why he felt this way.

He wanted to escape from this feeling, but there was no way to escape.

He could only watch himself sink deeper and deeper into this feeling.

At the same time.

His consciousness gradually became blurred, and he subconsciously closed his eyes, and the whole person seemed to be in a coma-like state.

At this moment, Bai Ye's room was empty.

If there was someone.

They would definitely notice that Bai Ye was flashing with black light and the black fog full of death was lingering around him.

But whether it was the black light or the black fog, they were only fleeting, as if they had never appeared.


Even if the black light and the black fog disappeared, Bai Ye, lying on the soft big bed, was still in a coma.

No matter how noisy the noise outside was, he still breathed evenly without any reaction.

I don't know how long it took.

Bai Ye opened his eyes.

He looked around confusedly, and soon he found something wrong.

Bai Ye found that this was not his original world, but seemed to be his own...consciousness space.


That's right.

Bai Ye is now in a dark space.

I saw countless God's Eyes hanging high in the sky like stars, they flickered with light, as if expressing emotions.

These God's Eyes are exactly the ones Bai Ye had collected.

Bai Ye looked up at the God's Heart hanging high in the sky, his face full of contemplation.

He had been to this consciousness space before, but when he came, it was slightly different from now.

Of course, the God's Heart is still hanging above the sky.

Now the God's Heart has disappeared in the sky, leaving only the God's Heart shining with each other.

Bai Ye raised his hand and touched his chin.

He didn't know why he was here.

The last time he came to this consciousness space, it was because he was fighting with the inner demon in his body that wanted to replace him.

As for the inner demon, it is now dead and can't be dead anymore.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a little confused. He stood there at a loss.

His mind was blank, and he really didn't know what to do next.

The God's Eyes shining in the sky seemed to feel Bai Ye's distress.

The light emitted from them became brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire dim space.

Although the light was only a flash, Bai Ye still saw the scene in the dim space clearly.

"Thank you."

Bai Ye touched his chin, looked up at the countless God's Eyes above his head, and said thank you softly.

The light on the God's Eyes flickered regularly, as if responding to Bai Ye's words.

Bai Ye didn't hesitate when he saw this.

The road illuminated by the Eye of God just now appeared in his mind. With these memories in his mind, he drove in the dark in this space.

At the moment when Bai Ye left.

The Eye of God that was originally hanging high in the sky became dim and dull.

Even the dim light completely dissipated with the passage of time.

The only light source in the entire space disappeared completely, and it fell into a dead silence.


The House of Commands.

The puppet and the lady stood nervously in the room of the Queen of Winter.

They didn't know why the Queen of Winter called them back so urgently.

When people face unknown situations, they usually feel very nervous.

Even the executive officers of the Fatui are no exception.

Only the huge puppet behind the puppet stood there blankly, as if nothing had happened.

The puppet only obeyed the orders of the puppet.

If there were no instructions from the puppet, it would always be in such a sluggish state.

When the puppet faced such a situation.

I don't know why.

She actually envied the puppet behind her. After all, the puppet only acted according to her orders, and it could be said to live a carefree life.

Although it was the Queen of Winter who urgently summoned them back, the Queen of Winter was not in the room.

On the desk in front of the lady and the puppet, there was only a simple book and a cup of steaming tea.

As for where the Queen of Winter was, they had no idea.

They had no way to do anything but stay quiet.Waiting.

A long time passed.

For the lady and the puppet, it seemed like a century had passed, and the Queen of Winter still did not appear in the room.

"My Lady Queen, what did I tell you at that time......?"

The lady licked her slightly dry lips with her tongue, tilted her head to look at the puppet beside her, and spoke softly.

As an impatient person.

She had been restless for a long time, and she hated such waiting, but the object of waiting was the Queen of Winter, and she could not get angry.

She could only ask the person next to her to find out what was going on.

"My Lady Queen did not say what it was, but just asked me to come back."

The puppet shook his head, spread his hands helplessly, and said confusedly.

The lady was a little confused, and the puppet was even more confused.

She didn't know what it was specifically.

When she received the news from the Queen of Winter, she put down the things in her hands and rushed over as soon as possible.

As for the next situation, it is like this now.

Thinking of this.

The puppet sighed helplessly, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The puppet behind her moved.

The puppet took a step forward, put his hands together, bent his knees slightly, and turned into a chair-like shape.

The puppet was also unceremonious, and with a little effort of his legs, he sat on the puppet.


She slowly closed her eyes and entered a state of resting her eyes.

The lady squinted her eyes and looked at the puppet with closed eyes, her face full of suspicion.

Her curiosity was now completely aroused.

She kept analyzing the specific things that the Queen of Winter urgently summoned them to come.

After all, the Queen of Winter told them yesterday that these things were not urgent, and what they had to do now was to wait.

Now that they were urgently asked to come here, something extraordinary must have happened.

"Forget it."

"Let's wait for the Queen to come back."

The lady shook her head helplessly, muttering in an inaudible voice.

She knew that her concerns were unnecessary, and that she would have to wait for the Queen of Winter to come to know the specific situation, so she simply gave up those unrealistic ideas in her mind.

