The audience came to their senses and saw that the useless battle between Zhongli and Kunjun ended hastily.

Fang Ye pressed his chin.

Ask him to summarize the battle between old gay friends.

Maybe, it's a shield fight?

Zhongli sets a rock shield on Disciple Xiong.

Kunjun also shielded the Devouring Turtle and the Spiny Ammonite Beast.

However, in terms of racial value, there is a gap between the two final form Pokémon of Kunjun and the Bear Disciple.

But the fighting type is inherently better than the rock type.

Apprentice Xiong set up a shield and moved fiercely. Every punch and palm hit the weak points of the Devouring Turtle and the Spiny Ammonite Beast.

What's more, Disciple Xiong's punch seems to have the effect of bursting with vitality.

Zhongli and Kunjun finally looked at each other and smiled.

Among gay friends, even if you click on it, there will be no elemental explosion.

This wave.

This wave is called a long-press and shield duel with the E skill!

"That's not right, Emperor"

"Where is your Heavenly Movement? I want to see you deal over 100 million damage!"

You underestimate the damage done by me, Emperor Zhongli?

The six-life Zhongli nuclear bomb asks you if you are afraid.


The battle on the second day of the super match started with Zhongli and Kunjun, and ended with Ningguang and her metal monster finally appearing in the evening. appeared.

Today’s competition also came to an end.

In the evening, Lei Qianqian’s tone was very sincere, and his purple eyes showed expectation.

He stared at Fang Ye and issued an invitation:

"I want to go back to my wife"

"Can I ask you to come with me?"

"I want you to build the Elf House store in Inazuma as soon as possible."

Fang Ye readily agreed.

He personally opened the stores in Liyue and Mondstadt and has been in charge of them for a period of time.

Dao Wife must also be given this treatment.

In the Super Tournament, according to the schedule in the background of the system.

About a week later, It is the competition and fighting for the top fifty, the real battle for ranking.

At that time, it will be a fierce battle between the group members and the famous characters.

At that time, it will be better to sit in the venue every day as a guest commentator.

Now, you can draw Just paddle as hard as you can in the water.

Oh, no.

Why not find some free time and go to Inazuma to open a business?

"Rice wife?"

Zhongli, who had just returned to the stands, showed a certain expression of emotion.

He was retired and free.

So, it is normal for the elderly to retire and travel around the world, right?

Wendy:"Hey, I've been too long. I didn’t go to Dao Wife anymore."

"Taking advantage of this wind, it hit Ina Wife"

"Just drop by and have a look.

Zhongli:"I'll go too." Fang

Ye laughed and patted the emperor on the shoulder:"I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and drink it with me... It's a pity that I am an old friend. When will we meet again?""

Zhongli: ???

This sentence feels very familiar.

Um... it should be my line.

Zhongli's mouth twitched slightly:"I met an old friend today, which is very good.

Fang Ye:"What will happen if I bring both Kunjun and Ajiu into the group chat?" Zhongli was silent, his temples beating.

Fang Ye laughed out loud:

"This is Brother Tuozi’s highlight scene, right?"

Brother Tuozi... this title once again made Zhongli twitch the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the three Jueyunjian immortals also stared at Zhongli fiercely.

He hesitated to speak, and hesitated to speak.

Mandrill and Grandma Ping It was relatively calm.

Among the Liyue Seven Stars, the elderly Tianshu Star Uncle Tian said with a smile:

"As we get older, we are tired of many things."

"That adult probably has the same thoughts as me. I hope he can live an easier life after he is relieved of his burden."

Fang Ye acted as soon as he thought of it. He shouldn't be too easy in locating Kunjun and Ajiu's illustrations.

Welcome Kunjun (Liyue/Mineral Scholar/Ruotuo Dragon King) to join the group chat!

Welcome Ajiu (Liyue/Fulong Tree Bottom/ Ruo Tuo Dragon King) joined the group chat!

Two system messages came in succession.

The group members who had already left the venue in batches stopped in confusion and looked at the group chat interface.

Keli: One Ruo Fei Dragon King... Two Ruo Fei Dragon King, eh, how come there are two identical people?

Qin: Keli, it’s Ruotuo Dragon King!

Xingqiu: So, why are there two Ruotuo Dragon King? Moreover, I know Ruotuo Dragon King, Liyue Port often Some storytellers tell the story of"Creation of the Dragon and the finishing touch". It was the emperor who carved the dragon king and put the finishing touch, so the Dragon King Ruotu was born...

Ajiu (Dragon King Ruotu): Morax... It's time to settle everything!

Kunkun Jun (Ruo Tuo Dragon King): Hey, is it still worn too much and has the memory of walking with humans forgotten?

Wendy: Ajiu, Tuo Zi, you were going to throw the Poké Ball on the opening day yesterday, so you What exactly is the spirit of ?

Hutao: Ajiu, you are defeated, don’t scream~

Ajiu (Ruotuo Dragon King): Hutao, mortals, don’t overstep your bounds! I won’t admit that kind of failure!!

Hutao: Ajiu, so your Who is the elf?

Ajiu (Ruotuo Dragon King): Hum……


Brother Tuozi, who was so worn out that he was almost completely crazy, actually became arrogant.

