Bai Ye's fingers just touched the pitch-black God's Heart.

The pitch-black God's Heart lit up with a faint light, illuminating the entire dim space.

At the same time.

Bai Ye also knew the name of the pitch-black God's Heart in front of him.

This pitch-black God's Heart is called the Original Heart.

In a sense, it is essentially the same as the other seven God's Hearts.

It's just that the other seven God's Hearts were given to the seven gods by heaven, while the Original Heart was formed by itself.


That's right.

The Original Heart is the product of the destruction of Kanreya.

Although that's what I said, until Kanreya was destroyed, the Original Heart was just a prototype, because there was not enough power to support its formation.

It happened that Bai Ye mastered a trace of the dark power, and had other God's Hearts and Demon Godheads in his body, which led to its reappearance.

These conditions are indispensable.

In a sense, Bai Ye is the chosen one.

That's all.

All these messages were obtained by Bai Ye touching the Original Heart.

As for other messages, Bai Ye cannot obtain them for the time being. No, it should be that the ‘Original Heart’ prohibits Bai Ye from reading them.

Only when the ‘Original Heart’ is promoted to the complete form, Bai Ye will be qualified or have the strength to know the whole truth of the matter.

Of course.

The conditions for the ‘Original Heart’ to be promoted to the complete form are also very harsh, that is, to collect all the God Hearts, and to let it absorb all other God Hearts before it can be promoted to the complete form.

Bai Ye has always been reserved about this matter.

Because he doesn't know what the ‘Original Heart’ will be promoted to in the end, it is better to be cautious about this matter.

However, according to the current situation, the ‘Original Heart’ has no ill will towards him, but has improved his strength in all aspects.

Even so.

Bai Ye still thinks that it is better to be cautious about this matter.

After all, this ‘Original Heart’ grows in his body, and even has some close connections with his heart. This kind of thing cannot be sloppy at all.

"This thing is really interesting, but why did it pull me into this consciousness space......"

Bai Ye retracted the finger that was pressing on the original heart, touched his chin, and muttered to himself.

This matter is exactly what he is most confused about.

Obviously, there is nothing too valuable in this consciousness space, what is the purpose of pulling himself in?

Is it just to tell himself that as long as he collects seven God Hearts, he can turn it into a complete body?

After thinking about it, Bai Ye felt that this was the only possibility.

So now the question is.

How to leave this consciousness space?

Bai Ye stood there and pondered for a long time, trying to use his own thoughts to return to the real world.

After all, this is also his own consciousness space, and it is reasonable to use his own consciousness to control it.


No matter what method Bai Ye used, he could not control his consciousness.

This also made him very distressed.

"Perhaps you are the key to my leaving the consciousness space, but how can I control you..."

Bai Ye blinked and set his eyes on the 'Original Heart'.


He stretched out his hand and held the entire 'Original Heart'.

The next second.

A black light suddenly appeared.

The 'Original Heart' emitted a brilliant light, wrapping up Bai Ye's entire body, as if it had swallowed him.

At the same time.

A large amount of memory and terrifying energy poured into his mind and body respectively.


The Order House.

The girl's face was pale, her eyebrows were drooping, her slender fingers were still plucking the strings in her hands, and she stood quietly in the same place.

She hummed an unknown sad tune, as if the puppet and the lady beside her did not exist.

Her face was full of sadness.

If the lady and the puppet had not been strong-willed and had not been prepared for the girl, they would probably have been infected by the girl's emotions.

The lady and the puppet were very surprised by the girl's arrival.

In their impression, Columbia would only appear when there was a major event in the Kingdom of Winter.

As the third seat of the Fatui executives, Columbia had always lived a secluded life, which also made the other executives very unfamiliar with Columbia.

Among the Fatui.

In addition to the Queen of Winter, there were no other people who met Columbia.The one who was touched the most was the lady.

Even so, the lady didn't know much about Columbia.

She only knew that Columbia was very powerful, but she was sentimental and always sang sad tunes, which gave people a very sad feeling.

Apart from that, there was no other information.

Although that was the case, the puppet and the lady knew it very well.

Since even the third seat of the Fatui executives was dispatched, it meant that the Queen of Winter would definitely make a big move.

There was no doubt about this.

Of course, these were all their own imaginations.

In fact, Columbia took the initiative to come to Xumi. As a descendant of a great race, she sensed an unusual breath.

Her main purpose was to come to Xumi to investigate the situation, and helping the Queen of Winter was only a secondary matter.

The arrival of the girl did not change anything.

The only change was that there were three people waiting for the Queen of Winter instead of two people, and the lady and the puppet were not as bored as before, after all, the girl was humming a song in a low voice.

Although it was better than nothing, at least it killed the time.

Other than that.

It was no different from before.

The puppet and the lady still kept their original postures and waited, and the girl did the same.

Although she came for her own business, she still had to listen to the orders of the Queen of Winter on the surface. After all, the Queen of Winter had pulled her out of the endless abyss, and she still understood this principle.

I don’t know how long it took.

A sound of footsteps sounded behind the three people.

They didn’t look back, but they all stood up straight and their faces became serious.

They were very familiar with the Queen of Winter. Just by listening to the footsteps, they knew that it was the Queen of Winter who came, so they were naturally prepared in advance.

