When Xiangling issued three different instructions.

Fang Ye's explanations and comments also rang in the ears of the live broadcast room and the audience at the right time.

This gives many viewers who don’t know what’s going on a clear sense of grasping the battle situation:

"Feitian Mantis is obviously Xiangling's fast attacker and will also be the main C position"

"It is very fast and is suitable for cutting off the crispy skin of the walnut player first...the egg is just the target of this back row!"

"Have you not forgotten? Last time it was this egg that used hypnosis to kill Ajiu."

Wutao seemed to have expected it, and he chuckled.

You want to kill my balls first?

Come on, come on!

A Pokémon with disgusting super powers in the back row, the hatred value is indeed max.

But it is already over forty, close to 50 A super egg.

It’s no longer a soft persimmon! Even if it hasn’t evolved yet!

"Egg, seed machine gun——"


The emerald green light of grass-type skills appeared on Dan Dan's body, and a row of seeds fired like anti-aircraft shells.

"Flying mantis, lightning flashed!"


" The two pairs of small wings on the back of the mantis buzzed and trembled. Immediately, the flying mantis turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed through the air defense net. The sharp sickle blade slashed hard on Dandan.

This A strange Pokémon composed of only 6 cracked eggs. Multiple eggs screamed at the same time, and the surface of some eggs had more cracks.

The host Liu Su shouted:"The effect is remarkable! Eggy is seriously injured!"

"With another skill added to the Flying Mantis, it will perfectly complete the mission of the back row.……"


Fang Ye reminded him with a smile:

"Player Xiangling, her 23 fell into Hutao's pocket formation.

Host Liu Su was stunned:"Pocket array?""


Only a group of people on the guest stage took a breath.

From their overlooking perspective, at this time, on the field, the Flying Praying Mantis charged into the battle alone.

The burning insects and burning centipedes on Xiangling's side were trying to Restrict the bite of the land shark!

There is no way, a complete quasi-god, with intimidation and oppression, is here.

Then, Xiangling regarded herself, the trainer of the Eye of God, as a"free person", she It is planned to go wherever it is needed.

Therefore, Flying Mantis's charging formation seems to be too deep and the formation is very fragmented.……

"That's it!"

Hu Tao's command was perfectly predicted step by step by Fang Ye.

Her voice was almost synchronized with Fang Ye's.

"Desert dragonfly, ultrasonic!"

Ultrasonic: Sonic attack will plunge the target into chaos.

Like a flying mantis, a peerless assassin.

Suddenly his whole body froze!

"Dance of Dragons!"

Fang Ye continued.

Hu Tao seemed to be manipulated by him from a distance. Every step and every command was exactly the same!

"Dragon God swoops!"


The whole body is shining with dragon power.The desert dragonfly slammed into the chaotic flying mantis.

Eggs that were used as bait before.

It is estimated that only a third of the egg's health is left.

He also suddenly became ferocious.

Ultimate Drain: Attack the target and convert 50% of the damage caused to your own health.

A blood-sucking skill!

I took the opportunity to mend my sword.

At the same time, Dandan's condition also improved instantly. Several cracked eggs that had closed their eyes opened their eyes one by one and regained their spirits.

"Ah~my flying mantis!"

Xiang Ling suddenly became anxious, a little bit off guard, and angrily cursed Hu Tao on the other side:

"Do you still play dirty tactics and routines? ?"

"The promised head-to-head confrontation! Fight like a man!"

Hu Tao's eyes looked like she was mentally retarded:

"First of all, Jimei, this is the 8-to-4 semi-finals!"

After that, she said to the furious Biting Land Shark who was already ready to move:

"Bite the land shark fiercely and risk your life in the collision!!"

Xiang Ling was startled.

Huh? It's a knock!

Is it this move again?

Under the shocked eyes of the audience, the biting land shark's body was filled with the energy and vigor of the dragon.

If we say, the former Xiao Yuan Lu Shark, using the body-sacrifice collision, only knocked down a house.


Seeing Liebite Land Shark's body covered with dragon-type light, full of oppression, I'm afraid it's like a dragon-type meteor crashing in!

Xiangling hurriedly responded to the locked The burning insect shouted loudly:

"Burning worm, hold on!"

Hold (status): There is a chance to completely resist the opponent's attack, and it is easy to fail if you use it continuously.

The next moment

"Chi~" A shield of strange energy appeared on the surface of the Burning Worm.

Then, it hit the land shark with a fierce bite.


The Burning Worm flew upside down like a baseball hit by a home run. Then it went and smashed into the backcourt.

Under Xiangling's shocked expression, the burning bug was stuck on the high-altitude isolation net between the venue and the auditorium. After a few seconds, it slipped down with a"plop".

But no one What came to mind was that the Burning Bug was still alive. After sliding to the ground, he shook his head, and the mysterious shield guarding the skill on his body shattered.

Obviously, the skill still took effect!

Xiang Ling felt lingering fear and patted her chest. He said to Mr. Guoba beside him:


"Guoba, we are coming too!!"

The battle situation is becoming more and more one-sided. If she, the trainer of God's Eye, continues to fight, she might as well just admit defeat.

"Guoba, spitting fire——"

Xiangling skillfully raised Guobajun with both hands and threw it from a distance. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Enemy trainer, Walnut!