Fang Ye was speechless.

At this moment, he was already carried by the shadow's thundercloud.

Speeding over the vast sea.

When Ying saw that he agreed to go to Inazuma to open a shop, he didn't want to stop for a moment.

Instead, they are elderly partners Wendy and Zhongli who want to retire and travel around the world.

Dilly-dallying at the very back. soon.

Inazuma sea area is in sight.

Narukami Island, Inazuma Castle. above the streets.

When the people of Daozuma saw a purple thunderstorm cloud descending from the sky, they all cast their eyes in awe.

"Tsk tsk, is this the castle tower?"

The first time Fang Ye landed, he held up the illustrated book and took a photo as if on a parade.

He sent it to the group chat: (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I am in the rice wife! (The peak of the power of the shogunate) Tenshukaku.jpg)

Yae Kamiko: Mr. Fang Ye, how fast! I just saw the return of Lei Yun!

Yae Kamiko: Raiden Movie, yes, I will support you. Our Narukami-sama finally knows how to abduct people, and he is still a A perfect match for a man! Woohoo, she really... I cried to death~


In reality, a bolt of lightning fell out of thin air under the sacred cherry tree of Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Yae Kamiko seemed to be on guard.

He smiled and easily avoided it.

Then, he waved his hand to repel the miko who came to see the situation.

He took a picture of the charred scene that was hit by thunder:

Woohoo~ This is the majesty of General Raiden! I won’t dare to do it again~

Kamisato Ayaka:!!! Master Fang Ye, Have you finally arrived at the loyal Ina Wife?

Xiaomiya: I solemnly declare that the Ina Wife will usher in the era of elves!!

Kamisato Ayato: The society is respected, the Kamisato family will always be loyal to the movie, and will support Fang Night Club Manager for a long time! Qi Nin: Arataki Ichito, prepare to launch the Arataki sect's younger brothers. Everyone must go to the Inazuma branch in time to buy an initial elf!

Arataki Ichito: Huh? Our Arataki sect has so much money and Do you have a budget?

Kuqi Ren: Let me think of a way.

Fang Ye: The Daozuma branch will open tomorrow. In addition, the Mondstadt/Liyue/Daozuma branches have opened Huabei services.

Buy any goods at Elf House, any Services all support the installment method.

The installment contract is jointly notarized by the official Elf Alliance of each region, the Elf House Store and the Adventurer Association! For detailed installment plans, please go to the store for specific inquiries. After sending this message.

An hour later.

Wood leakage Teahouse,

Xiao Palace, Yae Kamiko and the Kamisato brothers and sisters all arrived.

Ying nodded to them.

Fang Ye said to a map of Inazuma City that had been spread out:

"Where do you think the store should be located?"

"Explain in advance"

"Not just an elf house store"

"Both Mondstadt and Liyue later established huge elf centers, and Dao Wife should also have one."

Fang Ye also patiently explained the function of the elf center.

In fact, there is no room for discussion.

Inazuma Castle is built on the mountain.

There is little open space in the city and the area is small.

Everyone unanimously agreed with Xiaomiya's proposal. In Hanamizaka, There is a large-scale construction plan near the Naganohara Fireworks Shop.

However, there are vacant shops in Hanamizaka. Fang Ye can use the vacant shops to set up a branch first.

It is a matter of one-click setup.

But in the eyes of Inazuma and everyone, it is like a miracle.

When In the evening,

Fang Ye checked into the Inazuma branch that he had just set up with one click.

When seeing off Kage and Yae Shenzi,

Fang Ye said meaningfully:

"Now that Rice Wife has ushered in the age of elves,"

"Then there is no need for the Locking Order and the Eye Hunting Order to exist, right?"

"I feel it is necessary to bring order to the chaos. After all, I don’t want Inazuma to be hindered or even destroyed by unknown forces when she popularizes elves."

After a pause, he said to Yae Shenzi in a particularly malicious manner:


"This is enough to see the play"

"It's up to you to explain the next thing to your general."

"Oh, right!"


"In fact, the eternity (the king's) you are pursuing, in the world of elves, is more specific than your thinking about philosophy... a way to reverse the cycle of life and death!"

Lei Jianqing's expression was shocked.

Facing Fang Ye's eyes that seemed to be able to understand her mood and obsession, she was a little evasive.

The reason why she actively embraced the elf era was because she saw another possibility of eternity...

Is there such a possibility? Divine beast spirit.

Can it reverse life and death?

Can it reverse the timeline of the past and the future?

The answer is... yes!

After returning from a trip to the Xicui area, Ying had the answer in his heart.


Hearing the instructions of the founder of the era Ye.

Such clear words.

Ying's heart couldn't be calm!

But Ying knew that this"intelligence" or"news" came at a price.

She understood the meaning of Fang Ye's last little revelation.

It was almost very tactful. He put forward conditions to her, the rice wife, in exchange for a bunch of flowers.

Let the flowers of the elven era bloom everywhere in the rice wife's sea.

Don't make any mistakes!


Inazuma's night was very restless.

After Ying returned to the castle tower, his face was solemn and he sat on the general's seat.

After Yae Kamiko reported the source of Inazuma's chaos, he yawned:

"That's probably what happened."

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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