After hearing the report from the Son of God, Shadow became increasingly annoyed:

"So, both the Hiiragi family and the Kujo family are in collusion with the Fools? And it’s not just one or two days?"

"Tian Ling followed the Eye Hunting Order, and the Kujo Family's Eye Hunting Order was privately promoted by the fools. With the Eye Hunting Order, the Kujo Family could also recruit troops and expand their power?"

"The Hiiragi family, determined to follow the lockdown order, has completely monopolized the economy and trade inside and outside Inazuma? Set up trade checkpoints on outlying islands and charge a lot of customs clearance fees privately?"

Ye Shenzi smiled and said:

"It was your doll who finally approved it. Maybe she also thinks that there is something about Inazuma that hinders you from pursuing eternity."

"Moreover, Ying, isn’t this your default?"

A blush of embarrassment appeared on Ying's face.

She was angry.

She was also secretly ashamed of her previous"retreat""、"In her state of"A-Zhai", she was too indifferent to the outside world.

At that time, she felt that it didn't matter what the Eye Hunting Order or the National Lockdown Order was.


It can make up for the regret!

Ying sighed:"Son of God, why don't you admonish me!""

The Eightfold God's Son smiled like a flower:"Oh, I know everything, and I also know how to shadow you. I am very stubborn and accept death for the so-called eternity."

"For me"

"The importance of shadowing you is much greater than the bad influence brought by the Eye Hunting Order and the Suoguo!"

"Rice wife can be confused for a while, but if it comes in exchange for your awakening and change, what is the price?"

Ying took a deep breath and said to the door:


General Leiden's bodyguard came in and knelt down on one knee.

"Pass on my decree"

"Order Kujo Hiiragi to capture the heads of the Hiiragi family and the Kujo family immediately!"

Okakuzu followed the order and left.

In the castle tower, the Eightfold God Son continued to laugh crisply:


"Your attitude changed so quickly at this time!"

"Manager Fang Ye is urging you to do something, but you still do it vigorously and resolutely?~"

"Gee, I’m so sad~ Is this just having a male sex act and forgetting your friends? woo woo woo woo……"


Thunder and lightning were brewing over the castle tower again.

Awakened countless rice wives 040 from their dreams


Late at night, the Kamisato brother and sister didn't sleep.

They returned from discussing matters.

Both brothers and sisters were in great spirits.


Rice Wife is the new era!

A ninja from the final episode reported outside the teahouse:

"Head of house"

"Your Excellency, the Imperial Palace, has issued an edict"

"Immediately arrest the heads of the Hiiragi and Kujo families and put them in jail"

"The master who is determined to follow you, the master who is the leader of heaven, are all finished."

Kamizato Ayato couldn't help but look up at the castle tower.

In that direction, the sky was still thundering and lightning.

Obviously, the Lord of the Imperial Palace was very angry tonight!

"The power of thunder."

Kamizato Ayato sighed

"To win its favor is to be noble and noble, but it will also fall in one day! This is divine grace and divine punishment!"

Kamizato Ayaka was very excited.


"The imprisonment of these two adults represents the end of the country-locking order and the eye-hunting order!"

Kamizato Ayato nodded.

Toma beside him was also smiling:

"Unexpectedly, the General went to Liyue"

"After coming back"

"The idea is completely changed?"

The brothers and sisters in Shenli looked at each other and said in unison:

"It must be the credit of Club Manager Fang!"

…… shadow transformation.

Is it your own merit?

Fang Ye didn't know.

All he knew was that he had just rested and fallen asleep when he was startled awake by the thunder covering the Inazuma sea area.

Reluctantly, I got up and took out the picture book and started chatting with someone in the group:

"Ray Movie, be quiet, I want to sleep, and I have to do things during the day."


The thunder and lightning above the castle tower disappeared without a trace.

Ray Movie: I'm sorry.

Yae Shenzi: Manager Fang Ye, oops, you’re not afraid anymore, are you? It is obvious that you have only seen the most extraordinary and terrifying incarnation of thunder in this world not long ago.

Fang Ye: (Blackened face.jpg) Labor and management just want to sleep peacefully, crawl!

The next day.

The main commercial street of Hanamizaka was vaguely empty of people.

Some passers-by, walking past a certain vacant shop, couldn't help but stop and look at it in wonder.

It turned out that it was General Kujo Shura who was followed by Tian Ling and led ten Ojie guards.

He actually stood guard in front of the store.

Passers-by pointed at the shop where the Elf House signboard was hung overnight.



"It's almost time!"

Not far away, all the boys of the Arataki sect, led by Arataki Ito, ran all the way.

Seeing that the store door was not open, and there was no one queuing in front of the door.

Arataki Ito stopped to breathe, and at the same time he discovered Kujo Sora

"Oh, aren't these nine turtles?"

"Wash your neck and wait."

"I, my uncle, will take an elf back today. In two days, the elf egg will hatch again."

"Sir, I have two elves!"

"Will beat you soon!"

In the past, Kujo Sora would reply with a few words.

But yesterday night, the Hiiragi family and the Kujo family were in a bloody storm.

Among them, Kujo Takayuki, the adoptive father, was captured and detained by her herself.

I will always protect Inazuma and practice the calling of the gods. Will!

This is Kujo Sora's motto.

Therefore, Kujo Sora resolutely carried out the shogun's decree. As expected. Waiting for dawn next day, the shogunate notice will be posted on the bulletin board.