"Hey, you guys came so quickly?"

"I just went to deal with some urgent matters, I kept you waiting..."

The Queen of Winter yawned lazily and slowly came to the crowd. When she saw the girl, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She remembered it very clearly.

She should not have arranged for the girl to carry out the mission of Xumi, and she did not even notify the girl.

Is it possible that her memory is confused?

A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Queen of Winter, and she opened her red lips and said: "Columbia, if I remember correctly, I should not have asked you to come to Xumi...?"

"Your Majesty, you did not ask me to come to Xumi, but the days in the Kingdom of Winter are really boring."

"I heard that you were in Xumi, so I came to see you on the way and see if there is anything I can do to help you."

The girl looked normal, her face was still pale and bloodless. She looked at the Queen of Winter calmly and spoke without arrogance or humility.

She was telling the truth.

She did come here on the way, and wanted to help the Queen of Winter.

"Okay, okay."

"I know about this matter, and I just need your help with something."

The Queen of Winter waved her hand, nodded thoughtfully, and spoke softly.

"My Queen, I wonder why you summoned us so urgently...?"

The lady who had been standing there in silence looked up at the faces of the people around her, and spoke after a moment of silence.

"Madam, you need to execute this matter."

"You have been in Xumi for so long, you should be very familiar with the Order Institute. I have found the trace of Nashida, you just need to reveal this news to the people of the Order Institute."

The Queen of Winter had an unspeakable smile on her lips, stretched out her slender white palm, picked up a document on the table with two fingers, and raised her hand to the lady.

This document records the specific situation of Bai Ye in detail, as well as Bai Ye's traces and itinerary.

It is of great help to both the Fatui and the Order.

The lady raised her hand to take the document from the Queen of Winter, her face full of doubts, and said in doubt: "My Queen, since we already have this news, why don't we personally..."

She opened her mouth and hesitated, as if she realized that her question was a bit stupid.

How could the Queen of Winter not think of what she could imagine?

This is the only thought in the lady's mind now.

"I think you should understand my intention, so I don't need to explain this matter, right?"

The Queen of Winter flashed a hint of teasing in her eyes, and looked at the lady with a little meaning.

"My Queen, I will go to deal with this matter now."

Although the lady did not understand theThe specific meaning of Queen Winter, but there was no nonsense, just a light response and went out.


She was going to deal with the things arranged by Queen Winter.



Bai Ye opened his eyes.

Feeling the soft big bed under him and looking at the white ceiling above his head.

He knew clearly that he had left the consciousness space and returned to the real world.

"Finally back."

Bai Ye only felt pain all over his body, dizzy and swollen, as if his body was hollowed out.

Even when he was fighting a hearty battle with Yoel, he had never felt this way.

Of course.

It was worth it.

Although touching the 'Original Heart' consumed a lot of his physical strength and energy, he also knew some unknown secrets, and also knew how to use the Original Heart.

It is no exaggeration to say.

Now Bai Ye can control 30% of the power of the Original Heart.

Although it sounds like a small amount, you should know that Bai Ye in the past could only call upon 1% of the power of the Primordial Heart.

The current Bai Ye is completely different from the previous Bai Ye.

After this wonderful journey in the consciousness space, Bai Ye not only learned these secrets, but also gained a rapid improvement in strength.

It's just that the damage to his body is a bit large, but all this is worth it for Bai Ye.

As long as he collects seven divine hearts, he can completely master the Primordial Heart in his body.

At that time.

Even if he is the Heavenly Law Maintainer.

He can also have the strength to fight.


Xumeru City.

Lisa returned to Xumi City from outside the city in a hurry.

When she saw that the gate of the city was full of guards from the Order Academy, she had a little doubt in her heart.

Obviously before she left, Xumi City was still a peaceful and peaceful place.

Why did such a change happen in Xumi City after only one day?

Could it be that something happened in Xumi City?

Lisa touched her chin. She did not show any abnormality, but pretended to be fine and walked towards Xumi City.

She wanted to find out about Anya in the city first, and investigate what happened in Xumi City.

I don't know why,

Lisa always felt that what happened in the city was related to Anya.

After all, all this happened after Anya disappeared.

Although Lisa didn't quite believe her guess, it was too coincidental that such a thing happened at this time?


ps: At present, the body has completely recovered. As of now, all physical discomfort has disappeared, and the whole person is full of energy again.

But everyone must pay attention. If it is just right, you must not do strenuous exercise, and you must rest for a while.

The author is now in a state of rest. I write and watch anime every day. I should be completely well after a few days of rest.

Does anyone have any good anime and comics to recommend? It's best if they are about different worlds. I want to watch anime and comics while I'm resting, and find inspiration for my new book.

After all, I said I'd start a new book after the Chinese New Year, so I have to do some homework in advance and write something that will satisfy everyone. I'm definitely not being lazy, I'm just watching anime and comics to find some inspiration, and everyone should understand.

Speaking of which, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I have to speed up my drafts. Although the current drafts are still 0, I will try to give everyone a burst of drafts for the Chinese New Year. I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year in advance~~

I'm going to write now. I'll finish writing at 2 o'clock this evening, and write a little more every day, so that I'll have drafts for the New Year. By the way, I'd like to ask for a wave of five-star reviews. I hope I can achieve my goal before the book is finished.

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