Gardevoir's superpower skill is to scrape Metagross.

The damage from the fairy skills is also ineffective.

The opposite of!

Metagross has mastered a lot of advanced steel-attribute skills, and it can cause double restraint damage to Gardevoir of the super + spirit system!

There's no way to fight

"Condensing light, victory!"

The referee announced after blowing the whistle.

Keqing reluctantly took back Gardevoir, whose stamina tank was exhausted:"I've been matched with you, so I'll accept my defeat."

However, Keqing is a workaholic.

She began to think about the upcoming Lantern Festival:

"Just right!"

"After the competition is over, I can focus all my energy on organizing this year's Sea Lantern Festival. Ningguang's lips curled up slightly:"

I agree!""

Fang Ye suddenly slapped his forehead.

Uh... Because Ning Guang always shines like a rich woman, do I always subconsciously mistakenly think that she is a"five-star" noble character?

In fact, Ning Guang is also a four-star character.

The difference is.

Xiangling lost, and she advanced to the top 4.

At the same time, the next group of matches was randomly generated:

Traveler Ying!


Young Master Dadalia!


Backstage, medical room.

Ning Guang and Ke Qing arrived together and handed the elf ball to the doctor Azhi.

Rest on a large soft sofa.

Hutao and Xiangling are good sisters with a plastic friendship.

He actually took advantage of the break between games to play"Elf Auto Chess" in double row.

Frustrated on the battlefield and proud of the game, Xiangling is infinitely rampant:

"Hahaha, shit, four lights are on?"

"There are actually four cards that I need!"

"Qiang Qiang~ Two-star orange cards are released, and there are 4 divine equipments. How can you fight with me?!"

Seeing this.

Ningguang and Keqing:??


It seems that there is no need to worry about these two. No matter who wins or loses, they will be able to play together again immediately.

"The travelers are almost here. Keqing asked curiously:"You two, you should know what the Traveler's fourth Pokémon is, right?"

Ning Guang:"Yes!" You and the travelers went to the ecological zone"

"A tamed desert dragonfly"

"One conquered the Burning Centipede"

"From this point of view, Traveler’s fourth Pokémon is obviously……"

"At least it is the strength of Yu Sanjia’s final form!"

Hearing this, Hutao and Xiangling stopped playing auto-chess.

The two of them were shivering on the sofa.

"Hold back!"

The walnut jumped up

"In this competition, I am willing to take second place!"

"First, just give it to travelers!"

Xiang Ling also looked scared and said:

"I don’t know what charm there is in travelers."

"He actually managed to tame that kind of spirit!"

Ning Guang and Ke Qing:

What the hell are you doing, Riddler!"


Half an hour later, 8 into 4 and three games started.

After the referee blows the whistle.

Dadalia took the lead in throwing two Poké Balls.

The Ice Nine Tails, already in its final form, jumped out lightly.

The nine white fluffy tails behind it are fluttering in the wind.

Saw this Ice Nine Tails.

At the scene, there was a cheerleading team specially holding Dadalia support lights and banners, and they let out an eye-catching scream:

"Ah ah ah ah ah! It's Ice Nine Tails!"

"Ice Nine Tails is too fairy!"

"Dadalia: I am the best toy salesperson in Winter Country!"

It's not surprising.

Dadalia is now the Teyvat Cheers station, the first UP leader to reach one million fans.

His childish yet handsome face makes him unisex.

Moreover, his Ice Nine The tail is an old sign. It is also a killing of both men and women. In addition to daily showing off pets, Dadalia has begun to transform into a technical UP master recently. An explanation of the elemental resonance and elemental reaction between humans and Pokémon has been published. 3 issues were published, and the manuscripts in each issue received a huge response at the Teyvat Cheers Station.

After Dadalia's second Poké Ball, the red light fell to the ground, his second Pokémon made its real debut in front of the camera..A yellow duck!

A duck!

It has dull, webbed palms, covering its head with both hands, with a dull expression, and an indescribable sense of cuteness.


Fang Ye saw the second Pokémon that Dardalia had been secretive about, which was a Duck Queen.

He didn't even hold back, he laughed out loud in public


The audience was stunned and laughed.

Many people laughed so much that they held their stomachs and their eyes watered.

Up to duck.

It's not a rare Pokémon.

They live in areas close to rivers and lakes, such as the ecological area in Liyue. If you go around a place with swamps, you can easily find traces of the ducks!

Of course, despite the fact that Kodak is a purely water-type Pokémon.

In fact, they also have telekinesis, and their mental power is not weaker than those of super-powered elves.

But Kodakya also gained uncontrollable telekinesis and suffered from headaches.

Therefore, every duck has similar behaviors of twisting its neck and covering its head.

In fact.

Headache is indeed a common problem among the duck community!


Fang Ye smiled slightly and observed carefully.

This duck in Dadalia, although it looks cute and cute, there is not much pain in the dull and blank pupils, but it is as clear as the sky. It looks dull Wisdom is written on his face.jpg


The system has lost the permission of the store owner and scanned it.