The lady also closed her eyes like the puppet and began to rest, but she did not have the support of the puppet and could only lean on the wall.


A light sound of footsteps sounded outside the door.

The puppet and the lady opened their eyes at the same time and turned their heads to look in the direction of the footsteps.

They were very familiar with the Queen of Winter, and they knew very well that the footsteps were definitely not from the Queen of Winter, but the fact that they sounded at this time point was enough to make them curious.


The door was pushed open.

A figure that they were very familiar with walked in.

The visitor was a pale girl.

Her skin was pale, her eyes were drooping, and she wore a white lace mask on her face. Her slender fingers stroked the strings in her hand, playing a sad tune that had long been forgotten.

The puppet and the lady's faces changed.

They recognized the girl in front of them, Columbia, the third seat of the Fatui executive.

"The cicadas singing in the autumn leaves in the past were the exiles' chants, the earliest songs of mankind."

"They have lost their hometowns where they live in form and spirit, and only songs and memories are left."

"The last singer, the last fairy, plays the finale and sits in the angel's hall."

The pale girl lowered her eyes and slowly came to the lady and the puppet, humming an unknown sad song.

"What song is this?"

The puppet blinked and asked softly.

She had never heard the girl sing this song before. She could understand every word, but the girl's language was something he had never heard before, and it was different from any living creature.

"This is the song of the fairy."

"In the distant past, this was the song we made for the barbaric humans, but now we use it to sigh about our own fate."

The girl answered softly.

Hearing the girl's words, the puppet and the lady were both startled, and they were a little dazed.

In the trance.

They seemed to see white wings growing behind the girl.

Of course.

This feeling was fleeting, and in their eyes, the girl's appearance quickly returned to normal.

It was because of this incident that they thought of the rumors that had been circulating among the executive officers.

The girl was not actually human, but belonged to the fairy clan.

You must know that the fairy clan was a great race that once guided humans, and the only one who agreed to this condition was the legendary First Throne..

The lady touched her chin.

She now suspected that the girl was the survivor of the First Throne and the only remaining divine messenger of the First Throne in the legend.

Of course.

All this was just a guess in the lady's mind.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

After Ningguang left.

Bai Wen took over the burden in Ningguang's hands and handled various confidential matters angrily.

She had no way.

She could only find some answers through the intelligence that Ningguang had reviewed before.

Based on the answer Ningguang had given, she then gave an ambiguous pattern.

She didn't know whether her approach was right or not, but it was always right to follow Ningguang's method.

This was also the most convenient way at present.

Bai Wen followed the same method and processed all the confidential documents in this way.


"Finally, I'm almost done with these files. Hey, why is there still one file that hasn't been opened yet..."

Bai Wen stretched lazily, looking at the files she had finished, and breathed a sigh of relief. But when she saw another confidential file on the table that hadn't been opened, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Driven by curiosity, Bai Wen opened the file on the table.

When she saw the file in her hand, her face changed slightly. She was a little hesitant about whether to give this file to Ning Guang, but... where to find Ning Guang now?


Bai Ye followed the route guided by the Eye of God and came to the deepest part of the consciousness space.

He saw the Godhead of the Demon God.

This was also the first time he saw the Godhead of the Demon God in his body so closely.

When Bai Ye saw the Godhead of the Demon God, his pupils suddenly shrank.

What he was amazed at was not the Godhead of the Demon God in the consciousness space, but the pitch-black God's Heart in the middle of the Godhead of the Demon God.

In his self-awareness, there have always been only seven God's Hearts, which are wind, fire, thunder, rock, water, ice, and grass.

This is the first time Bai Ye has seen the dark God's Heart at the center of the Demon God's Godhead up close.

Bai Ye circled the Demon God's Godhead.

Finally, he fixed his eyes on the God's Heart at the center of the Demon God's Godhead.

He was full of curiosity about this dark God's Heart.

After all, this is the first time he has come into close contact with this God's Heart, and it is inevitable that he will be curious.

No matter who it is, even if it is the Seven Gods who come here, they will be curious about this God's Heart.

With good intentions in his heart, Bai Ye stretched out his slender fingers and touched the dark God's Heart.


ps: On the second day of 2023, my body has completely recovered. My throat is only a little itchy, and I don't cough much. I am in perfect health. I should be able to type normally next.

Starting from today, I will write a little more every day, and try to keep the normal update during the Spring Festival, and give you a thorough explosion.


Probably the kind of person who doesn't keep any drafts and posts as much as he can. At least under the normal update, he will post an extra 20,000 words.

This is the minimum explosion of the author's guarantee. As for more, I can't say.

It's still the same goal. Try to write everything I want to write during the winter vacation, and prepare the outline of the new book and other things, and try to write the new book as soon as possible.

The goal of the new book is also very simple, that is, not to generate electricity for love.

It sounds very simple, but it is actually a bit difficult to do, but I still try my best.

Finally, I want a wave of free small gifts and five-star praise. Recently, it seems that the frequency of asking for gifts and praise has increased. I will pay attention to restrain myself in the future.

These PS words are not counted in the main text. These are written by the author.

It's mainly because I have been generating electricity for love for too long, it's a bit hard to bear~~~!

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