Spin the fire wheel!

Xiang Ling followed Guo Ba, her body surrounded by a circle of rapidly rotating flames.

Hu Tao didn't panic at all.

He laughed with a lot of room and said:"Are you finally willing to give it up? If you had just rushed in with the flying mantis, I would still be in a hurry, but now……"

"The battle is decided!"

On the other side.

The Burning Insect, which had no skills to defend, fought with the Biting Land Shark. Within a few rounds, it was beaten to death by the Quasi-God. The

Burning Centipede was stopped by the Desert Dragonfly.

The power of the dragon formation was reflected. have toDrizzle thoroughly.

The main output skills of the Flame Centipede are all fire-type, but they happen to be restrained by the dragon-type.

Therefore, high-level fire skills are not as powerful as a few low-level insect skills!

The opposite of.

If someone else's dragon-type skills hit, they will make the burning earthworm howl.

Two or three skills are equivalent to the output of a dragon type. how to spell? How to spell it?

Hu Tao is also ruthless!

One by one, they defeated and defeated all the Pokémon of good sister Xiangling.

After completely cutting off Xiangling's wings.

With a wicked smile, she surrounded Xiangling with her balls, desert dragonfly and biting land shark.

Many viewers were disappointed for Xiangling

"Damn it! Who will stop Hutao Hall Master!"

"I am Xiang Ling and I feel disgusted. My burning insects and burning centipedes are mainly fire-type output, but they encountered a dragon-type formation!"

"You are too naive. Even if you are able to restrain the dragon-type fairies and ice-types, your tactics will be completely defeated!"

"That's right, the Flying Mantis is too free!"

"But there is a saying that goes well, it is obviously a disadvantage at the beginning, but you also have the flying mantis of the assassin type. If you don't fight at the beginning, when will you fight?"

"Damn you! Dragon-type is really disgusting... Where can I find dragon-type Pokémon that I can tame? Buy clues to the dragon habitat in the ecological zone at a large price……"

Guest area.

Seeing Xiang Ling defeated so helplessly.

Yelan, who didn't have time to sign up for the competition, was surprised:

"Looking at this situation, even if Xiangling's burning bug evolves into a fire moth, the result will be the same.?"

Xingqiu sighed:"The quasi-god is still too powerful, he can definitely fight three of them one at a time!"

No matter the light-condensing Metagross.

So does Walnut's Fierce Bite Land Shark.

They all showed invincible combat power at the same level.

"The skill attributes are restrained, is there really no way out?"

"That's the problem"

"Depending on the Pokémon’s attributes, it’s easier to learn the advanced moves of those attributes.……"

"But these advanced moves, high-damage skills, and restraints are really a mess! Other people's advanced skills can hammer you, but your advanced skills are just tickling you.……"

Hear discussions between famous characters.

Fang Ye thought this was a good opportunity, which showed that these Eye of God trainers had a deep understanding that restraint would often reverse the balance of the battle in a battle. after all.

Not everyone can be a master of reverse attributes.

It’s time to expose a wave of move learning tools!

After the referee declared Walnut the winner.

Fang Yebian cleared his throat:

"Fire attribute skills are indeed restrained when encountering the fire element, and this restraint relationship cannot be reversed!"

"But, why don’t you 410 try to let your fire-type Pokémon learn those attribute moves that are not restrained by the dragon-type?"

"Let’s take player Xiangling as an example."

"The Vulcan Moth evolved from the Burning Worm, and now the Burning Centipede"

"Isn't it because fire attribute skills are not effective?"

"Is the problem solved? It's simple. Wouldn't it be great if we let them learn some advanced skills that are not restrained by dragons?"

"Through the move learner, the burning centipede can even learn the water attribute move"Hot Water""

"Vulcan Moth can learn the flying skill Storm……"

Move learner!

Fang Ye mentioned this cake many times and drew it for a long time.

Medical room.

Come back here together and give the elf balls to Hutao and Xiangling, the doctor Azhi.

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, they looked at each other.

They all picked up the picture book and opened the group chat interface:

Hutao: Manager Fang Ye, please use the move learner! I heard that the ice and fairy types are very weak against my dragon lineup, so I will let Biting Land Shark learn some advanced fire attribute skills, and use the ice type to explode!

Learn steel and poison skills, and grass-exploding fairy skills!

Xiang Ling: Club Manager Fang Ye, please use the move learning device! (Rage of revenge.jpg)


The second battle was between Ningguang and Keqing.

So the hot search for the Super Series changed again: amazing eyeballs! The civil war breaks out in the Seven Stars of Liyue, hurry up if you want to see it!

On the field.

There is always only one Pokémon that condenses, the silvery-white Shiny Metagross.

Keqing's Pokémon.

It is Gardevoir that evolved all the way from Larulus.

Saw the elegant and beautiful Gardevoir.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was filled with the laughter of the aunt and the howling of the wolf.

Its beauty is different from that of Menas, because it is in human form and very close to a human being. Its pure white dress cannot help but remind people of a fair lady.

The two of them seemed to have made an appointment.

I don't want to end up, for fear of hurting the harmony.

Leave a stage for Metagross and Gardevoir to face off.


Metagross almost completely suppressed Gardevoir!

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full reservations!).

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