"Panda Duck, water type (+ super type), duck Pokémon. Level

: Lv.45.

Characteristics: No matter the weather.

Hidden characteristics: Travel freely (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Potential limit: Carry at the Heavenly King level

Treasure: Winter Evil Eye

Skills: telekinesis, yawning, hypnosis, immobilization, magical space, phantom light...

Although he has magical power, he often tilts his neck for no apparent reason because he has no memory of when he used it."

Hold the grass?

Fang Ye took a closer look and confirmed it was correct.

The Evil Eye of Winter?

Could it be that in the past, Dadalia was in front of the Queen of Ice, in the supreme palace of the Kingdom of Winter.

Harlequin, the first executive of the Fools, The evil eye granted to Dadalia personally?


In this way, this evil eye is most likely a god-level resource!

In the plot of Inazuma, the skirmishers made it and spread it on Kaiji Island, causing The evil eyes that Zheping died of are actually just defective products and garbage replicas. The real winter evil eyes are suspected to contain the remains of the devil and are accompanied by the power of the Ice Queen.

Each one is equivalent to a fool The position of the executives!

The lady also has such an evil eye.

In the past, Madam Rosalin relied on the power of the Ice Queen in the evil eye to suppress the witch's flame in her body.

"Dadalia is willing to give it up!"

Fang Ye thought about it carefully.

He felt that this battle was becoming more and more interesting.

If Dadalia could remove the evil eye and put it on his Pokémon... Or it would be a piece of cabbage like Kodak...

That only means that One thing!

This duck has a very, very high status in Dadalia's mind!

It has a lot of high-level super skills in its skill bar.

It can undoubtedly explain a lot of things!

Damn it.

Let's twist it first. With the cute look covering his neck, no one would deny that he is a pure super-type perverted elf!


On the field.

Ying and Paimon also looked at each other.

"Hey, can reach duck?"

Paimon was shocked.

But Ying didn't dare to be careless. She kept holding the fourth Poké Ball tightly in her hand.

Her other three elves, Flower Rock Monster, Hat Skin God, and Brickaron.

They are ready!

"Go ahead and attack."

Mr. Ying felt that something was wrong with that duck, which was very abnormal.

Therefore, it is best to end the quick attack early.

Because there is a treatment machine.

Even if the hat leather god uses the Z skill, he will be exhausted, but he can scan it with the machine. Then he was alive and kicking again.

It only took one Z skill to solve it!


Ying used what she thought was a"conventional tactic""

"Bricaron, push forward and act as a human shield!"

"Pikachu, Z resonance! Prepare tens of millions of volts!"

"flower rock monster……"

"At any time, lock on the targets who may cross Brikaron and use a strange light to disrupt them!"

The traveler's tactics are so famous, because she was promoted to the top 8, relying on this tactics to defeat all opponents.

Z move, tens of millions of volts.

Overlord level and below.

Including Eye of God trainers Me.

As long as you get a solid hit, the Pokémon will be seriously injured even if it doesn't die. As for humans, there is a high probability of death.

Therefore, the traveler always lets Pikachu shock the opponent's Pokémon instead of catching the trainer to electrocute it.

Otherwise Her road to promotion has long been littered with corpses.

Is this tactic powerful?

Dadalia now has a say in practical experience.


What is the situation of that inexplicable air of death, so ? , if my man is hit by the Z move, will he die suddenly?


Dadalia quickly gritted her teeth and said,"Standing down!"

Hearing the trainer's order.

The duck cocked its neck:


It has clear eyes and is very smart.

There is no illustration in the illustrated book that says that someone is suffering from a headache.

Moreover, Kodak and Dadalia have a tacit understanding. Knowing that Dadalia allows it to throw super powers to the hat leather god who is planning a terrible move.


It can reach the duck's body, and the power of thought is stirring.

A wave of mixed superpowers and strange auras shocked Mr. Mand and Grandma Ping on the guest stage.

And the three ruling officials looked sideways

"Is this power the breath of the devil?"

The immobilization technique fell on Hat Pikachu.

After accumulating momentum, he was about to rush out of the skin god who fired the Z skill of tens of millions of volts.

His body was frozen in mid-air!

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button forcibly!

"very good!"

Dadalia put on the mask and armed the Demon King in an instant.

His evil eye was obviously worn on the duck.

But at this time,

Dadalia still completed the liberation of the evil eye and armed the Demon King.

See this.

Fang Ye was surprised and thought, maybe this is the resonance of the Teyvat version of"spar"?

The evil eye can be regarded as a kind of crystal that contains power.

It is the same as the Z crystal of Z skill.

So Dadari... Not only do I have a deep bond with Dada Duck, but also the resonance of the"evil eye" makes me a real... human pet.

I, Dada Duck?!

Hiss... it's so scary!

(PS: Please Monthly passes, flowers and fully booked!).

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