That night, the official website of the Elf Era.

Super Series Special Topic.

The ten's portraits, information, and their main Pokémon are all posted.

The ranking of these ten people is not divided into high and low, they are:

"Zhongli, Wendy, Keli, Yola, Hutao, Xiangling, Keqing, Ningguang, Dadalia, Traveler Ying and Paimon."

Under the topic, the discussion area was full of heated discussions

"Woo hoo, I didn’t see Master Gan Yu!"

"Master Gan Yu suddenly withdrew from the competition in the last round. Because she was missing from the Yujing Terrace, it is said that all aspects of Liyue's government affairs are in a bad state these days.……"

"Liyue cannot live without Lord Gan Yu!!"

"I feel sorry for Earl Lulu. I think if Grandpa Lu hadn’t met Xiao Keli earlier, he would definitely be in the top ten!"

"Diluc: My family is in despair!"

"That's how the game is, luck is also a kind of strength. Who told Grandpa Lu to match Xiao Keli? Besides, if you let him match Wendy and Zhongli, you will have to kneel down!"

Fang Ye was also looking at the list of ten people in the special column and called him a good guy.

All of them... Xiang Ling is the only one that stands out.

A four-star character who was given out immediately after the server was mixed into the noble five-star group?


Xiang Ling, Xingqiu and Bennett are both in the realm of"true gods".

Xingqiu's elf only has one Menas, and his combat power is not as good as the five-star characters, so it is normal for him to fall down"190".

Bennett's Pokémon are"disaster beasts" Absol and Togepi.


Bennett can enter the top ten without being ranked against a perverted opponent.

The problem is, his Bad luck struck and I met Wendy and Lapras.

Lapras was okay, level 50, so he was not incapable of dealing with it.

But during the battle, weird situations frequently occurred on the field.

For example, a strong wind suddenly blew, causing""Skill" was not accurate...

Then Bennett was naturally killed by Wendy.

Therefore, among the four-star true gods, only Xiangling was left.

Fang Ye clicked his tongue:"This list is quite reasonable!""

"After all, this is the first Super Tournament. The level of these Eye of God trainers' own martial arts still plays a large part in the ranking factors."

When the characters' Pokémon formation gathers 6 members, and the average strength reaches the Overlord level, the proportion of the Eye of God trainer's martial arts will be infinitely reduced.

At this time, the winning and losing factors of the Super Tournament will be It really focuses on formation, coordination, tactics, etc.


Suddenly, a message pops up in the picture book. It’s a group chat.

Zhongli: Manager Fang Ye, I quit the game.

Wendy: Manager Fang Ye, hey, I’m in the top ten. There’s no need to compete~

Fang Ye glanced at these two pieces of information and was not surprised.

Enter the top ten.

Get any pass to the Xicui area.

This is enough for the ruling twin gods.

As for the top three Those rewards are amazing, Medal of Honor or something.

They take the ruling position very lightly.

Hutao: What the hell?

Xiangling: Holy shit?

Dadalia: Zhongli Wendy, what really good news, you two immortals are finally gone -

Diluc: Dadalia, huh, it's a crime of disrespect, you want to have a taste of me Reckoning the Sword of Judgment?

Dadalia: Diluc, is your big sword as thick as mine? Come and take it out in front of me to compare? Take a picture for everyone to taste?

System message: Dadalia was banned by Mona (administrator) for 1 hour.

Reason for ban, astringent yellow, driving.

Ajiu: Dadalia, I stand up to you. These two immortals are so shameless!

Kunjun: Ajiu, you can’t say this. I’ll give you the top ten spots and ask you if you want them?

Ajiu: Give it to me quickly!

Kunjun: Smile, you see, Dragon King, you can’t refuse the temptation to explore the Xicui area!

Ajiu: (angry), you are also the Dragon King!

Yae Shenzi: Manager Fang Ye, I would like to ask, where is my administrator?

System message: The group leader (Fang Ye) has upgraded Xiaogong’s authority to administrator.

System message: The group leader (Fang Ye) has upgraded Ye Lan's authority to administrator.

Yae Shenzi:...Me? ? ? (Smile darkens.jpg)

Fang Ye: Only store managers in each region can become Quan Gou (Goutou.jpg)

Xiaogong: Manager Fang Ye, I, I will work hard!!

Ye Lan: Manager Fang Ye, hey, do you actually have my share? The store managers in each region... interesting, you are quite good at calling people, but I won't refuse this job.

News of Zhongli and Wendy withdrawing from the competition.

Fang Ye contacted the operations team of the Adventurers Association and asked them to make an announcement immediately.

Now, the top 10 competition has become the top 8.

Catch each other and fight!

8 into 4 semi-finals and finals!


It's another sunny morning.


At nine o'clock on time, the atmosphere in the super competition arena has already heated up.

Because Zhongli and Wendy retired from the race, these two ranked ninth and tenth by default.

For the remaining 8 people, the prizes will be different every time their rankings rise.

Therefore, after catching a pair, the top four will be selected.

The other four eliminated players will have to play another ranking round after the finals.

But that was a small stage after all. Now the big stage that tens of millions of people are watching is the round to decide the top four, and... the decisive round scheduled for this afternoon!