The Hiiragi family and the Kujo family The master of Tian Ling will be removed from all positions.

The grassroots positions of Tian Ling will not be adjusted, but all personnel will be under the jurisdiction of Kujo Sanra.

Regarding the fact that he will become the master of Tian Ling Ji overnight.

Kujo Sanra There is no joy at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Afterwards, Xiaomiya and Kuqi Shinobu arrived one after another.

More and more passers-by watched.


The Kamisato family brother and sister, and the housekeeping officer Toma In the final episode, the little ninja Hayao also came in a group.

Yae Shenzi also appeared with several shrine maidens.

Finally, it was Raikage who came with a group of Okukis.

"Lord Gosho!"

Everyone greeted and saluted

"Ah, it’s too early to get on the horse! So early in the morning!"

Fang Ye yawned at this moment and pushed open the store door.

Meloetta took it seriously and hung a sign with"Opening" on the store door.

Seeing many onlookers outside, it was convenient for Ye Ye Cleared his throat and said:

"Inazuma Elf House store officially opens today"

"Um...there is no opening discount"(cdcb)

"But the installment/Huabei service has been officially launched!"

"Welcome everyone to buy your first initial elf!"

After saying that, Fang Ye smiled and stepped aside to get out of the way.

Raikage was the first to enter, followed by Shenzi, the Kamisato brothers and sisters, Arataki Ito and others.

Ding dong!

At the same time, Cresselia floated in the air of the store, Nian Lituo held up Fang Ye's illustration device and started the live broadcast of Daozhu's first business day.

The group leader (Fang Ye) started the live broadcast, and everyone was welcome to watch, move on to the small bench, and crack small melon seeds...

Famous characters They all got up very early.

Whoa, the number of online viewers instantly reached 30+, and almost all the group members were there.

The background also automatically synchronized the live broadcast signal source to Fang Ye’s live broadcast room in Teyvat Cheers APP.


For all Teyvat The popularity of Elf Network's live broadcast room is skyrocketing.

The number of people in the background has increased by tens of thousands.

Soon it will exceed one hundred thousand or one million!

Barrage after barrage passed by:

"Manager Fang Ye’s business finally opened to Daozhime!!"

"Throw flowers!"

"Tears... The glory of our Lord Fang Ye has increased to a third realm besides Mondstadt and Liyue.……"

"Club Manager Fang arrived at his loyal rice wife!!"

Inside the store.

Since we haven't contacted the president of the Inazuma Adventurers Association yet, it seems that Miss Amelia, the receptionist at the Inazuma branch, will not be able to make arrangements until tomorrow.

However, when Fang Ye went out to open up business, in addition to not knowing where to go, Nalang's baby Lugia.

Several super-powerful beasts were brought with him. Meloetta was responsible for a group of ordinary customers in the store.

Fang Ye himself entertained the distinguished guests headed by Lei Movie.

The live broadcast footage also Here with him

"You guys, who comes first?"

Fang Ye's eyes swept across.

Daozhu and the others immediately looked at the Great Imperial Palace. The ruling god of a country is here, no one dares to snatch it away.

Ying was a little hesitant.

She already has a baby deer with shining horns.

The next one is Elf.

She wanted to catch the thunder cloud in the Xicui area.


Fang Ye's eyes immediately locked on the ruler of the Thunder Kingdom, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Barbatos, the god of wind in Mondstadt, was fishing..

Liyue’s rock god Morax wants to retire.

Therefore, in his previous"preaching" and popularizing elves, the first customer was not the local ruling god.

Now, it’s Daozhu.

Fang Ye wants to change the ruling god Hidden bad rules

"Then, let me invite you, General Raiden, to fire the first shot of the Inazuma Fairy Era."

The live broadcast camera is here, facing all the people of Teyvat.

Fang Ye still gives Ying face.

In private, he uses his super power to transmit the message:

"The extraction in my store covers 905 types of elves"

"That is to say……"

"Pokémon that can reverse the cycle of life and death, such as Celebi who can travel through time and space"

"For example, Dialga is the god of time."

"There is a chance of being drawn!"

Ying immediately understood what Fang Ye meant.


Dialga... all have the ability to go back to a certain period of time and space and world line in the past!

Ying's heart trembled, and the thoughts buried in the deepest , memories emerged uncontrollably.

The castle tower five hundred years ago.

The former thunder god, her sister Raiden Shin, as well as Yuri Sasa, Kosai Palace, Gogochiyo...

Everyone was having fun under the cherry tree of the castle tower. A duel of playing cards.

At that time, Yae Shenzi was still a smooth-haired little fox in the arms of Raiden Zhen.

Relatives, friends, and everyone around the card table burst into laughter.

After returning from Kanria.

From now on. Five hundred years.

In a pure land.

Ying tried to abandon this memory. However, the pictures and sounds would always appear when she was most lonely. She obviously thought that the past had happened and could not be changed.

Her friends at that time all has disappeared, except for the little fox.

But every time I think of it, a smile appears on the corner of Ying's mouth unconsciously



If there was hope for reversal, who would be autistic, thinking about the strange eternity, and resisting the so-called wear and tear.

Lei Movie...

She wants to change the world line!

"Traveling through time and space, and the beast of time?"

After receiving Fang Ye's authorization to draw Pokémon, Ying gently clicked on the start button on the illustrated screen.

Black shadows flashed across the illustrated screen.

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