"I announce, 8 into 4, the fight officially begins!"

Fang Ye smiled slightly

"Please look at the big screen——"


On the big screen at the scene, the heads of the eight players appeared.

These avatars are beating rapidly one by one. below.

It’s the first game column at 9 o’clock:

? (hanging) VS? (hanging)!

Suddenly, one of the avatars fixed

"Hold the grass!!"

"In the first scene, there was the leader of Walnut Hall?!"

"With the leader of Hutao Hall here, I recognize its gold content. Having so many record holders is not a boast!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So excited! It’s 8-in-4, and the opponent is not a soft persimmon. Who will the leader of Walnut Hall be randomly matched with?"

Guest stand.

Hu Tao was stunned for a moment when she saw her avatar landed on the blue side of the battle column.

On the big screen, 2 seconds later, her opponent was randomly matched and another avatar landed on the red side. Location...


"Yeah~" Xiangling's exclamation came from the side


Hutao laughed.

Xiangling:"So, do we still want to fall in love and kill each other? Hu Tao groaned:"

Isn't this destined?""

"Do not forget!"

"The first day we adopted the elf baby, we did it!"

After saying that, Hu Tao was majestic and high-spirited. He took the lead in walking towards the contestant area with a step that he would not recognize his relatives. Liu Su, who acted as the commentator and host, shouted with a loud and passionate voice:


"Walnut player has arrived on stage! Ready!"

"Where is player Xiangling?"


Xiangling waved her gun and took majestic steps as if she were a female general taking the stage.

In an instant, the atmosphere on the scene exploded.

"Chef Xiangling, I like to eat your specialty, poached blackback seabass!"

"Ice mist flowers, weird bugs, slime condensation, Qiuqiu people's wooden sticks... Chef Xiangling, can you make your good sisters into a dish?"

"Hutao Hall Master... Qiuqiu, I like you so much, give me a signed poster... I just want Lu Shark's signature!"

Hutao is very popular......

But the wave of people shouting Chef Xiangling is also an eardrum killer.

In the official live broadcast room of the Super Series, the barrage was so dense that it flooded the screen like a sea. hiss……!

EverySeeing this scene and feeling the fanatical atmosphere, the neutral audience couldn't help but be shocked, and they stepped on their horses outrageously.

It is indeed a big collision and a big showdown between popular players.

It’s worthy of 8 advancing to 4 small finals!

…… within the venue.

Hutao and Xiangling are good sisters who adopted Pokémon together and went out to train together.

Big eyes and small eyes!


"You have three Pokémon and I have three. Hutao hummed and said,"Each of our Pokémon joined the team at the same time, and their cultivation levels are also very similar, so if you lose, don't make excuses!""

"From now on, please accept me as your eldest sister!"

Xiang Ling grinned slightly, her energetic and sunny smile revealing deep confidence:

"I am the eldest sister!"

"From now on, when you go out for training and adventure, you will be the maid serving tea and water! You even have to pour water for washing my feet!"

"Yo ho, let's see!"Hu Tao smiled, revealing her pointed and shiny little tiger teeth.

Liu Su, who acted as the host, was happy for the players to talk to each other and talk to each other.

Trash talk before the game is the best way to heat up the atmosphere, and he didn't even have to shout at the top of his voice. , there was another wave of people and screams at the scene

"Needless to say, the rules used in this super competition are unlimited!"

"The round is 8 into 4"

"The battle begins!"

After the scene simulation is completed, the referee immediately blows the whistle

"My stupid little Xiangling~ Today I’m going to teach you how to fear the owner of a quasi-god!"

As soon as the game started,

Hutao's face was full of confidence and a smile.

A white commemorative ball enlarged in her hand.


The red light fell to the ground.


The deafening roar of the dragon.

From the round land shark to the fang land shark.

And now the perfect body that bites the land shark. 4.0 The 50 million mola famous in Liyue, Mondstadt and Daoqi.

Teyvat's first quasi-god finally appears in its final form!

"Sure enough, it was a land shark bite."

Xiang Ling's eyebrows jumped.

She murmured in her heart. She had already guessed that Hutao had been secretive before, just not biting the land shark.

She had been using the desert dragonfly to reach the top 8.

Just to suddenly release the pretense of biting the land shark. It’s a moment of competition.

I have to say that

Hutao’s pretend competition was so successful.

The biting land shark in the quasi-god form shocked the audience, and was full of intensity and oppression on the field!

If it were my burning bug, Chongchong......also evolved into the Vulcan Moth...

Xiangling had a flash of thought and threw three Poké Balls high at the same time.

"Burning insects, burning centipedes, flying mantises!"


Walnut's lineup is:

Biting Land Shark, Desert Dragonfly.

And the unevolved Eggball

"Don't underestimate that egg. Last time it performed a miracle and eliminated the suspected demon player Ajiu!"

Xiang Ling took a deep breath and thought quickly before deciding on on-the-spot tactics.

"Flying Mantis, go kill the balls!"

"Burning centipede, smoke screen! Reduce the skill hit of that biting land shark for me!"

"Burning bugs, buzzing bugs!"

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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